Legal code
A written set of laws
A tool used to study the historical context of an event.
A decorated stone coffin used in Ancient Egypt to hold a mummy.
Physical map
A map used to study the geographical feature of the world.
Neolithic age
An age that is characterized by the development of agriculture and settlements.
Customs, political structure, beliefs, social structure, arts and achievements of a nation or people.
The writing system of Ancient Egypt.
Mercator projection map
A map projection that preserves the shape of countries and the direction of travel but not the size of countries or continents.
A new methods, ideas, or products.
A shared standards of acceptable behavior within a society or group.
Gall peters projection map
A map projection that showing the accurate size of continents but not their accurate shape.
A specific moment in history where change occurs.
The writing form of Ancient Mesopotamia using pictures that look like wedges.
An early human who wandered around the earth in search of food.
Paleolithic age
The earliest period of prehistory, a time of nomadic people living in small group.
Map key
A box on a map containing the explanations for the symbols used on the map.
Our earliest human ancestors who left Africa 30,000 years ago.
People whose jobs to written down important events.
An early form of paper invented by the Ancient Egyptians from reeds found on the Nile river.
The process of taking an animal to farm or keep as a pet.
Hunters- gatherers
Bands of nomadic people who built their lifestyle on the faraging off the land.