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The total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders during a specific period. It measures the economic output and growth of a nation.
GDP per capita
GDP divided by the total population; helps give some insight of life for the average person
Structural government transition from an authoritarian government to a more democratic political regime, including substantive political changes moving in a democratic direction
The supreme authority and power of a state to govern itself without interference from external forces
Identifies the political legitimacy, which grants and justifies the ruler's right to exercise the power of government
The fundamental rules that control access to and the exercise of political power
The specific individuals or groups that hold power within a political system and make decisions on behalf of the society
Regime Change
When the type of political system has changed
Change in Government
When leaders or parties move in and out of office
Unitary system
Political power resides in the national government, with little or no power delegated to local governments. political power resides in the central government, and local governments do not have constitutional status.
Federal system
A constitutional (formal) division of power between national and subnational levels of government
The acceptance and recognition of a government or political system by its citizens as having the right to rule and exercise authority
Traditional legitimacy
When a government bases their rule on ideological beliefs or tradition. eg. the King/Queen of england base their rule on tradition.
Charismatic legitimacy
When rule is based on the personality of an individual or group- leader inspires and motivates through personal charm
Rational legal legitimacy
Legitimacy is based on on a system of well established laws and procedures. Highly institutionalised and the people obey the leaders based on an acceptance of the Rule of Law.
The transfer of power and decision-making authority from a central government to regional or local governments within a country.
Private capital
A collection of investment strategies that deal in private assets as opposed to publicly traded ones, like stocks and bonds
FDI (foreign direct investment)
Investment made by a company or individual from one country into another country. It involves the establishment of business operations or acquiring ownership in foreign companies.
GDP growth rate
Shows the rate of national economic expansion. Compares the GDP to previous GDPs.
Rule of law
The principle that all individuals and institutions are subject to and accountable to the law, which is fairly applied and enforced. It ensures that no one is above the law.
Rule of law
Everyone, including the leaders, is accountable to the law. The law is applied consistently or universally.
Refers to the abuse of entrusted power for personal gain or the misuse of public resources by individuals in positions of authority.
A complete change in the political-social regime of a country (the fundamental rules and norms of a country)
Gini Index
A statistical formula that measures the amount of economic inequality within a country. "0" corresponds with perfect equality and "100" represents perfect inequality.
Freedom House
Organization that studies democracy around the world and ranks countries on a 1 to 7 freedom scale, with countries given a 1 being the most free and those given a 7 being the least free.
Authoritarian state
States where power is concentrated in the hands of a single ruler or ruling party
Fragile State Index
Ranks countries based on indicators such as security threats, economic decline, human rights violations, and social unrest. It identifies states facing significant challenges in governance and stability.
A factor that offers an explanation for an event or occurrence
Association or coincidence
HDI (Human Development Index)
A statistical tool that attempts to evaluate the overall wealth, health, and knowledge of a country's people
Illiberal Democracy
A form of government where elections take place but there are significant restrictions on individual rights, limited checks on executive power, and weak rule-of-law institutions. It combines elements of both democracy and authoritarianism.
One Party State
A one-party system is a political system where only one political party is legally allowed to exist and hold power. eg. the CCP in CN
Government by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. In many theocracies, government leaders are members of the clergy, and the state's legal system is based on religious law.
Totalitarian State
A political system in which the government uses political, economic and ideological control to exercise power and dominate all aspects of public and private life.
Military Rule
Political regime in which the military as an organization holds a preponderance of power- subtype of authoritarian regime.
A country who's population share a common identity; A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality
CPI (Corruption Perceptions Index)
Measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in different countries. It ranks countries based on how corrupt
Political organizations that combine a permanent population with governing institutions in a defined territory with international recognition
Democratic State
A system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state.
A government has this when it disseminates accurate political and economic information to the public, when it allows information about government and policy to circulate openly and when it allows citizens several points of access for obtaining.
Coup d’etat
A sudden, extra constitutional or extrajudicial removal of a sitting government. Usually "coups" are done by a small group within the existing government apparatus such as military officers