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Pros to baleage

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Pros to baleage

  • forages harvested at higher moisture content (decreases curing time)

  • Good for spring cutting of annual ryegrass/crimson clover or tall fescue

  • Minimal spoilage and weathering of \n the baleage as long as the plastic is \n not torn \n – Baleage often has higher palatability \n than dry hay

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Cons to baleage

  • Stored forage remains an expensive commodity. Increased equipment needs and cost for baleage

  • Wrapping bales will slow the baling process and/or increase labor needs

  • Wrapping plastic must be handled and discarded appropriately

  • Poor quality forage that is ensiled as baleage is still poor quality forage

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Crop types for silage

  • Hay crop silages

    • Forage grasses and or legumes, winter grains

  • Grain crop silages

    • Corn or grain sorghum

    • corn is good bc it ensiles really well and you get a lot (harvest at 65% moisture)

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Types of hay crop silage

  • Grasses, alfalfa, wheat, barley, rye, ryegrass

  • Chopped from standing crop, taken to silo

  • Forage too wet ~80 % water

    • Favor Clostridia (loss of DM)

      • Butyric acid formation (smells bad!)

    • Slow to ensile, longer to reach safe pH

    • Water drains out (seepage)

      • Removes soluble nutrients

  • Wilted hay crop silage ~ 65-55% moisture

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Corn makes high quality silage

  • Under anaerobic conditions carbohydrates make organic acids instead of respiring to CO2

  • Corn has lots of carbohydrates

    • Acidifies quickly

    • Wider moisture harvest window

    • Relatively stable silage

  • Standing corn is harvested when it has field-dried down to 65% moisture

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Theoretical length of cut (Corn silage)

Chopper not fitted with an on-board processor

  • Use chopping or knives to break up cob and kernel

  • 3/8 inch theoretical length of cut

Chopper with kernel processor

  • 3/4 inch of theoretical length of cut

  • Processor setting is anywhere from 1 to 2 mm

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A properly adjusted kernel processor:

  • Damages more than 90% of the \n kernels

  • Pulverize cob pieces

    • Minimizes waste in the feed bunk

  • Allows for longer length of cut

    • Longer fiber

    • Less power consumption

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Feeding rate

  • The recommended minimum removal rate is 12” per day

  • At no time should more than three days worth of silage be exposed

  • Always close the bag off after each feeding

    • Open bags cause billowing plastic that pumps air over the silage

  • Removal method

    • With a bucket scrape the silage from the top

    • Allow it to fall to the floor

  • Avoid methods that result in dislodging the face

    • Creating gouges, cracks, and potholes

    • Air penetrates deep into the silage

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female bovine that has not calved

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used after calving, calve at 24 months of age roughly once per year, milks for about 10 months, dry for roughly 2 months, calving induces lactation

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time between calving (think lactation curve)

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1st lactation cow

has had one calf, in her first lactation

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first breeding

15 months of age

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first calf

24 months

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gestation length

9 months, 283 days

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breed again

27 months of age

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second calving

36 months

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transition cows

+/- three weeks of calving (prior to and after)

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Factors involved in the lactation curves

  • milk produced

  • amount of feed eaten

  • body weight

  • cows have a higher DM intake during the start of lactation

  • cows also use up a lot of their stored body fat at the start of lactation (to make up for a deficit of energy collected from the feed)

<ul><li><p>milk produced</p></li><li><p>amount of feed eaten</p></li><li><p>body weight</p></li><li><p>cows have a higher DM intake during the start of lactation</p></li><li><p>cows also use up a lot of their stored body fat at the start of lactation (to make up for a deficit of energy collected from the feed)</p></li></ul>
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Feed efficiency (MIlk/DMI)

  • on average it is 1.5

  • higher at the start of lactation (where they make the most money bc the cow is using the fat reserves for energy)

  • low (losing money) at the end of lactation where less milk is taken up

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Stall density

  • lactating cows 100-120%

  • transition cows 80-100% (no more than 100% bc fights)

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Feed bunk information in a stall

  • feed available at least 26 hrs a day

    • want it there when they come back from milking

  • feeding time: day to day

  • push 4-6 times a day

  • lactating cows need 24 in of bunk space

  • close-up and fresh cows need 30 in of bunk space

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Feeding frequency

  • 1x is ok in fall/winter/spring

  • 2-3x in summer/humid months

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Feedbunk scoring

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How much feed should we offer?

  • average of 5% of refusals

    • 3-5% fresh cows

    • 1-5% early lactation/high producing

    • 0-5% late lactation

  • what do you do with the refusals?

    • discard low quality

    • if feed is still quality … feed to small groups, steers, etc

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Reasons for variable feed intake

  • TMR dry matter (might be an incorrect dry matter amount)

  • Number of animals in the pen (if there aren’t as many as you thought you were feeding, there will be more food left over)

  • Forage quality (lower qual = feed left behind)

  • Animal (Heat Stress) and TMR temperature

    • feed at night

    • feed several times a day

    • use chemical preservatives

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Formulating dairy cow diets

  • Goals:

    • to meet the cow’s nutritional needs while maintaining health

    • to optimize milk production, milk fat, and milk protein

    • accomplished economically

  • all rations should contain at least 1 feed from each category:

    • forage

    • grains

    • protein supplements

    • minerals

    • salt

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Excess fiber in the diet can result in:

  • low milk production

  • DMI lower than expected

  • high milk fat percent

  • early lactation cows fed too high forage and low energy of rations may be more prone to ketosis and have rapid body weight loss

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A deficiency of fiber can result in:

  • acidosis, cows going off feed and fluctuating drying matter intake

  • low milk fat percentage

  • cows not chewing their cud

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Fats, minerals, and vitamins

  • total fat should not go above 7% of the diet DM

    • no more than 2% added fat should be from: animal, vegetable, or rumen inert

  • salt: cows need 3-4oz of salt per day

    • one ounce plus 1 ounce for every 25lbs of milk

  • calcium: 0.75-1% of DM diet

  • phosphorus: 0.35 to 0.40% of DM diet

  • need Vitamin A, D, and E

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  • 60 to 80% from drinking water, 25-35% from water/moisture in field

  • Cows should consume 3-5lbs of water per lbs of DMI

    • 50 lbs of DMI at 4 lbs of water = 200 lbs of water per day or 25 gallons per day (divide lbs by 8)

  • 2-4 in of perimeter space per cow

    • water depth at min of 2 in

  • at least 2 watering locations per pen to prevent dominant cows from guarding waterer

  • water tank should be located within 50 feet of the feed bunk or at every crossover in a freestall barn

  • water should be immediately accessible after returning from milking

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Signs of CHO unbalance

  • lack of persistency in lactation curve

  • laminitis

  • liquid manure

  • inc incidence of ketosis, displace abomasum and repro problems

  • reduction in DMI and milk fat content (protein: fat inversion)

    • protein level in milk is higher than the fat

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Nitrates Toxicity

  • Nitrates are the primary form of available N in soil

    • plants take more up in droughts

  • Taken up by plant roots

    • From organic and inorganic sources

  • Metabolized into plant proteins

  • Toxic when animals consume large amounts of nitrate when animals consume large amounts of nitrate

    • Safe when < than 0.44% of DM

    • From 0.44 to 1.5% dilute with feed low in nitrates from 0.44 to 1.5% dilute with feed low in nitrates

    • 1.5% do not feed

  • nitrates in high lvls = toxic for ruminants

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Why does this matter? \n Nitrate toxicity in ruminants

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Nitrate Accumulation

  • certain plants have a higher potential for accumulation

  • Environmental conditions that prevent nitrate metabolism

    • Drought and frost conditions

    • Decreased light (cloudy weather, early in the day)

    • Decreased temperature

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Nitrate Accumulating Crop Plants

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Tall fescue

  • drought tolerant

  • tolerates moderately poor soil drainage

  • adapted to piedmont, mountains of SC

  • tolerates wide ranges of soil pH

  • reproductive phase in April-early June

    • vegetative the rest of the year

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Unique prob. with tall fescue

  • desirable attributes are due to endophytic fungus

    • inside the plant

  • costs the beef industry from $600 million to 1 billion annually

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Tall fescue endophyte

  • no visible plant symptoms of fungal infectio

  • beneficial effect on grass

    • reduce grazing in late spring

      • forage accumulation > summer survival

    • inc leaf rolling

    • alkaloids with anti-insect properties

    • inc germination rate and tiller growth

    • fescue becomes more persistent

      • selection/adaptation advantage

  • fungus produces mycotoxins (ergot alkaloid ergovaline) that cause health problems for grazers

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Symptoms of tall fescue toxicosis

  • reduced intake

    • reduced weight gain and milk prod

  • vasoconstriction at extremities

    • fescue foot → mainly during cold weather

  • inc body core temp

    • exacerbated during hot weather (summer slump)

    • animals spend more time cooling than grazing

  • inc resp

  • lowered hr

  • altered fat metabolism

    • fat necrosis intestinal tract

  • affected cattle typically have “rough hair coats”

  • conception rates <50% in beef cattle

  • horse: prolonged gestation length, late gestation abortion, dystocia, thickened placenta, agalactia

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  • conditions associated with intense fat mobilization un cattle

  • elevated conc. of ketone bodies in all bodily fluids

    • acetone, acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate

  • cows with ketosis can be identified via routine testing using appropriate cow side blood, milk ($$$), or urine tests

  • the most efficacious treatment for ketosis is oral drenching of propylene glycol

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Fatty liver

  • results from a state of negative energy balance

    • imp metabolic diseases of post parturient dairy cows

    • fatty liver at calving is commonly associated with:

      • ketosis

      • feed intake depression and dec milk prod

  • excessive triglyceride accumulation in liver cells results in disturbed liver function

  • avoiding over conditioning cattle

    • dry period, avg BCS of 3-3.5

    • over conditioned cattle (BCS > 4) should not be feed restricted because this will promote fat mobilization

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Body Condition Score (BCS)

  • less than 3: angle between hooks and pins is a V

  • greater than 3: angle is U shaped

  • honestly from there look over the guide from lab

    • ie if you see ribs it’s in the 2s

    • if its round probably in the 4s

<ul><li><p>less than 3: angle between hooks and pins is a V</p></li><li><p>greater than 3: angle is U shaped</p></li><li><p>honestly from there look over the guide from lab</p><ul><li><p>ie if you see ribs it’s in the 2s</p></li><li><p>if its round probably in the 4s</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Milk Fever

  • aka parturient paresis

  • acute to peracute, afebrile, flaccid paralysis of mature dairy cows that:

    • occurs most commonly at or soon after parturition

  • can contribute to dystocia, uterine prolapse, retained fetal membranes, metritis, abomasal displacement, and mastitis

  • restore normal serum calcium levels as soon as possible

    • IV injection of a calcium gluconate salt

  • prevention:

    • dec blood pH by dietary cation-anion difference

      • reduce K in the diet or add anionic salts

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Left Displaced abomasum (DA) (90% of DA)

  • Abomasum occasionally may be displaced to the left of the rumen and upwards when its muscular wall loses tone, and the stomach becomes filled with gas

  • Low forage diets and sudden changes in grain feeding levels may result in DA

  • Clinical signs include anorexia and decreased milk production

    • Treatment cost ($100300 per case)

    • Treated cows produce ~800 lbs. less the next month

  • Permanent correction is best achieved by surgically entering the abdomensurgically entering the abdomen

<ul><li><p>Abomasum occasionally may be displaced to the left of the rumen and upwards when its muscular wall loses tone, and the stomach becomes filled with gas</p></li><li><p>Low forage diets and sudden changes in grain feeding levels may result in DA</p></li><li><p>Clinical signs include anorexia and decreased milk production</p><ul><li><p>Treatment cost ($100300 per case)</p></li><li><p>Treated cows produce ~800 lbs. less the next month</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Permanent correction is best achieved by surgically entering the abdomensurgically entering the abdomen</p></li></ul>
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Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA)

  • periods of moderately depressed ruminal pH ranging from 5.5-5.8

    • decreased milk prod and efficiency of milk prod

    • premature culling, in death loss

  • prevalence of SARA in dairy herds estimated at 19-29% in lactating cows

  • hard to detect, can occur for many reasons (nutrition big reason tho)

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Regulation of rumen pH

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Typical pattern of rumen pH variation during the day

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Specific signs associated with \n SARA

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Digital dermatitis

  • leading cause of lameness

    • ~$150-200 per case in the form of treatment costs and lost production

  • needs a bacteria found on healthy skin, a point of entry, and moisture to grow

    • manure is a good skin conditioner

  • prevention and control of infections/lesions

    • footbath programs

      • copper sulfate solutions commonly used

  • hoof trimming

    • 2x per year, at dry of and again around 90-120 DIM

    • heifer 6-8 wks before calving

  • use hygiene scoring to help determine ideal footbath frequency

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Prevention of SARA

  • proper particle size in the TMR

    • promotes saliva prod

  • feed bunk mngmnt

    • minimize competition

  • do not feed excess of rapidly fermentable CHO

  • add buffers to the TMR

    • sodium bicarb

    • potassium carbonate

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Locomotion scoring

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Effect of laminatis on milk yield

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Milking Parlor Types and Designs

  • What is the desired milking routine?

  • Adequate amount of time required to perform the pre-milking work routine on each cow

  • Too big will encourage short cuts in the milking routine

  • Too small will result in bored workers and early unit attachment

  • Who will be operating the parlor? The skill level and motivation level of the people in the parlor will determine how efficiently the milking routine will be implemented

  • Will the parlor be used as a place to provide special treatment to cows?

  • What is the expected production level, milking interval and cow grouping strategy?

  • What sort of work environment do you want to provide for the operators and cows?

    • Support arms for milking units and milk hoses and some do not

    • Support arms carry the weight of the cluster and hoses so that operators do not have to

    • Even weight distribution on each quarter that promotes even milk-out while reducing the number of slips and unit falloffs

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  • one single return lane

  • cows stand nose to tail inside individual stalls

  • milker has side on vantage point of udder

  • cows released one at a time

    • no waiting for slow cows to finish

  • good for dairies up to 400 cows

<ul><li><p>one single return lane</p></li><li><p>cows stand nose to tail inside individual stalls</p></li><li><p>milker has side on vantage point of udder</p></li><li><p>cows released one at a time</p><ul><li><p>no waiting for slow cows to finish</p></li></ul></li><li><p>good for dairies up to 400 cows</p></li></ul>
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  • stand parallel to each other

  • leaves one access point for the milker to reach udder (rear)

  • milking doesnt begin until all cows are in their stalls and they are released from the parlor at one time

    • have to wait on slow cows

<ul><li><p>stand parallel to each other</p></li><li><p>leaves one access point for the milker to reach udder (rear)</p></li><li><p>milking doesnt begin until all cows are in their stalls and they are released from the parlor at one time</p><ul><li><p>have to wait on slow cows</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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  • most common design

  • cattle at 45 degree angle

  • different access than parallel or tandem

  • cows are calm as they can see others

  • when one cow slow … the others can slow down

<ul><li><p>most common design</p></li><li><p>cattle at 45 degree angle</p></li><li><p>different access than parallel or tandem</p></li><li><p>cows are calm as they can see others</p></li><li><p>when one cow slow … the others can slow down</p></li></ul>
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  • like carousel rides for cows

  • milking stalls are arranged in large circle on a platform that rotates slowly

  • cows walk in and finish milking by the time they complete 1-2 laps

  • milker can stay in one place instead of having to wak

  • expensive

<ul><li><p>like carousel rides for cows</p></li><li><p>milking stalls are arranged in large circle on a platform that rotates slowly</p></li><li><p>cows walk in and finish milking by the time they complete 1-2 laps</p></li><li><p>milker can stay in one place instead of having to wak</p></li><li><p>expensive</p></li></ul>
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Automatic milking systems

  • prior to 1920, US farmers milked by hand

    • one person = 4 cows per hour

  • first commercial robot in Europe in 1990s

  • robot milking sys automate the entire milking process and single-box robotic systems can do about 50-70 cows per day

  • more flexible for farmers

  • cows experience less physical stress

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Types of automatic milking systems

Robotic-rotary sys:

  • milk groups of cows, much like conventional farm

  • enables to milk more cows per hour

  • more $$$ than box

Robotic box-milking sys:

  • well-suited to individual cow mngmnt and cow care

    • precision feeding → can add feed to diets given in there

  • might need additional infrastructure (new buildings, etc)

<p>Robotic-rotary sys:</p><ul><li><p>milk groups of cows, much like conventional farm</p></li><li><p>enables to milk more cows per hour</p></li><li><p>more $$$ than box</p></li></ul><p>Robotic box-milking sys:</p><ul><li><p>well-suited to individual cow mngmnt and cow care</p><ul><li><p>precision feeding → can add feed to diets given in there</p></li></ul></li><li><p>might need additional infrastructure (new buildings, etc)</p></li></ul>
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Holding area Size

  • Minimize amount of time cows spend standing in the holding area away from feed and resting areas

  • Time will depend on the number of milking's per day, climate and production level

  • Recommendations:

    • 60 minutes, 45 minutes and 30 minutes for two, three or four time a day milking

    • Total of about two hours per day

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Income Over Feed Costs

  • One of numerous financial performance indicators that managers can apply to support profitable decision-making

  • Is defined as the portion of income from milk sold that remains after paying for purchased and farm-raised feed used to produce milk

  • We must know three parameters:

    • milk yield (lbs/cow/day)

    • milk price ($/cwt)

    • feed costs ($/cow/day)

<ul><li><p>One of numerous financial performance indicators that managers can apply to support profitable decision-making</p></li><li><p>Is defined as the portion of income from milk sold that remains after paying for purchased and farm-raised feed used to produce milk</p></li><li><p>We must know three parameters:</p><ul><li><p>milk yield (lbs/cow/day)</p></li><li><p>milk price ($/cwt)</p></li><li><p>feed costs ($/cow/day)</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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IOFC on a herd vs cow basis

  • IOFC on a herd basis can give a more accurate indication of the financial performance of the herd than calculating IOFC on an individual cow basis

  • Example: Difference between produced and shipped milk

  • Dairy herd with 360 milking cows, 19 of which are in the sick pen with their milk discarded

    • But fed the same diet as the healthy cows

  • Assume that all cows (i.e., sick and non-sick) are fed the diet described in table 1

<ul><li><p>IOFC on a herd basis can give a more accurate indication of the financial performance of the herd than calculating IOFC on an individual cow basis</p></li><li><p>Example: Difference between produced and shipped milk</p></li><li><p>Dairy herd with 360 milking cows, 19 of which are in the sick pen with their milk discarded</p><ul><li><p>But fed the same diet as the healthy cows</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Assume that all cows (i.e., sick and non-sick) are fed the diet described in table 1</p></li></ul>
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IOFC on lactating vs dry cows

  • In the herd there is a group of dry cows (i.e., no lactating cows) that also needs to be fed, although they generate no income

  • Herd A with 86 milking cows and 14 dry cows

  • Herd B with 80 milking cows and 20 dry cows

<ul><li><p>In the herd there is a group of dry cows (i.e., no lactating cows) that also needs to be fed, although they generate no income</p></li><li><p>Herd A with 86 milking cows and 14 dry cows</p></li><li><p>Herd B with 80 milking cows and 20 dry cows</p></li></ul>
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Using IOFC as a decision making tool

  • Herd managers might decide to stop milking a cow earlier than expected when IOFC equals zero

    • “as long as it pays its feed, it will be milked”

  • Drying cows in advance because of a neutral or negative IOFC  can be more expensive than keeping them milking

  • a high proportion of lactating or milking cows will not necessarily translate into greater IOFC

  • having a balanced proportion of dry cows, typically btwn 14-16% of the herd, implies that new calving or freshening are expected

  • new cows entering the herd should be translated into high-producing lactating cows which should lead to highly efficient cows

<ul><li><p>Herd managers might decide to stop milking a cow earlier than expected when IOFC equals zero</p><ul><li><p>“as long as it pays its feed, it will be milked”</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Drying cows in advance because of a neutral or negative IOFC  can be more expensive than keeping them milking</p></li><li><p>a high proportion of lactating or milking cows will not necessarily translate into greater IOFC</p></li><li><p>having a balanced proportion of dry cows, <u>typically btwn 14-16%</u> of the herd, implies that new calving or freshening are expected</p></li><li><p>new cows entering the herd should be translated into high-producing lactating cows which should lead to highly efficient cows</p></li></ul>
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IOFC summary

  • monitor IOFC freq

    • esp with scenarios of low milk prices, high commodities prices, or both

  • est IOFC on both an individual-cow and a lactating-herd basis

  • est IOFC considering non-lactating cows

  • the best use of IOFC is to benchmark against the goals of the farm itself and not with other farms

    • diffs btwn farms related to multiple factors such as pricing of forages, pricing of purchased or farm grown grains, or milk price

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Colostrum Management

  • Q - quantify → 10g/L to consider that the PTI (passive transfer of immunity) occurred → greater than 5.5 g/dL when using refractometer

  • Q - quality → 50 g IgG/L - over 23% of the Bricks on the refractometer, 18-23% would be a supplemented with other things

  • Q - quantity → 150 g of IgG - no specific liquid volume

  • Q - quickly → want to feed within the time frame of less than 2 hours after birth, also want to milk the mother in less than 2 hours after calving

  • Q - quite clean → want less than 100,000 cfu/mL of bacteria → cleaner the colostrum, the better the chance of survival

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Reasons for bad quality colostrum

  1. nutrition

  2. how quickly the cow was milked after calving

  3. genetics/age/breed

  4. environment

  5. disease status

  6. stress and handling

  7. water quality (big)

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What step of the Qs can you make the biggest difference in?

  • the “quite clean”

  • the more clean = less bacteria, less bacteria = greater chance of survival

  • Measure bacteria using the ATP bioluminescence measure

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Things that cows and calves go through during the birth process:

Cow Must:

  1. Produce Colostrum

  2. Change Diet

  3. Make A LOT of Milk

  4. Switch Pens

  5. Etc., etc., etc.,

Calf Must:

  1. Initiate Breathing

  2. Regulate Acid/Base Balance

  3. Control Own Temperature

  4. Begin Metabolic Processes

  5. Consume Colostrum

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Why do we remove calves quickly after birth?

  • your lowest death loss is seen in calves taken from the mother within 2-6 hours

  • the longer you wait, the higher the death loss

<ul><li><p>your lowest death loss is seen in calves taken from the mother within 2-6 hours</p></li><li><p>the longer you wait, the higher the death loss</p></li></ul>
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Right after calving you do what to the calf …

  • free the navel of bedding and dirt

  • dip the exposed navel in a <7% Iodine Tincture (Iodine and Alcohol, the latter dries it out)

  • this disinfects the navel and keeps it from being a source of infection for the calf

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Esophageal groove

closes off access to the rumen when a calf suckles, allowing colostrum to bypass the rumen and go straight to the abomasum

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10 g/L of colostrum vs < 10 g/L of colostrum

5% difference between how many calves are lost just due to the amount of PTI (passive transfer of immunity) that occurs from the colostrum

<p>5% difference between how many calves are lost just due to the amount of PTI (passive transfer of immunity) that occurs from the colostrum</p>
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Goal with calves:

double the body weight by 60 days of age

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Pre-weaning calf diet

  • mostly milk

  • concentrate included

    • arge chunks of grain that help the calf begin to build its rumen environment (going from essentially being monogastrics at birth, with a large abomasum, to being ruminants with a large rumen)

  • when deciding to wean the calf … base off of the % of grain intake, not anything else

  • start off on about 4 Qts of milk, then up to 8 Qts to help them gain weight, and then when they reach a decent “ideal” weight, bring them down in the amount of milk in steps (8→4, 4→2, 2→0) (prevents acidosis or scours)

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If you feed calves better …

you’ll get better milk production

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  1. Every farm is different!!

  2. Offer starter (concentrate) and water free choice from day 1 of life

  3. Can house individually the entire time or in groups

  4. Calves should be consuming 1.5 kg starter before removing milk and consume starter for 1-week post-weaning before switching to grower

  5. 22-24% protein in milk replacer adequate

  • 22-24% protein in starter, 18-22% protein in grower

  • Starch content of starter 35-45%

  1. Weaning:

  • First Step = Reduce Milk by 25 – 50%

  • Second Step = Reduce Milk to 50 – 25% of original

  • When feeding less milk, may only need one weaning step

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Need to feed calves near their body temperature …

body temp anywhere from 101-101.5, so you prepare your feed at anywhere from 100-110.

  • want your solids % to be the same every single day when preparing feed

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Milk Replacer vs Whole Milk

  • cost of milk

  • cost of milk replacer

  • Milk is 12.5% solids

  • whole milk has less protein, less fat, and a majorly different lactose difference compared to milk replacer

  • variation in lactose fed = diarrhea, scours, bloat, etc

  • rule of four - take the two listed above and multiply by 4 to find out whichever is the better/more economical buy

    • whichever number is lower

  • whole milk is also lower in the trace mineral content in comparison to milk replacer

    • mineral content is huge and can save calves/a farm!

<ul><li><p>cost of milk</p></li><li><p>cost of milk replacer</p></li><li><p>Milk is 12.5% solids</p></li><li><p>whole milk has less protein, less fat, and a majorly different lactose difference compared to milk replacer</p></li><li><p>variation in lactose fed = diarrhea, scours, bloat, etc</p></li><li><p>rule of four - take the two listed above and multiply by 4 to find out whichever is the better/more economical buy</p><ul><li><p>whichever number is lower</p></li></ul></li><li><p>whole milk is also lower in the trace mineral content in comparison to milk replacer</p><ul><li><p>mineral content is huge and can save calves/a farm!</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Goals for calves/calf farm:

< 10% who get respiratory disease

< 15% who get scours/diarrhea

< 3% (2%) death loss

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Group vs Individual Housing for Calves

both have advantages and disadvantages but ! listed in the table, they emphasized this in class so definitely focus on it a bit more!

  • you want one hutch width between hutches

<p>both have advantages and disadvantages but ! listed in the table, they emphasized this in class so definitely focus on it a bit more!</p><ul><li><p>you want one hutch width between hutches</p></li></ul>
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Post-wean goals

you want to make sure that animals are gaining weight at an appropriate rate so that puberty can occur at a specific time (bc its body weight based), that way they can calve at the time desired

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What do we feed in a post-wean diet and prior to calving?

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Post-weaning diet composition

  • protein req: goes down as growth slows, need protein for colostrum production

  • fiber req: goes up to ensure proper rumen function and buffering, DMI

  • energy req goes down to ensure proper body condition

    • higher energy in diet = a larger condition score = harder to breed and likely to have diseases at calving

    • target BCS score to the side - KNOW THIS

<ul><li><p>protein req: goes down as growth slows, need protein for colostrum production</p></li><li><p>fiber req: goes up to ensure proper rumen function and buffering, DMI</p></li><li><p>energy req goes down to ensure proper body condition</p><ul><li><p>higher energy in diet = a larger condition score = harder to breed and likely to have diseases at calving</p></li><li><p>target BCS score to the side - KNOW THIS</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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