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Research methods intro
Research methods play a crucial role in psychology; they help maintain a studies quality and ensure the reliability and validity of the findings. Furthermore it ensures the conclusion and results are as accurate and valid as possible considering the aim and the limitations of the study. A research method is vital in testing a hypothesis as it requires the proper operationalization of the subject/ concept being studied. In essence research methods are needed for trustworthy results. Common research methods in psychology include experiments, where variables are manipulated to observe effects; surveys and questionnaires, which gather self-reported data from participants; and observational studies, where behavior is recorded without interference. These methods help psychologists explore mental processes, behavior, and social interactions.
Research methods conclusion
Ethics intro- informed consent
ethics is a major part of distinguishing psychology as a human science rather than a natural science. There is a difference between testing the way a chemical behaves to a the way a human behaves. The latter involves a strict code of ethics. This ensures that participants are safe and protected from harm while also being able to contribute to the exapansion of psychological research. Ethical considerations are overlooked by ethics boards, all major psychologist boards such as APA (American psychological association) and the BPA (British Psychological Assossiation) have an ethics board. Some ethical considerations include Informed consent, all participants are well versed in the study and able to choose whether they want to participate; anonymity, participants will remain confidential including but not limited to when results are released; all participants have the right to withdraw at any point of the study this also includes the right to withdraw their data; deception when used must not cause undue stress or harm and if it does follow ups must be scheduled; and no patient should undergo undue stress or harm.
XYZ study is a perfect example of informed consent (rephrase question)
Informed consent is an important consideration in upholding participants autonomy. The participants must volunteer for the study and be fully prepared of what it entails, the details for the study are given on in the form (the information must be accessible), all the information about the aim experimental design how the data collected will be used etc must be mentioned. If a participant cannot provide consent it must be taken from a legal guardian.
ethics conclusion
The study emphasized the importance of informed consent, ensuring that participants understood their rights and the nature of the research before taking part. Informed consent is crucial in preserving participants' privacy and autonomy, allowing them to make informed decisions about their involvement in the study. By ensuring that participants were compensated and aware of the study's goals, Sharot et al. contributed to the broader discourse on ethical standards in psychological research