main duty of a member of Congress is to vote the way their constituents wish, voters must have a preference and provide info for this to work
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Trustee Role
member of Congress makes decisions using their own knowledge and judgment
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Politico Role
emphasizes that Congress is a politicized body; members of Congress balance their choices with the interests of constituents and parties
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Executive orders - what it is, why its used, how it impacts government, power of president
What - policy directives issued by presidents that do not require congressional approval
Why - to create policy more efficiently and faster
How - Takes some power from congress and gives to the president
Power - increases presidential power
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Power of the purse
-Legislature (Congress) controls money which makes it very powerful
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Bully pulpit
Appeal to the public to pressure other branches of government to support their policies
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Congressional oversight
Ability of Congress to ensure laws are being followed with original intention or to investigate members of executive branch
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Formal Powers
powers given to the president explicitly in the constitution
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Informal Powers
powers necessary to carry out formal powers
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Presidential signing statements
Written comments issued by presidents while signing a bill into law that usually consist of political statements or reasons for signing the bill that may also include a president's interpretation of the law itself