Chapter 4: Evolution and Biodiversity

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How old is the sun?

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How old is the sun?

4.6 billion years old

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Which concept did James Hutton discover where current geological processes resemble old ones?

Principle of Uniformitarianism

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Which concept did Nicholas Steno find where sedimentary rock layers are older than layers above them?

Law of Superposition

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What measures elements emitting particles and energy at a constant rate of half-life?

radiometric dating / carbon dating

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What measures damage tracks from U-238 fission?

fission track dating

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Fossils are only found in which type of rock?


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What is a compilation of fossils from previous times with clues about geologic events and evolution?

fossil record

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Name the TEN types of fossils:

mummified, amber, tar bed, frozen, petrified, imprint/cast, coprolite (poop), gastrolith (digestive stones/eggs), index (in particulate rock layer, indication), trace (footprints, burrows)

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What is the current epoch called?


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Alexander Oparin successfully proved that:

intense energy created organic molecules from inorganic chemicals

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What is the change in a population’s genetic makeup over generations, either small or long-term, evolutionary changes?

biological evolution

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Name the FOUR processes of microevolution:

DNA mutation, natural selection for surviving organisms, gene flow b/w populations, genetic drift (gene frequency changes in gene pool)

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What describes the process of individuals in a population having traits for better survival and more offspring?

natural selection

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What is an adaptive trait?


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____________ ____________ is a factor affecting natural selection taking place.

selective pressure

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Name the THREE conditions of natural selection:

natural variability of trait, heredity of trait, trait leading to differential reproduction

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Which type of natural selection causes allele frequencies to shift to ONE extreme, removing the other?

directional natural selection

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Which type of natural selection causes allele frequencies to shift to the middle of the range with no extremes?

stabilizing natural selection

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Which type of natural selection causes allele frequencies to shift to both extremes, with no middle?

diversifying natural selection

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What is the process of two species coming from one?


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Name the TWO steps of speciation:

geographic isolation then reproductive isolation

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Speciation leads to greater _________ __________

species richness

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What describes the number of species in a community?

species richness / species diversity

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What describes the relative abundance of organisms in each species?

species evenness

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Name the TWO aspects of the theory of island biogeography:

  • species diversity based on IR and ER

    • IR and ER are affected by island size and distance from mainland immigrant species

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Which species have broad niches and a wide range of tolerance (ex: mice, humans)?

generalist species

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Which species have narrow niches and a narrow range of tolerance, so higher extinction chance (ex: spotted owls, giant pandas)?

specialist species

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Which species’ presence shows a unique aspect in their ecosystem?

indicator species

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Which species has a critical role in sustaining the ecosystem (ex: alligators)?

keystone species

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Gould and Eldredge found which modern evolutionary theory stating that evolution occurs with small changes in large time periods and sometimes big changes in small time periods?

punctuated equilibrium

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Which modern evolutionary theory states that allele frequencies in a population are constant with occasional disturbances (ex: mutations, genetic drift)?

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

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Which modern evolutionary theory is genetic manipulation or breeding by humans leading to new traits or species?

genetic engineering & artificial selection

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What percent of all species in Earth’s existence are extinct?


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Name FOUR factors affecting speciation and extinction:

large geographic movements, slow (continental drift) and fast (volcano, asteroid) climate changes, human influence

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What was the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history?

Permian (killed marine species)

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What was the last mass extinction?

Cretaceous (killed dinos)

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