WHY, if at all, should people give up the liberty they naturally have and form a government (the sovereign or leviathan) with liberty restricting laws?
HOW do we do it, if it should be done?
WHAT type of government is best?
To live in a "state of nature" where there is no government and no laws. Hobbes -> we can't live (for long) in such a condition. Why not?
Because we live in a world with scarce resources
But mainly because of human nature
Seek to make peace with others, but if they won't make peace with you, do what you have to do to survive.
Make peace by forming a "covenant" with them (now called a social contract)
Keep your agreement. Don't violate the social contract.
I will give up as much of my natural liberty as others will, but no more.
We will appoint a "sovereign" (leader) who will make laws to keep the peace.
We will endow this sovereign with all the powers needed to enforce the laws.
Given our self-interested nature, we must be threatened into keeping our agreement.
Study of ethics itself.
Normative ethics