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who came up with 1894 theory memories might be formed by strengthening of connections between neurons
santiago ramon y caial
whos theory was in 1949
donald hebb
what was hebbian theory
When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased
basis of hebbian theory
weak connection between A and B
when A and B fire action potentials at the same time the connection between them becomes stronger
neurons that fire together…
wire together
connections made by
concept of synaptic plasticity
the strength of synaptic communication between 2 neurons is not fixed
what is synaptic plasticity the change in
strength of synaptic communication
CA1 fEPSPs (extrinsic post synaptic potential) exhibit what
short term plasticity
two stimuli in quick succession whats diff between 1st and 2nd
2nd is larger than st
synapses can also exhibit long term changes in what
synaptic strength
who came up with the first description of long term potentiation of synaptic strength
Bliss and Lomo
what did bliss and lomo do
recordings of fEPSPs in the perforant pathway of anaethetised rabbits
measuring changes to synaptic strength
long term potententiation
high frequency conditioning stimulus what happened to amplitude
increased and stayed high
4 key properties of LTP
input specificity, associativity, cooperativity, persistence
what is input specificity
change in synaptic strength occurs only at those synapses that are activated between a presynaptic and postsynaptic neuron that are simultaneously active
what is associativity
where there's a weak stimulus in one particular pathway may not be sufficient to elicit LTP activation its own
When paired with activity in another strong pathway = LTP in both pathways
whats cooperativity
similar to associativity but does not require the second pathway to have a strong stimulus à just several input pathways activated at the same time
LTP is persistent what does this mean
when theres an increase in synaptic strength it can last across the time
what does APV act as
selective NMDA receptor agonist
whats required for LTP
NMDA receptors
where are NMDA receptors activated
depolarised potentials
when is Mg block removed
why are NMDA receptors called coincidence receptors
can detect pre and post synaptic activity
what can NMDA receptors do at the same time
detct. presynaptic activity of glutamate and postsynaptic activity (depolarisation)
glutamate opens what
NMDA receptor
Magnesium blocks what in presence of glutamate
NMDA receptor
what activates the intracellular signalling cascade
influx of Ca2+ ions
in the off state on CaMKII where are the active sites
clustered around the pore
what turns CaMKII on
Ca2+ binding
What happens to turn CaMKII on
conformational change - release of active sites so that they can ho and phosphorylate downstream effectors activating them
list some presynaptic ways that LTP is expressed
change is release properties: increase number of release sites, increase cleft glu concentration
mechanisms postsynaptic by which LTP is expressed
change in AMPA properties, change in AMPAR number
what determines whether the expression of LTP is pre or post
the synapse
where is LTD found
found at many synapses in the brain, hippocampus
how is LTD achieved
by prolonged low frequency stimulation
what are some forms of LTD dependent on
NMDA receptor activation
NMDA receptor what blcok LTD
agonist D-APV
some forms of LTD are dependent on what
NMDA receptor activation and postsynaptic Ca2+ entry
what does intracellular Ca2+ chelation use to block LTD
name 2 other mechanisms LTD can be induced
activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors
activation of muscarinic acteylcholine receptors
process of how neuronal networks remember things
encoding - consolidation - recall
high frequency stimulation
NMDA receptor activation
ca2+ influx activates intracellular cascades
low frequency stimulation
NMDA receptor activation
mGluR activation
mAChR activation
different patterns of synaptic (and NMDA receptor) activation leads to different outcomes?