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An estimated how many deaths occurred in the White Terror in 1795?
A success of the Directory
They cleared 2/3 debt
Freedom of worship granted
February 1795
Who could vote for electors for the Directory?
All men over 21 who paid direct taxes
Who voted for council members for the Directory?
Electors, rich men who paid high taxes
Germinal Uprising- Parisians protest over bread shortages
1st April 1795
Germinal- How many people marched on the Convention demanding bread?
What dispersed the rising of Germinal?
The arrival of the National Guard
When did the new constitution of the Directory come into effect?
22nd August 1795
L’Orateur du peuple, encouraged jeunesse dorée
Louis Fréron
When was the Verona Declaration?
Who declared himself King in the Verona declaration?
Comte de provance
Where and when was the Chouan rebellion?
Brittany 1794
How much of its value did the assignat lose?
When were assignats abolished?
February 1796
What year was the coup of Fructidor?
Who was arrested in the coup of Fructidor?
Carnot, Barthélemy and 53 royalist deputies
When was the Babeuf Plot (accused of a conspiracy of equals)?
March 1796
Who were the Directors?
5 men chosen by the council of ancients from a list drawn up by the council of five hundred
What was the Vendémiaire Rising?
250,000 Royalists angry about the rule of 2/3 gathered in Paris
When was the Vendémiaire Rising?
5th October 1795
Estimated how many rebels were killed to defeat Vendemiaire Rising?
The Treaty of Campo-Formio = End of First Coalition
October 1797
Ramel reformed the taxation system, introducing 4 new direct taxes
When was the Coup of Floréal?
May 1798
What was the Coup of Floréal?
the neo-Jacobins did well in elections, the Directors made sure that 127 deputies were annulled and then chose their replacements
What and when was Jourdan’s Law?
Conscription was introduced to rebuild the army - all men 20-25 years old, 1798
When was the Coup of Prarial?
June 1799
What are the estimated profits of the French Revolutionary wars between 1792-99?
360 million francs