Who are also called triglycerides as they are made up of three fatty acids and a glycerol molecule? Answer with a single words or term.
Parallel chains
What are cross- linked by hydrogen bonds to form bundles called microfibrils? Answer with a single words or term.
Inorganic compounds
What are by default are all the molecules other than those in the category? Answer with a single words or term.
________ is also found in a polymer form of starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
________ is part of one of the important organic molecules in photosynthesis, ribulose bisphosphate.
What are a family of organic molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms? Answer with a single words or term.
________ is an alcohol with three C each with a- OH group.
What are more hydrophobic than fats which makes them great at protecting surfaces of fruits, vegetables, and insects? Answer with a single words or term.
Organic compounds
________ are based on carbon and are found in living things.
What are lipids that form 4 rings? Answer with a single words or term.
What is an energy storage molecule in plants? Answer with a single words or term.
What is part of cell membranes in animal cells? Answer with a single words or term.
What is a tough modified polysaccharide made up of chains of β- glucose molecules? Answer with a single words or term.
________ are structurally similar to fats the only thing is that they have two fatty acids instead of three.
What are single- sugar molecules? Answer with a single words or term.
What is the energy storage compound in animal tissues and in many fungi? Answer with a single words or term.
fatty acid
What is a long chain of about 15C atoms attached to a carboxyl group? Answer with a single words or term.
What are double- sugar molecules joined with a glycosidic bond? Answer with a single words or term.
Important structural material
________ found in plants.