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Intro sen. 1
World War II drastically changed the United States Foreign Policy.
Intro sen. 2
Prior to WWII the forgin policy for the United States was the Monroe Doctorine which said the U.S. would stay out of European affairs.
Intro sen. 3
The U.S. began to shift its foreign policy and how they viewed themselves in the world because of the outbreak of WWII, how WWII ended, and the early Cold War.
BP1 sen. 1
The start of World War II started to change the United States’ foreign policy.
BP1 sen. 2
In 1935 the United States had decided to stay neutral in any war, making them create the Neutrality Acts to try to stay out of war.
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So when World War II begain in 1939, when the German Nazis invaded Poland, The U.S. was going to stay neutral.
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One way they would try and stay neutral was through The Neutrality Act of 1937, Cash and Carry, this allowed any country to come over to the United States and buy goods, however the U.S. would not sell weapons to any country.
BP1 sen. 5
With the official start of WWII the U.S. decided to allow countries to buy weapons through Cash and Carry.
BP1 sen. 6
The neutrality of the United States started to shift in 1940 when they passed the Lend-Lease Act, this allowed any country who was fighting against Hitlar to borrow war supplies.
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During this point of the war the U.S. is very focused on what is happening in Europe, so President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Prime Ministor of Great Britain, Winston Churchill, met up to sign the The Atlantic Charter in 1941.
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The wording in The Atlantic Charter made it seem like the U.S. and Great Britain had become allies, causing the United States to look like they were taking sides in the war.
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Roosevelt had no problem with this because he wanted to be involved with the war.
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The united states ignored its foregin policy when they started to gradually shift from being neutral.
BP2 sen. 1
How World War II ended made the U.S. rethink how they veiwed themselves in the world.
BP2 sen. 2
The United States joined WWII after Japan bombed Pearl Horbor in 1941.
BP2 sen. 3
The U.S. decided to fight in the European Theater first, where they are fighting to take down the fascist government of Nazi, Germany.
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The allied powers of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union decided to open a second front in France, they named this operation overlord it is also known as D-Day.
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A year after Operation Overlord happened Germany surrendered, and this now turns the United States focus to the Pacific Theater.
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In the Pacific Theater Japan is rapidly taking over countries in Asia, the USSR is fighting along side the United States to help stop Japan.
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During 1942 the U.S. created The Manhattan Project to create the first atomic bomb, however countries across the world were rushing to create one.
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In 1945 the U.S. had created the atomic bomb, they decided to drop it over Hiroshima, Japan, and a few days later we dropped one over Nagasaki, Japan, because of this Japan has to surrender to the allies.
BP2 sen. 9
The official end of World War II was September 2, 1945.
BP2 sen. 10
At the end of the war it became clear to the united states that they are going to protect democracy.
BP3 sen. 1
When WWII ended, the U.S thought they were protectors of democracy and needed to protect it during the Cold War.
BP3 sen. 2
The alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union quickly ended after WWII, and because of this the race for hegemony began, the U.S. did not want to see other countries fall to communism and only wanted to see countries turn into capitalist countries.
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Tension grew between the two countries since the USSR sought to spread communism, and the United States thought they needed to contain the spread of communism, causing the Cold War to start.
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The United States was afraid of the domino theory, were it is thought if one country falls to communism then other countries will too, so the U.S. created the Marshall Plan.
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This plan sent U.S. aid to Western Euorpe to help rebuild and prevent communism from spreading.
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President Harry Truman also created the Truman Doctrine which allows for the United States to intervene in any country that may fall to communism.
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This outcome of the Cold War caused the United States to switch to this Doctrine as their foreign policy.
Con sen. 1
The U.S. began to change how they viewed themselves in the world and change its foreign policy because of the start of WWII, how WWII ended, and the early Cold War.
Con sen. 2
Joining the war went against the US foreign policy so the need for change had to happen.
Con sen. 2
The U.S. decided to change their foreign policy to the Truman Doctrine and the idea of containment.
Con sen. 3
The outbreak of both WWII and the Cold War had drastic impacts of the United States.