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An economic theory designed to increase a nation's wealth through the development of commercial industry and a favorable balance of trade.
Social Contract Theory
The belief that governments exist based on the consent of the governed.
political culture
commonly shared attitudes, beliefs, and core values about how government should operate
Virginia Plan
proportional representation in both houses of a bicameral Congress and stronger central government. The plan favored larger states
New Jersey Plan
called for one house legislature with one vote for each state, congress having the ability to raise revenue and a supreme court appointed for life. wanted to strengthen the articles not replace them
Great Comprimise (Connecticut Plan)
the final decision that made a two house legislature with a house based on population, and one with fixed seats for all states for equal representation
Three-Fifths Compromise
Agreement that each slave counted as three-fifths of a person in determining representation in the House for representation and taxation purposes
The distribution of constitutional authority between state governments and the national government, with different powers and functions exercised by both.
separation of powers
a way of dividing government into three branches of executive, legislative, and judicial. each one with different authorities
Checks and Balances
A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
Legislative checks Executive
impeachment, reject legislation or funding requested, refuse to confirm nominees or treaties, override a veto by 2/3 votes
Legislative checks Judicial
change the number of federal courts, impeach federal judges, propose amendments to override judicial decisions
Executive checks on Judicial
appoint federal judges, refuse to implement decisions
Executive checks Legislative
Veto legislation, call Congress into special sessions, implement (or fail to enforce) laws
Judicial checks Legislative
Rule federal and state laws unconstitutional
Judicial checks Executive
Declare executive branch actions unconstitutional, Chief Justice presides over impeachment trials
Article I
Sec 2 - house of Representatives, Sec 3 - Senate, Sec 4 - Time manor and Place of Elections, Sec 8 - enumerated powers and proper clause
Article II
Sec 1 - election of president, Sec 2- inherent powers of President, sec 3 - responsibilites
Article III
Sec 1 - Judicial Branch, Sec 2 - judicial Powers
Article IV
Admission of New states, full faith and credit Clause
Article V
Proposal of amendments, ratification of amendments
Article VI
Supreme Law of land (Supremacy clause)
Supremacy Clause
National Law supersedes all other laws passed by the states or any other subdivision of government
Favored weak federal and Strong state governments. (Small farmers, laborers, shopkeepers)
Federalist Papers
A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison under the name "Publius" to defend the Constitution in detail.
Bill of Rights
The first ten amendments to the Constitution. The reason anti-federalists passed the Constitution
supporters of the Constitution. (Property owners, the rich, merchants, Mid Atlantic and northeast)
enumerated powers
the powers of the national government (CONGRESS) in article 1 Sec 8
Necessary and Proper Clause (Elastic Clause)
gives CONGRESS the authority to pass all laws necessary and proper to carry out their enumerated powers specified in Constitution.
Implied Powers
Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution
inherent powers
powers that belong to the PRESIDENT because they can be inferred from the Constitution
Full Faith and Credit Clause
Ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in any other state
participatory democracy
Citizens have power to vote directly on policy
pluralist democracy
organized groups compete with one another to influence policy
elite democracy
small number of usually elected officials influence political decision making.
Federalist 10's points
Factions are inevitable, Federal government has the most power followed by states, fixed number of representatives to filter out for quality candidates, Elite democracy (favors republican system of government)
Brutus 1's Points
Protect peoples popular sovereignty, caution on federal powers (necessary and supremacy), Country too big for legislature to appeal to states needs, States get more rights, Participatory (wanted more local power as locals agree with each other)
Popular Sovereignty
Citizens ability to Participate
elected representatives by the people
federalist 51
Defends separation of Power and the republican process, also about checks and balances