Chapter 5 - Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

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An ________ indicates a magnetic field going into the page (think of the back of an arrow)

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Lenzs Law

__________ states that the direction of the induced current opposes any change in flux.

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Magnetic field lines

________ are loops that point away from the North and toward the South.

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________ hooked up to a battery create a dipole magnetic field like a bar magnet.

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________ and electric fields extend into infinity and get weaker with increased distance.

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Diamagnetic materials

Magnets weakly repel ________.

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Ferromagnetic materials

Magnets strongly attract ________.

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Mass Spectrometer

A ______________________ is a device used to determine the charge to mass of a particle by arcing them in a magnetic field and finding the radius of its path

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Magnetic Flux

__________________ is a measure of the magnetic field passing through an area

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