The most accessible part of a city, typically containing the highest land values and a concentration of commercial activities.
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Bid-Rent Theory
A model explaining the relationship between land value, commercial location, and transportation, indicating that land costs decrease as distance from the CBD increases.
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Concentric-Zone Model
A model proposed by Ernest Burgess that shows a city growing outward from its CBD in a series of rings, each representing different land uses.
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Hoyt Sector Model
A model developed by Homer Hoyt that illustrates how cities grow in wedge-shaped sectors along transportation routes rather than in concentric circles.
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Multiple-Nuclei Model
A model by Chauncey Harris and Edward Ullman that suggests cities have multiple centers or nodes where different types of activities cluster.
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Galactic City Model
A model describing urban development that moves from the central city towards the suburbs, characterized by decentralized economic activity.
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Latin American City Model
A model identifying the distinctive layout and structure of cities in Latin America, which includes elements like a central market and wealth distribution along a spine.
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African City Model
A model showing that many African cities have multiple CBDs, often divided along ethnic lines and characterized by informal settlements in the outer rings.
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Southeast Asian City Model
A model representing cities that develop around ports with a lack of defined CBD, featuring mixed land uses.
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Urban Infrastructure
The basic physical systems of a city, including transportation, communication, sewage, water systems, and electrical grids, crucial for a functioning society.
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The legislative process of dividing a city into zones where specific land uses are permitted, influencing urban development patterns.
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Housing Density
The number of housing units per unit area, categorized into low, medium, and high density, affecting population distributions within urban areas.
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Infill Development
The process of redeveloping vacant or under-used parcels within previously built areas to increase urban density and housing availability.
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Disamenity Zones
Areas in urban settings that are characterized by high poverty, poor living conditions, and inadequate access to public services.
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Informal Settlements
Unplanned and unregulated residential areas, often characterized by substandard housing and lack of services, commonly known as shantytowns.
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Public Services
Essential services provided by the government, which include education, healthcare, police, and fire protection, that contribute to the overall health of a community.
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Urban Blight
The deterioration of a neighborhood due to neglect, leading to a decrease in property values and quality of life.