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Amendment #1

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27 Terms


Amendment #1

Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

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Amendment #2

Right to bear arms

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Amendment #3

No one may be forced to house soldiers

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Amendment #4

Protects against unreasonable search and seizure

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Amendment #5

Rights of the criminally accused (indictment by grand jury, no double jeopardy, no self-incrimination, due process of the law, eminent domain)

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Amendment #6

Rights to a speedy trial by jury (speedy trial, impartial jury, informed of charges, right to an attorney)

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Amendment #7

Rights to a jury trial in CIVIL CASES, more than $20- people sue over money/property

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Amendment #8

No excessive bail, no cruel and unusual punishment

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Amendment #9

People have other basic rights not listed in Constitution

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Amendment #10

All powers not given to the federal government are left for the states to take care of/decide

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Amendment #11

Federal courts do not have jurisdiction in cases against a state

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Amendment #12

Provides for separate elections for president and vice president

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Amendment #13

Abolishes slavery

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Amendment #14

Provides equality for all citizens; state governments must follow previously passed amendments

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Amendment #15

All males have the right to vote

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Amendment #16

Congress has the power to pass direct taxes, such as income tax

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Amendment #17

Senators are to be elected by the voters in their state; governor fills state senator positions if position opens during a term

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Amendment #18

Selling and drinking of alcoholic beverages is made illegal (prohibited)

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Amendment #19

Gives women the right to vote

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Amendment #20

Beginning of President, VP and Congress terms in office begins in January; presidential succession can take place before Presidential inauguration

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Amendment #21

Selling and drinking of alcoholic beverages is made legal (allowed again, #18 was repealed or canceled by this amendment)

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Amendment #22

Presidents may serve no more than 2 terms or a total of 10 years

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Amendment #23

District of Columbia is allowed presidential Electoral College votes

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Amendment #24

Eliminated poll tax (no required payment needed to vote)

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Amendment #25

Provides for presidential succession and filling a vacant office of vice president, if VP dies or his removed from office

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Amendment #26

Lowers voting age from 21 to 18

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Amendment #27

Congressional compensation increases may not take effect until after that congressional term is over (their pay raise does not go into effect until new term)

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