4.6 - Hardware & Software

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What is hardware?

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What is hardware?

the physical components of the computer system

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What is software?

program code - sequences of instructions which are executed in order to perform a task

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What are some examples of hardware?

monitor, processor, graphics card, webcam, printer

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What are some examples of software?

word processor, web browser, image editor, video editor

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What are the categories of software?

application software and system software

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What is application software?

programs that complete a specific task for the user

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What are some examples of application software?

word processors, web browsers, spreadsheet software

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What is system software?

it operates, controls and maintains the computer and its components

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What does system software include?

the operating system, utility programs, library programs, translators

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What is an operating system?

it allows its user to control the computer with ease by providing what’s called a virtual machine and manages and controls access to the computer’s resources, including memory management, processor scheduling and handling interrupts

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What are utility programs?

they are used for completing housekeeping tasks in a computer system, such as data backup, defragmenting hard drives, data compression and encryption

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What are library programs?

they contain useful functions that are frequently used by a program

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Why were high level languages developed?

to make the job for the programmer easier

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What are the two categories of low level language?

assembly language and machine code

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What is machine code?

it uses 0s and 1s to represent instructions

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What are the disadvantages of machine code?

it is very long and extremely difficult for humans to understand, so the programs are prone to errors and difficult to debug

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What is machine code useful for?

embedded systems and real-time applications where speed of execution is paramount, as there is no need to translate machine code

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What is assembly language?

a simpler way of writing machine code with mnemonics such as ADD or MOV in place of binary instructions of machine code

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What are the advantages of assembly language?

more compact and less prone to error than machine code

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What are some examples of high level languages?

fortran, pascal, C#, python, java

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What are the advantages of high level languages?

they are not platform specific, it is much easier for humans to learn and understand, easier to debug

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What are the disadvantages of high level languages?

they need to be translated into machine code by a compiler or interpreter

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What makes high level languages easier to debug than low level?

named variables, indentation, commenting, english instructions, mathematical symbols

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What is an imperative high level language?

in a similar way to low-level languages, they are formed from instructions that specify how the computer should complete a task, rather than what a computer should do

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What are translators?

they translate assembly and high level language into machine code to be executed by the processor

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What does an assembler do?

translates assembly language into machine code

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What is the relationship between assembly language and machine code?

one to one as one line of assembly language can be represented by one line of machine code

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What does a compiler do?

translates high level language into machine code - checks for errors and then translates entire program at once

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Which translators are platform specific?

assemblers and compilers

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What does an interpreter do?

translates high-level languages into machine code and executes the code line-by-line, checking for errors as they go

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What is source code?

programs that are written in high level languages that need to be translated - the input to a translator

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What is object code?

executable machine code - the output produced from source code

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What are the differences between compilers and interpreters?

compilers check for errors before translating all source code at once - interpreters check for errors, translate and execute line by line; there is no need for source code or compiler to be present when the translated code is executed - but both the source code and the interpreter must be present when the program is executed; compilers protect the source code from extraction - interpreters offer little protection of source code

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Why is an intermediate language produced as the final output by some compilers?

it allows for platform independence as then a virtual machine is used to execute the bytecode on different processors

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What is an example of an intermediate language?


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Why is it useful to use an intermediate language?

it only needs to be translated once and can be executed by a variety of processors as they each have their own virtual machine

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What are logic circuits made up of?

many logic gates

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What is the symbol for a NOT gate?

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What is the symbol for an AND gate?

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What is the symbol for an OR gate?

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What is the symbol for an XOR gate?

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What is the symbol for a NAND gate?

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What is the symbol for a NOR gate?

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What is the truth table for a NOT gate?

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What is the truth table for an AND gate?

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What is the truth table for an OR gate?

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What is the truth table for an XOR gate?

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What is the truth table for a NAND gate?

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What is the truth table for a NOR gate?

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What is an adder?

a logic circuit that can be used to add Boolean values together

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What is a half adder?

a logic circuit that adds two numbers using two inputs, two outputs and two logic gates

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What are the outputs of a half adder?

sum, which adds the two binary values and carry, which is used for overflow

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What does a half adder look like?

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What is a full adder?

a logic circuit that adds numbers which has three inputs and two outputs, enabling it to input two Boolean values and a carry bit from a previous, less significant operation

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What are the inputs of a full adder?

A, B and C (carry in), the carry bit from the previous operation

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What are the outputs of a full adder?

sum, which adds the two binary values and carry, which is used for overflow

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What does a full adder look like?

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What is an edge-triggered D-type flip-flop?

a logic circuit which can be used as a memory unit for storing the value of a single bit

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What are the inputs of an edge-triggered D-type flip-flop?

there are two - one for data and another for a clock signal

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What is a clock signal?

a signal generated by the computer and alternates between 0 and 1 at a set frequency

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What is the output of an edge-triggered D-type flip-flop?

the value of the stored bit - the value of the data input with each change of the clock signal

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What represents a NOT in boolean algebra?

A - a line over the top of the letter

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What represents an AND in boolean algebra?

AB - a dot in the middle of the letters or AB - the product of these two letters

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What represents an OR in boolean algebra?

A+B - addition symbol

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What is the order of precedence in boolean algebra?

brackets, NOT, AND, OR

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What are De Morgan’s laws?

NOT(A+B)=A⁻•B⁻ - break the bar and change the sign

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What is the distributive law in boolean algebra?

A • (B + C) = A • B + A • C , equivalent to expanding the brackets or factorisation in normal algebra

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What is the commutative law in boolean algebra?

variables can be rearranged without affecting the logic of the statement, e.g. X ⋅ Y = Y ⋅ X

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What is the associative law in boolean algebra?

allows for the removal and rearrangement of the brackets when all signs are the same e.g. X ⋅ (Y ⋅ Z) = (X ⋅ Y) ⋅ Z and X + (Y + Z) = (X + Y) + Z

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What are the absorption rules in boolean algebra?

X + (X ⋅ Y) = X and X ⋅ (X + Y) = X

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