the view that our behavior is determined by internal factors
favored in the US
Used by personality psychologists
demonstrated power of social roles, norms, and scripts
norms: required guards to be authoritarian and prisoners to be submissive
scripts: influenced the way guards degraded prisoners by making them do pushups and removing privacy
mock prison with male college students
randomly selected to be guard or prisoner
2 week study ended in 6 days due to sadistic harassment of prisoners
methodological and ethical issues with experiment
showed surprising degree to which people will follow authority
Participants were told to shock the learner for wrong answer to test items
Participants believed they were giving the learners shocks, which increased up to 450 volts
2/3 (65%) of participants continued to administer shocks to an unresponsive learner
Persuasive message has 2 routes
central: motivated and analytical, high effort; evaluate message, lasting change in attitude
peripheral: not motivated nor analytical, persuaded by cues outside of message, temporary change in attitude
tendency for no one in a group to help because the responsibility to help to help is spread throughout the group
Assumption that someone else is going to help