AP Biology: Cell Organelles Pt 1

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(Brain / Control Center)

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(Brain / Control Center)


- filled with nucleic acids, DNA & mRNA

- surrounded by nuclear membrane


- provides genetic information to the cell

- controls cell process & reproduction

<p>Structure:</p><p>- filled with nucleic acids, DNA & mRNA</p><p>- surrounded by nuclear membrane</p><p>Function:</p><p>- provides genetic information to the cell</p><p>- controls cell process & reproduction</p>
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Endoplasmic Reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Network of canals used to transport and store substances. It is a pathway between the nucleus and cell membrane

ER (emergency room- ambulance transports you to the ER)

<p>Endoplasmic Reticulum Network of canals used to transport and store substances. It is a pathway between the nucleus and cell membrane</p><p>ER (emergency room- ambulance transports you to the ER)</p>
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Smooth ER


- NOT covered in Ribosomes

- series of membrane tubes

Function: (highway for materials)

- creates lipid-based molecules like hormones and steroids

<p>Structure:</p><p>- NOT covered in Ribosomes</p><p>- series of membrane tubes</p><p>Function: (highway for materials)</p><p>- creates lipid-based molecules like hormones and steroids</p>
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Rough ER


- covered in Ribosomes

- series of membrane tubes

(usually found near nucleus)


- creates proteins and transports them to the Golgi body.

<p>Structure:</p><p>- covered in Ribosomes</p><p>- series of membrane tubes</p><p>(usually found near nucleus)</p><p>Function:</p><p>- creates proteins and transports them to the Golgi body.</p>
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(Meatballs found in the nucleus)


- filled with RNA (cheap copies of DNA)

- found in nucleus

- no membranes


- creates ribosomes (which produces proteins)

<p>Structure:</p><p>- filled with RNA (cheap copies of DNA)</p><p>- found in nucleus</p><p>- no membranes</p><p>Function:</p><p>- creates ribosomes (which produces proteins)</p>
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(packaging plant/post-office)

-stacks of flattened membrane sacks that...

- modifies, and packages proteins and lipids for the cell

- puts products in membrane sacks called vesicles

- produces lysosomes


- major player in exocytosis

- releases them into the cytoplasm

<p>-stacks of flattened membrane sacks that...</p><p>- modifies, and packages proteins and lipids for the cell</p><p>- puts products in membrane sacks called vesicles</p><p>- produces lysosomes</p><p>Extras:</p><p>- major player in exocytosis</p><p>- releases them into the cytoplasm</p>
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(powerhouse of the cell)

-has 2 membrane and its own DNA that produces ATP (which is broken down to produce energy)

- ATP is produced on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

- has folds on the inner membrane because the more surface area the inner membrane has, the more surface area the membrane has, the more area there is to produce ATP

Extra Note:

You only get Mitochondrial DNA from your mother.

<p>-has 2 membrane and its own DNA that produces ATP (which is broken down to produce energy)</p><p>- ATP is produced on the inner membrane of the mitochondria</p><p>- has folds on the inner membrane because the more surface area the inner membrane has, the more surface area the membrane has, the more area there is to produce ATP</p><p>Extra Note:</p><p>You only get Mitochondrial DNA from your mother.</p>
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- membrane-bound organelle

- appears green from a molecule called "chlorophyll" which captures light


- performs photosynthesis to make food for the cell

- found only in plants

<p>Structure:</p><p>- membrane-bound organelle</p><p>- appears green from a molecule called "chlorophyll" which captures light</p><p>Function:</p><p>- performs photosynthesis to make food for the cell</p><p>- found only in plants</p>
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(Lysol cleaner)

- membrane bound sacks (called a vesicle)


- contains enzymes (lysozyme)

- destroy bacteria and old cells

- breaks down food

<p>- membrane bound sacks (called a vesicle)</p><p>Function:</p><p>- contains enzymes (lysozyme)</p><p>- destroy bacteria and old cells</p><p>- breaks down food</p>
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sacs that proteins are placed in by the golgi body before being shipped away

<p>sacs that proteins are placed in by the golgi body before being shipped away</p>
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(Vaccuum up the dirt. Vaccuum holds/stores the dirt in a bag/ food containers)


-large membrane-bound sacks


-stores materials

<p>Structure:</p><p>-large membrane-bound sacks</p><p>Function:</p><p>-stores materials</p>
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2 pieces of proteins that read RNA to make proteins

<p>2 pieces of proteins that read RNA to make proteins</p>
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Cell Wall (tree bark)

A large chain of carbohydrates that gives the cell rigid structure

<p>A large chain of carbohydrates that gives the cell rigid structure</p>
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-jelly-like material that is 80% water

-contains Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates


- gives shape to the cell

- holds organelles

-gives shape &structure to cells

<p>Structure:</p><p>-jelly-like material that is 80% water</p><p>-contains Proteins, Lipids, and Carbohydrates</p><p>Function:</p><p>- gives shape to the cell</p><p>- holds organelles</p><p>-gives shape &structure to cells</p>
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cells without nucleus & other membrane-bound organelles.


Bacteria; first cell life on earth

<p>cells without nucleus & other membrane-bound organelles.</p><p>Ex:</p><p>Bacteria; first cell life on earth</p>
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cell with nucleus & membrane bound organelles

evolved from prokaryotes, and thus are more complex.


Protists, fungi, plants, animals

<p>cell with nucleus & membrane bound organelles</p><p>evolved from prokaryotes, and thus are more complex.</p><p>Ex:</p><p>Protists, fungi, plants, animals</p>
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