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There are 6 poets featured in the presentation. List all of them from those born first to last
Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats
Which major conflict characterizing the era began in 1775?
American Revolution
Which major conflict characterizing the era began in 1789?
French Revolution
Which major economic movement began in 1785?
The Industrial Revolution
Who wrote “Vindication of the Rights of Women” in 1792 and what was it about?
Mary Wallstonecraft — believed women have an equal intellectual capacity to men
Who is considered one of the earliest proponents of anarchism during this era?
William Godwin — he is also considered a proponent for utilitarianism
What became a source of mystical inspiration by promoting a MINDSET rather than a physical environment?
Who wrote the quotation about the world losing virtue because the strong kept tyrannizing the weak?
Who said London = Hell?
What was William Blake’s socioeconomic status and how did that relate to his education?
He was lower middle-class, so he was self-taught
What profession did Blake start off in before becoming a poet?
Illustrator/engraverHe began his career as an illustrator and engraver, which influenced his later work as a poet.
True or False: Blake was revered by dozens of other Romanticist poets during his era
False: Blake died unpopular
Which revolution did Blake appreciate and why?
He followed the French Revolution because he agreed with its rejection of rationalism and moderation
Which book did Blake revere?
John Milton’s Paradise Lost — considered the anti-tyranny symbol
What is Blake’s Song of Innocence about?
What could be: Has a very naive vision of what the world could be, and it uses archaic language to evoke undertones of the Elizabethan era, where faith had a much more outsized role. He is also using a pastoral tone
What was Blake’s Song of Experience about?
Talks about what we are the adversity that needs to be overcome to achieve the innocence
What did Neoplatonists see as a limitation and what was their solution?
They saw the 5 senses as restricting philosophical perception and believed poetic genius and imagination were the key
What did Neoplatonists believe about being born in Earth?
They believed that being born on Earth was a fall from a higher state of existence, where the soul had a direct connection to the divine.
What did Neoplatonists believe about the relationship between happiness and perfection?
They believed only spiritual perfection can provide true happiness and that they are attainable through deep contemplation
What piece of writing is considered the beginning of English Romanticism?
The Preface to Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth — calls poetry a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsand emphasizes the importance of nature and emotion.
True or False: Wordsworth’s poetry primarily dealt with the ills of urban life?
False: talked a lot about rural life and the pleasures of ordinary experiences in the countryside (as seen in his Prelude)
True or False: Wordsworth received heavy criticism for using overly complex language in a manner inconsistent with Romanticism’s values
False: Wordsworth believed in simple, direct language
What was a key differentiator between Wordsworth and Coleridge?
Coleridge wanted to explore more mysterious topics like the supernatural
How did Wordsworth spend the last 2 decades of his life?
He served as Poet Laureate in England, writing very boring poems about the church
What differentiates Wordsworth/Coleridge from Byron/Shelley/Keats?
Byron/Shelley/Keats all died young
Explain Lord Byron’s initial socioeconomic status
Despite being born into aristocracy, Byron was still familiar with poverty
Was there anything notable about Byron’s sex life?
Yes, he had a lot of it. From having a relationship with various women like his half-sister to getting a divorce along with numerous illegitimate children.
What is meant by a Byronic Hero?
A Byronic Hero is a gloomy character often characterized by traits such as emotional turmoil, rebelliousness, and a disdain for societal norms
Who did Lord Byron like more: Wordsworth/Coleridge or Satirists like Pope
Pope because he thought Wordsworth/Coleridge adhered to conventions too much
Compared to Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s, Byron’s poetry is more…?
Precise and old-fashioned
How did Lord Byron die?
Died fighting for Greek independence from the Turks
What was Percy Shelley’s socioeconomic status?
Aristocrat but anti-authority — think revolutionary!
What important manifesto for the era was written by Percy Shelley?
Defense of Poetry
What poetic form/rhyme scheme did Shelley sometimes use?
Terza-rima — 3-line stanzas with recurring rhyme schemes
What was John Keat’s socioeconomic status and did he always know he wanted to be a poet?
Middle-class and no, he was initially supposed to be something medical
Why did Shelley blame reviewers for Keat’s death?
Thought that the reviewers were WAY TOO SAVAGE when it came to reviewing Keat’s first piece: EndymionT
True/False: Keats believed poetry should be less argumentative and more intense?
Which poet wrote about the absorption in love and beauty and the potential clash of those values with the real world?
Keats — believed poets had to fully absorb and respond to life
How did Keats engage in aesthetic detachment?
He sought the melancholy in the delights and the pleasures in the pains
What is an ode?
A long ceremonious lyric that uses a complex stanza structure to convey a lofty feeling
Who wrote “To the Men of England”?
Who wrote Ozymandias?
Who wrote “To Wordsworth”
Who wrote Ode to the West Wind
Who wrote La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Who wrote Ode to Grecian Urn
Who wrote Kubla Khan
Who wrote The World is Too Much With Us
Who wrote the Songs of Innocence/Experiencw
Who wrote Tintern Abbey
What two genres does Frankenstein contain elements of?
Romantic and Gothic
Which piece of writing is considered the birth of the Gothic genre?
The 1754 Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole
What are some other examples of Gothic novels mentioned in the presentation?
Mysteries of Udolpho and The Italian by Ann Radcliffe; Melmouth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin; Withering Heights by Emily Bronte
What are some characteristics of a Gothic novel in general?
Exotic locale, supernatural mysteries, haunted buildings and castles, doom, decay, madness, dark forest with excess vegetation and forlorn/melancholy characters
How old was Mary Shelley when Frankenstein was published in 1818?
Who are Mary Shelley’s parents?
Feminist Mary Wallstonecraft and Anarchist William GodwinH
When did Mary Wallstonecraft die during Shelley’s childhood?
11 days after Shelley was born
How old was Mary Shelley when she eloped with Percy to France?
She was 16 years old when she eloped with a 21 year old Percy
Which one of the Romantic poets was part of Shelley’s inspirational trip to Geneva?
Lord Byron
What inspired Shelley to write Frankenstein?
A ghost-wring contest where she had a waking dream of a student kneeling by his creation
What are some of the SUICIDES Mary’s family contemporaries had to deal with?
Her older half-sister Fanny Imlay and her husband’s first wife
When did Mary Shelley FINISH Frankenstein (not publish!)
1 year before publishing in 1817
Explain some of Mary’s heartbreaking difficulties during motherhood?
Her children Clara and Will died young. Mary herself almost died during a miscarriage.
When and how did Percy Shelley die?
He died in 1822 by drowning
Who was Mary’s only surviving child?
Percy Florence Shelley — offered a lot of consolationH
How did Mary build her husband’s reputation even after he died?
She edited and annotated his unpublished work
When and how did Mary Shelley die?
Brain cancer in 1851
What are some Gothic traits in Frankenstein?
Exotic locales like the Arctic, Switzerland, and Germany. Unfamiliar settings like laboratories and scientific experiments. Obvious supernatural mystery with the monster.
What was the GREEK version of Prometheus?
Prometheus gives fire to man; Zeus punishes by chaining him to a rock and letting an eagle devour his liver every day.
What was the LATIN version of Prometheus
Prometheus molded mankind out of clay
Why was the Prometheus myth so interesting to Romantic poets?
Illustrates the unforeseen promises with supposedly utopian innovations like during the Industrial and French Revolutions