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what is indicated by the arrow?
pudendal nerve
what is indicated by the arrow? (one name)
greater vestibular gland
what percent of ejaculate volume comes from seminal vesicles?
what is indicated by the arrow?
seminal vesicles
what percent of ejaculate volume comes from prostate gland?
what percent of ejaculate volume comes from bulbourethral/cowper’s glands?
what is indicated in light blue in the photo?
what percent of ejaculate volume comes from the testes/epididymus?
what is the origin of psoas major?
TPs of lumbar vertebrae and intervening IVDs
what muscle is indicated by the arrow?
psoas major
what muscle is indicated in the photo?
quadratus lumborum
Spermatic cord beginning and ending
begins at deep inguinal ring and ends at posterior border of testis
where are spermatic cord coverings derived from?
layers of anterior abdominal wall (external spermatic, cremasteric, internal spermatic layers)
what is the action of psoas major?
flexes thigh; when thighs are fixed it flexes trunk
what is the femoral nerve derived from?
L2, L3, L4
what two nerves are derived from L2, L3, L4?
femoral and obturator nerves
where is genitofemoral nerve in relation to psoas major?
what is the medial branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
genital branch
what is the lateral branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
femoral branch
which muscle originates from the anterior surface of the sacrum?
what boundary of the pelvis does piriformis contribute to?
what boundary of the pelvis does obturator internus contribute to?
what is indicated by the arrow?
obturator internus muscle
what is the origin of the obturator internus?
obturator membrane, internal surface of obturator foramen
what foramen does the obturator internus exit?
lesser sciatic foramen
what foramen does piriformis exit?
greater sciatic foramen
what nerve is highlighted in green?
femoral nerve
what nerve is highlighted in pink?
genitofemoral nerve
what nerve is highlighted in red?
lumbosacral trunk
what nerve is highlighted in green (next to the red)?
obturator nerve
where is the obturator nerve in relation to psoas major?
posterior and medial
where is the femoral nerve in relation to psoas major?
posterior and lateral
what is the nerve supply of psoas major?
Ventral rami of L2-L4 nerves
what is indicated in the photo?
which gut is the jejunum a part of?
what is the arterial supply of the jejunum (midgut)?
superior mesenteric artery
what is the sympathetic nerve supply of the jejunum (midgut)?
lesser and least splanchnic nerves
Where do the lesser and least splanchnic nerves synapse?
superior mesenteric ganglia
Relative location of the jejunum
upper left quadrant
Pain associated with the appendix may be associated with which dermatome/vertebral level?
T10, umbilicus
which artery is indicated in the photo?
celiac trunk
which gut does the celiac trunk supply?
foregut (abdominal organs)
what are the three branches off of the celiac trunk?
left gastric, common hepatic, splenic
what artery is indicated by the arrow in the photo? (artery in answer)
superior mesenteric artery
which part of the duodenum is considered midgut?
last 1/3rd
what is indicated in light blue?
middle colic artery
what does the middle colic artery supply?
first 2/3 of the transverse colon
what is indicated in pink?
right colic artery
what does the right colic artery supply?
ascending colon
what is indicated in green?
ileocolic artery
what does the ileocolic artery supply?
distal ileum, cecum, appendix
what is indicated in yellow?
inferior mesenteric
what are the three branches of the inferior mesenteric artery?
left colic, sigmoidal branches, superior rectal
what is indicated in dark blue?
left colic artery
what is indicated in orange?
sigmoidal branches
what is indicated in red?
superior rectal artery
what vessels are indicated by the cursor?
internal iliac artery and vein
what is shown in the photo? what are the two founding tributaries of the vein?
hepatic portal vein, superior mesenteric and splenic are the branches (occasionally inferior mesenteric)
what is indicated by the unlabeled arrow?
ligamentum teres, round ligament of the liver
Ligamentum teres is a remnant of which embryological structure?
obliterated umbilical vein
Caudate lobe of the liver is separated from the right lobe of the liver by what vein?
inferior vena cava
The caudate lobe of the liver forms which boundary of the foramen of winslow (aka epiploic foramen)?
superior boundary
Caudate and quadrate lobes of the liver are functionally related to which lobe
left lobe
Caudate and quadrate lobes of the liver are structurally related to which lobe
right lobe
What separates the caudate and left lobes of the liver?
ligamentum venosum
what is indicated in red?
ligamentum venosum
What embryological structure is the ligamentum venosum a remnant of?
ductus venosus
what is indicated in red? (r first)
round ligament of the liver, ligamentum teres
what does the ligamentum teres separate?
left and quadrate lobes
what is indicated by the arrow?
proper hepatic artery
What is proper hepatic artery a branch off of?
common hepatic artery
which vein is indicated by the arrow?
hepatic portal vein
what are the portal triad?
hepatic portal vein, proper hepatic artery, common bile duct
what is indicated by the R and L?
right and left hepatic ducts
what do the right and left hepatic ducts anastomose to form?
common hepatic duct
What does the anastomose of the cystic and common hepatic ducts form?
common bile duct
what is indicated in green?
left gastric artery
what is the left gastric artery a branch off of?
celiac trunk
what is indicated in pink?
inferior suprarenal artery
what is inferior suprarenal artery a branch off of?
renal arteries
what is it called when the renal pelvis narrows?
what is the most posterior (renal vein, artery, or pelvis) anteriorly regarding the hilum of the kidney?
renal pelvis
what is indicated in white/cream?
renal pelvis
what is indicated by the arrow?
what is indicated by the number 1?
renal artery
what do renal arteries break up into?
segmental arteries → lobar arteries → arcuate → interlobular/cortical radiate…
what is indicated in green?
what is indicated in orange?
internal iliac artery
what is indicated in light blue?
urinary trigone
what is the physiological significance of the urinary trigone?
most sensitive to stretch, no folds
what opening is found at the superior angles of the urinary trigone?
ureters (enter obliquely to prevent backflow)
what opening is found at the interior angles of the urinary trigone?
internal urethral meatus
what spinal levels are the pudendal nerve derived from?
what is indicated by the black arrow?
pudendal nerve
what muscle does the pudendal nerve innervate?
external urethral sphincter
what do renal pyramids drain into?
minor calyx
where do minor calyxes drain into?
major calyx
where does the quadratus lumborum originate?
ileolumbar ligament
what is the insertion of psoas major?
lesser trochanter of the femur
which muscles fuse before inserting into the lesser trochanter of the femur?
psoas major and iliacus