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Central Nervous System (CNS)
Controls and coordinates everything and includes brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Collects data from the body and includes spinal nerves and neurons
Types of neurons
Sensory neurons and Motor neurons
Sensory neurons
Send signals from the sensors in the periphery to CNS
Motor Neurons
Send signals from the CNS to the periphery
Tetanus (Clostridium tetani) (anaerobe)
The painful disease causes intense muscle contraction and Tetanospasmin toxin blocks the release of GABA, an inhibitory transmitter.
Naegleria fowleri (amoeba)
Infected brain tissue and causes acute and usually lethal CNS infection
Found in freshwater lakes, and very deadly.
Botulism (Clostridium botulinum)
Foodborne pathogens and commonly associated with vegetables and hone due to spores being in soil. Paralysis is due to a toxin binding to motor neurons and blocking acetylcholine release. The bacteria do not survive well in highly acidic environments
Very contagious virus transmitted by fecal-oral route or directly from person to person. Most infected patients are asymptomatic and Only 1% of symptomatic patients develop paralysis. Vaccine efforts have come close to eradicating the disease
A zoonotic disease that accumulations of large numbers of viruses in intracellular inclusions (Negri bodies)
Types of meningitis
Bacterial, viral. Bacteria are more lethal. Have to look at the cerebral spinal fluid and viral is clear and bacterial is cloudy.
Fungal infections of CNS
Coccidiodial meningitis is caused by species that grow in dry desert soil. Windy conditions easily spread spores and Initially present as pneumonia and weeks or months later can disseminate and cause meningitis
Candida meningitis is the most common fungal infection and can cause abscesses and meningitis
A pathologist detects Negri bodies while examining a brain section taken at autopsy. What was the cause of death?
What is the correct order of the meninges, beginning from the most outer structures?
dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater
Bacterial encephalitis and meningitis are difficult to treat because
many antibiotics cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.
The part of the nervous system that collects data from the environment is the
Peripheral nervous system
Naegleria fowleri is commonly acquired through
swimming in warm ponds or streams.
Vaccination is available for all the following EXCEPT
Which of the following is true about myelin sheaths?
They are destroyed in certain disorders such as multiple sclerosis.
Motor neurons send information
from the CNS to the periphery.
Which of the following statements about prions is correct?
Prions can be transmitted via contaminated food.
The three major types of diseases associated with the CNS are all of these EXCEPT
Neuron Structure