Biology Topic 4 Genetics

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What are chromosomes?

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What are chromosomes?

Genetic structures that occur as functional pairs in the nucleus of cells

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What is a gene?

A short section of DNA that codes for a particular characteristic

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What is a genome?

The entire genetic material found in an organism

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What is mitosis?

A type of cell division that produces cells genetically identical to the parent cell and to each other

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What is meiosis?

A type of cell division that produces cells that have half the normal chromosome number

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What is the structure of DNA?

Double helix structure.

It is composed of a sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate, the phosphate is the backbone which is held together by 4 different bases

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What are the 4 bases?

Adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine

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What is an allele?

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