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Renaissance means “____”
medieval to modern
The renaissance was a transition from _____ __ ______
politically, socially, economically
The Renaissance caused creative changes ____, ____, and _____
The Renaissance increased ____
Light switch
The Renaissance was considered to be a ___ ___, a complete 180 degree change from medieval to the ren.
The Renaissance brought new ideas and revived old ones, like _____ for the church
movement of intellect
Humanists were usually ____ who turned from the church
The Humanities taught Greek and Roman ______
Francesco Petrarch
humanist, poet, scholar, that inspired Cicero, Homer, and Virgil. He created a library of classical texts in Greek and Roman
The center of the Roman Empire and brought riches during the Renaissance because of its location
Medici family
among the wealthiest families In Florence + Europe
Cosimo de Medici
In 1434, ____ __ _____ took over Florence’s gov
money, protection from the church
The Medici offered ___ and ___ __ __ ____ to artists and thinkers
Renaissance art was more ____ compared to the stylistic medieval art
Perspective (shading)
A technique used to create depth
Filipino Brunelleschi
The man who created the world’s biggest dome, also was an engineer
Baldassare Castiglione
Wrote The Book of the Courtier, saying that the ideal courtier would be multitalented and chivalrous
Niccolo Machiavelli
Wrote “The Prince”, believed that the ends justifies the means
In 1455, ____ was introduced, invented by Johan Gutenberg, and allowed for more knowledge
Used more regularly
The man who wanted to translate the Bible to prevent corruption in the church
Thomas Moore
Wrote “Utopia” and talked about the ideal world of peace and harmony
The man who wrote 37 plays from 1590-1613
Something people payed to get the deceased go to heaven from purgatory
John Wycliffe and John Hus
Before Luther, _____ __ _____ started a reformation movement by teaching the gospel in the language of the people.