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Freedman's Bureau
Federal agency that greatly assisted blacks educationally but failed in other aid efforts
Baptist & Methodist
The two largest African American denominations (church bodies) by the end of Reconstruction
10% Reconstruction Plan
Lincoln's 1863 program for a rapid Reconstruction of the South
Wade-Davis Bill
The congressional bill of 1864 requiring 50 percent of a state's voters to take an oath of allegiance before rejoining Union; vetoed by Lincoln
Black Codes
The harsh Southern state laws of 1865 that limited black rights and imposed harsh restrictions to ensure a stable black labor supply
Fourteenth Amendment
The constitutional amendment granting civil rights to freed slaves and barring former Confederates from office
Military Reconstruction Act
Law of March 1867 that imposed military rule on the South and disenfranchised former thousands of former Confederates
Laudatory term for white southerners who worked to overthrow Reconstruction and establish Home Rule regimes in the southern states
Union League
The black political organization that promoted self-help and defense of political rights during Reconstruction
Ex Parte Millligan
Supreme Court ruling that military tribunals could not try civilians when the civil courts were open
Derogatory term for white Southerners who cooperated with the Republican Reconstruction governments
Derogatory term for Northerners who came to the South during Reconstruction and sometimes took part in Republican state governments
Fifteen Amendment
Constitutional amendment guaranteeing blacks the right to vote
Ku Klux Klan
White supremacist organization that created a reign of terror against blacks until it was largely suppressed by federal troops
Blacks who left the South for Kansas and elsewhere during Reconstruction
Oliver O. Howard
Pro-black general who led an agency that tried to assist the freedmen
Andrew Johnson
Born a poor white southerner, he became the white South's champion against radical Reconstruction
Abraham Lincoln
Author of the moderate 10 percent Reconstruction plan that ran into congressional opposition
alexander Stephens
Former Confederate vice president whose election to Congress in 1865 infuriated northerners
Charles Sumner
Beaten in the Senate chamber before the Civil War, he became the leader of Senate Republican radicals during Reconstruction
Thaddeus Stevens
Leader of radical Republicans in the House of Representatives
Military Reconstruction Act of 1867
Congressional law that imposed military rule on the South and demanded harsh conditions for readmission of the seceded states
Hiram Revels
Black Republican senator from Mississippi during Reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan
Secret organization that intimidated blacks and worked to restore white supremacy
Force Acts of 1870 and 1871
Laws designed to stamp out Ku Klux Klan terrorism in the South
"swing around the circle"
President Andrew Johnson's angry, disastrous political trip attacking Congress in the campaign of 1866
Union League
Leading black political organization during Reconstruction
Benjamin Wade
The president pro tempore of the Senate who hoped to become president of the United States after Johnson's impeachment conviction
William Seward
Secretary of state who arranged an initially unpopular but valuable land deal in 1867
First Battle of Bull Run
First major battle of the Civil War, in which untrained Northern troops and civilian picnickers fled back to Washington.
Peninsula Campaign
McClellan's disastrously unsuccessful attempt to end the war quickly by a back-door conquest of Richmond.
Battle of Antietam
Key battle of 1862 that forestalled European intervention to aid the Confederacy and led to the Emancipation Proclamation.
Emancipation Proclamation
Document that proclaimed a war against slavery and guaranteed a fight to the finish.
Unconditional Surrender
General U.S. Grant's nickname, taken from his military demand to the enemy at Fort Donelson and elsewhere.
Crucial Confederate fortress on the Mississippi whose fall to Grant in 1863 cut the South in two.
Pennsylvania battle that ended Lee's last hopes of achieving victory through an invasion of the North.
Fort Pillow
Mississippi site where black soldiers were massacred after their surrender.
Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War and sympathized with the South.
The Man Without a Country
Edward Everett Hale's story of treason and banishment, inspired by the wartime banishing of Copperhead Clement Vallandigham.
Union party
The temporary 1864 coalition of Republicans and War Democrats that backed Lincoln's re-election.
Ford's Theater
Washington site where Lincoln was assassinated by Booth on April 14, 1865.
Appomattox Court House
Virginia site where Lee surrendered to Grant in April 1865
The Lost Cause
Romantic name given to the Southern fight for independence, indicating nobility despite defeat.
Georgia city captured and burned by Sherman just before the election of 1864.
Bull Run
Site of Union defeat in very early battle of the war
George McClellan
Union general who repudiated his party's Copperhead platform and polled 45% of the popular vote in 1864
Robert E. Lee
Gentlemanly top commander of the Confederate army
Crucial battle in Maryland that staved off European recognition of the Confederacy
"Stonewall" Jackson
Daring Southern commander killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville
George Pickett
Southern officer whose failed charge at Gettysburg marked "the high water mark of the Confederacy"
Ulysses S. Grant
Union commander who first made his mark with victories in the West
Site where Lee's last major invasion of the North was turned back
Fortress whose capture split the Confederacy into 2
William T. Sherman
Ruthless Northern general who waged a march through Georgia
Clement Vallandigham
Notorious Copperhead, convicted of treason, who ran for governor of Ohio while exiled to Canada
Salmon P. Chase
Ambitious secretary of the treasury who wanted to replace Lincoln as president
The Wilderness
Site of one of Grant's bloody battles with the Confederates near Richmond in 1864
Andrew Johnson
Southern War Democrat who ran as Lincoln's "Union Party" vice-presidential candidate in 1864
John Wilkes Booth
Fanatical actor whose act of violence actually harmed the South
sherman’s march from atlanta to the sea
Campaign through Georgia that stirred southern hatred by waging total war against the southern civilian economy and morale
a man without a country
Edward Everett Hale’s fictional story of treason and banishment, inspired by the actual wartime banishing of Copperhead Clement Vallandigham
english reform bill of 1867
English law under which Britain became a modern democracy, influenced by the Union victory in the Civil War