Genetics Exam 1

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77 Terms


comsumer genetics

-genetic analysis



  • genetic basis of traits

  • predisposition- ex. to different diseases

  • pharmacogenetics- ex. response to different drugs for treatment of diseases

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-information bearing blueprints to make proteins

-DNA→ gene→ chromosome → genome (all chromosomes)

-human genome: about 3.2 billion base pairs in each 23 chromosomes

-humans are diploids- sets of identical chromosomes

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Cells and Tissues

-chromosomes → nucleus → cells (eukaryotic) → tissues (multi-cellular) → organs → organ systems

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Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

-flow of genetic information in a cell (gene expression)

-DNA (blueprint) — transcription→ mRNA (intermediate) —translation→ protein (machine/factory made)

-exome- part that is expressed (about 2% of genome)

  • about 20k genes total- lot more proteins

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-made of nucleic acids with building block of nucleotides

-nucleotides; phosphate (neg. charge), sugar (deoxyribose, nitrogenous base (A=T, C=G (3 bonds))

-double helix structure

-antiparallel strands

-Replication: DNA→ DNA

  • info can be replicated, expressed, or changed/mutated

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-made of nucleic acids and building blocks of nucleotides

-nucleotides: phosphate, sugar (ribose), and nitrogenous bases (A=U, C=G)

-(usually) single stranded helix

-transcription: DNA→ RNA

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-translation: RNA→ proteins

  • synthesized by ribosomes

-building block of amino acids

  • 20 proteogenic amino acids

-proteins have acitivity (do nearly everything in cell)

  • structural (ex. skin and hair)

  • enzymes- catalyze reactions

  • regulatory

    • lead to phenotypes and traits

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-changes in DNA sequences (therefore shape and function)- leads to…

  • changes in mRNA

  • changes in protein sequence

  • change in activity

  • change in phenotypes

  • normal varitaion (mutation not always bad)

    • disease

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-23 pairs→ 46 total chromosomes

-22 pairs of autosomes (everything that is not a sex chromosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosome (X & Y)

-diploid- have two sets of chromosomes

-haploid- only one copy of each chromosome (seen in gametes: sperm/egg cells)

-germline cells- cells developing gametes (egg/sperm)

  • somatic cells- everything else

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-the actual genetic code for allele/organism

-allele (A, a)- form of a gene

  • homozygous- same (AA, aa)

  • heterozygous- different (Aa)

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-physical trait that can be seen

-can be dominant or recessive

-Mendelian- single gene (one gene change)

-Polygenic traits- where more than one gene influence phenotype

-genetic and envronmental factors

  • considered complex/multifactoral traits if affected by both

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-provide energy


  • sugars

  • starches

  • ex. glucose

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Nucleic Acids

-provide information


  • DNA

  • RNA

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-provide stucture and funciton

  • enzymes

  • receptors

  • regulatory factors

  • muscles

  • antibodies

-amino acids

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-long term energy

  • tyglycerides- glycerol backbone and 3 fatty acid tails

  • phospholipids- membranes


  • hormones

  • signaling

  • regulation


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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic

-Prokaryotic- “before” nucleus

  • without memrabne bound organelles

-Eukaryotic- compartmentalization

  • nucleus

  • membrane bound organelles

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-organelle than stores DNA processing

  • DNA replicaiton, transcription, post-transcptional

-nucleolus- rRNA

-nuclear envelope- double membrane with nuclear pores

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Endoplasmic Reticulum

-modifies proteins

-rER- protein synthesis and processing

  • ribosomes, lysosome, ER-Golgi-Plasma membrane-secreted

  • continuous with nuclear envelope

-sER- lipid synthesis

  • phospholipids

-vesicles transport porteins to/from Golgi

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Secretory Pathway in Cell

-pathway for proteins and exporting things through/out of the cell

  1. Endoplasmic Reticulum

    1. smooth and rough

  2. Golgi Apparatus

  3. Two options

    1. Plasma Membrane

    2. Lysosome

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Golgi Apparatus

-receives vesicles with proteins made in rER

-further processes/modifies proteins

  • modify carbohydrate groups attached to proteins (glycoproteins)

-vesicles transport proteins to plasma membrane or lysosome

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Plasma Membrane

-membrane proteins

  • ex. membrane channels

-secretion (export)

  • ex. caseins (milk proteins), antibodies

-leave golgi via vesicles and fuse with membrane

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-”recylcing center”- digestion of biomolecules

-primary lysosome- has digestive enzymes to breakdown biomolecuels and cell components

  • endoscopes- materials from outside cell

  • autophagy- materials from inside cell

-lysosomal stoage diseases (LSD’s)- lysosomes do not work correctly

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  • break down H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)

  • without this, free radicals can lead to cellular damage/mutations

-fatty acid metabolism

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-energy production via cellular respiration

-gluscose → ATP

-has double membrane- makes 4 “compartments”

-motochonrial DNA and ribosomes

  • has small # of genes to make small # of proteins for itself

    • not all mitochondrial proteins madein mitochondria, most come from/made in ER

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-semipermeable barrier

-phospholipid bilayer-

  • hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail

-fluid mosiac model

  • inculdes proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.

  • shows PM is not a rigid structure


  • hydrophobic/non-polar molecules diffues

  • ions through ion channels

  • hydrophilic transported via carriers

-communication- singal transduction

  • via receptors and ligands

-adhesion- cell adhesion molecules

  • cells stick to each other and themselves in specific ways

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-filametous infastructure (proteins)

  • microfilaments- actin (smallest)

  • intermediate filaments- all other kinds

  • microtubules- tubules (largest)

-dynamic system- moving and proteins continually being made

-play a role in: morphology (cell shape), locomotion, intracellular transport (vesicle movement), mitosis, & cytokinesis

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Cell Cycle

-interphase (about 23 hours)

  • G1- synthesis

  • S- DNA replicaiton

  • G2- more synthesis

-mitosis (about 1 hour)- produces identical clone cells

  • Prophase- chromosomes condense

  • Metaphase- move to middle (metaphase plate)

  • Anaphase- sister chromatid segregation

  • Telophase- feform nuclear envelope

-Cytokinesis- plasma membranes fully split

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Control of Cell Cycle

-checkpoints- regulate progression through cycle

-cyclins and CDK’s- dimer (two proteins grouped into one together)

  • cyclins are regulatory and levels oscillate

  • CDK’s are kinases controlled by cyclins

    • phosphorylation

-disruptions to checkpoints can lead to cancer

-Environmental Factors can also influence mitosis and cell cycle

  • contact inhibition

  • hormones

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-ends of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division

  • because of this, many cells can undergo a finite number of divisions

  • cells “clock” to count down cell’s lifespan

-telomerases- not all cells shorten telomeres

  • extend telomeres in cells that express them so these cells can continue to divide

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-programmed cell death (implosion)

  • a regulared process- DNA fragments (blebs) dissociate from other cells and are phagocytosed

  • capases- proteases (protein digesting proteins) involved in apoptosis

-important in normal development

-too much mitosis or too little apoptosis can both lead to cancer

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Stem Cells

-self-renewing w/ continual cell division

-maintain undifferentiated state

-stem cells vary along this:

  • totipotent (all potential) → pluripotent (almost all) → multipotent → differentiated

  • fertilized egg → progenitor cell → specialized cell

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Differentiation and Cell Fate

-most cells (with a few exceptions) have same genomic content (23 chromosome pairs)

-increased differentiation and specialization of cell fate

  • from differential gene expression, tissue specifics, “housekeeping” genes

-human differentiation is one-way → cells do not naturally go in reverse direction

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Stem Cell Sources

-embryonic stem cells- ICM (inner cell mass)- from early embryo

-somateic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)- nucleus of somatic cell transferred into egg with nucleus removed

  • cloning (therapuetic vs. reproduction)

-own cells-

  • reprogrammed- iPS (induced pluripotent)

  • unaltered- “adult” stem cells- naturally occurring

    • tissue specific or somatic stem cells

    • limited mulipotency

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Stem Cell Uses

-drug discovery

-study of dieases (early stages)

-culture tissues and organs for implant, transplant, infusions

-understand and use reporgramming proteins

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-there are over 30 trillion cells inour body along with over 39 trillion other cells (bacteria, fungi, protozoa)

  • microbes living in and on us

  • dynamic “core microbiome”- depnds on other factors such as genetics, environment, age, diet, health, etc.

  • human microboime project- studying microbiome of people and its affect on us

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Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction

-reduction- 1 of each chromosome 1-23 (haploid)

  • genetic stability

  • continuity between generations

  • highly specific

-Recombinaiton (variation)

  • independent assortment

  • crossing over (nearly infinite variation)

  • variation between generations

    • sexual reproduction (fertilization)

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Meiosis 1 & 2

-reduction, variation, diploid → 4 haploid gametes

-two rounds of division: reductional and equational

  • based on ploidy number

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Meiosis 1


-crossing over in P1→ homologs line up in M1 → homologs separate in A1 (sister chromatids DO NOT separate)

-prophase 1- crossing over

  • homogolous pairs of chromosomes align → synapsis and corssing over with non-sister chromatids → recombination

-anaphase 1- independent assortment

  • M-A1- independent segregation of homologs

  • segregation of 1 pair doesn’t influence segregation of any other pair

    • 2^n possible combinations

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Meisosis 2


-no crossing over in P2

-individual chomosomes line up in M2

-sister chromatids segragate in A2

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Meiosis Variation

-recombination via independent assortment of chromosomes

-recombination through crossing over


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Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis

Spermatogenesis: meiosis in males

  • starts at puberty

  • diploid spermatogonium → haploid sperm (spermatozoa)

Oogenesis: meiosis in females

  • starts in fetus

  • arrests in P1

  • about 1 mil. at birth, 400,000 @ puberty, about 400 released in ovulation

  • Polar Bodies: assymetric cell division in Me1 and Me 2

    • assymetric partitioning of cellular material

    • after 2 rounds of Me., 1 hapliod ovum vs. 4 with sperm

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Spermatogenesis vs. Oogenesis

-from each round of meiosis (1 & 2)

  • spermatogenesis- 4 haploid sperm

    • oogenesis- 1 haploid ovum and 2-3 polar bodies

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Developmental Arrests in Oogenesis

-P1 arrest in fetal development

-continues at puberty

-arrests at M2

-continues and complete M2 only with fertilization

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Meiosis and Mutations

-inherited mutation present in parents or from their parents can be passed to gamates

-new spontaneous mutations can occur (in germline cells)

  • more likely with age

  • oocytes more often have chromosomal imbalances (non-disjunction

    • sperm more likely to have dominant single gene mutation

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-corona radiate (follicle cells on ovum)

-only one sperm

-zona pellucida- acrosome enzyme

  • allow sperm to break into ovum

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Embyro Development

-early embyro development

  • fertilization and zygote → cleavage → morula → blastocyte (inner cell mass) → implantation (hcG hormone about 1 week) → embryo (first 8 weeks) → fetus (9+ weeks)


  • primary germ layers: endoderm (skin), mesoderm (muscle), ectoderm (organs)

  • chronionic villi: become placenta, chorionic villus sampling (can see large scale change in babies DNA)

  • amnion and amniotic sac- aminocentesis

  • -cell-free fetal DNA in material blood

  • allantois- umbilical blood vessels and cord

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-monozygotic (identical)- 1 fertilized egg

  • genetically identical “natural clones”

-dyzygotic. (fraternal)- 2 different fertillized effs with 2 different sperm

-semi-identical- 2 sperm fertilize one egg

  • share maternal genome but have different paternal genome

-conjoined twins- division occurs at 9-15 days

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Birth Defects

-genetic abnormalities (mutations)

-toxic environmental exposure (tetratogens)

-critical period- when specific parts of the fetus are developing- will experience largest impact in this time if exposed to tetratogens

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-chemicals or other agents that cause birth defects

  • cocaine

  • cigarettes

  • thalidomide

  • alcohol

  • nutrients

  • viral infection

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-he is seen as the “father of genetics”

-experimented with pea plants

-universal laws of heredity- 7 traits

-characteristics ratios in F1 and F2 generations

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Monohybrid Cross

-P1 generations- used 2 “true-breeding” parents

  • phenotype: either tall (TT) or short (tt)

  • genotype: homozygous (TT/tt)

-F1 generation

  • phenotype: all tall

  • genotype: all heterozygous (Tt)- “monohybrid”

-F2 generation

  • phenotype: ¼ short (tt), ¾ Tall (TT or Tt)

    • 3:1 Tall:Short

  • genotype: ¼ tt, ½ Tt, ¼ TT 1:2:1

-Pattern: 3:1 ratio for all monohybrid crosses

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Mendel’s Postulates

-unit factors (genes) occur in pairs

-unit factor segragate (law of segregation)

  • corresponds to Me1 phase in cells


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Punnett Squares

-used to solve Mendelian crosses

  • monohybrid or dihybrid

-predict genotypes, phenotypes, and their ratios in the next generation

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Test Cross

-Test on a phenotypically dominant individual when one wants to find the genotype (it could be TT or Tt)

-test cross with a homozygous recessive

-ratio of progeny will tell you:

  • if all offspring dominant, TT

    • if there is 50/50 in offspring, Tt

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Autosomal Recessive Genes

-for example, cycstic fibrosis

-both parents carriers, but not affected by disease themselves (BbxBb)

  • each offspring has 25% chance of having CF (bb)

  • 50% chance of having Bb (unaffected carrier

-can appear to skip a generation sometimes

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Autosomal Dominant Genes

-for example Huntingdon disease

-early (childhood) vs. late (after puberty) onset

-each offspring of affected individual has 50% chance of inheriting allele (and therefore the condition)

-has no carriers

-usually present in every generation

-de novo (spontaneous mutation)- you can get a dominant condition even without parents having it

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-marriage between relatives

-mutant alleles rare in population, but increased risk of rare mutant alleles coming together in consanguineous matings

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Loss or Gain of Function Mutations

-molecular basis for recessive or dominant mutations

-often rescessive alleles are loss of function mutation

  • more common

  • need two mutant copies to give phenotype

-often dominant alleles are gain of function mutation

  • only one mutant copy needed to give phenotype

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Inheritance of More than One Gene: Dihybrid Cross

-follow inheritenxe of two traits sumultaneously

  • governed by two different genes

-P1- two true bredding (homozygoudparents and two traits

  • RRYY x rryy

  • RRyy x rrYY

-F1- both phenotypically dominant for both traits

  • all double heterozygous (RrYy) genotypically

    • dihybrid

-F2- 9:3:3:1- classic Mendelian F2 dihybrid ratio

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Higher Order Mendelian Problems

-ex. trihyrid, tetrahybrid, etc.

-Be able to andwer questions about them:

  • How big are the Punnett squares?

  • How many gametes can each F1 parent make?

    • 2^n where n is number of heterozygous genes

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Calculating Probability

-product rule- “and”

  • get blank and blank

  • ex. heads on a penny and heads on a quarter

    • ½ x ½ = ¼

-sum rule- “or”

  • ex. get two coins to land on same side

    • ¼ + ¼ = ½

-you can also make a Punnett Square and calculate probability

  • use this for 3+ genes squares- make each gene (letter) a 2×2 Punnett square

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Pedigree Analysis

-autosomal dominant trait

  • characteristics: affected individuals in all generations, affects male/female equally (autosomal)

-autosomal recessive

  • characteristics: can skip generations, affects males/females equally (autosomal

-consanguinity- increases probability to see rare recessive conditions

-sometimes pedigrees are inconclusive due to not having enough information

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Conditional Probability

-probability of some event (A) given some condition (B) is true

-changes probability (of A) from what it is without condition (B)

-narrows and restricts possible options available

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Trios Sequencing: Inherited vs. de novo

-scenario: unaffected parents with affected child

-what is the basis for child’s condition?

  • parents could both be carriers: recessive mutation

    • if so, 25% chance child gets a disease 50% carriers

  • new spontaneous (de novo): dominant mutation arose

    • from sperm/egg or early development of child

    • if de novo, no siblings affected, child has 50% passing disease on

-can distinguish which it is with trios sequencing

  • genomes and exomes

  • look at mutation in parents and child: if only in child then de novo dominant mutation

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Incomplete Dominance

-one allele not dominant over the other and heterozygous have phenotype in-between (intermediate) between homozygous parents

  • ex. Red flower (RR) x white flower (rr) = pink flower (Rr)

  • ex. famial hypercholesterolemia (FH)

-dosage dependency: idea that the effect of a gene depends on number of alleles or variant present in the genome

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-sometimes one allele is not dominant over others and heterozygous express both parental phenotypes

-ex. ABO blood typing

  • A

  • B

    • AB- I^A I^B- both fully A and fully B

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Multiple Alleles

-some genes can have more than two alleles available in a population

-still considered diploid as each individual only holds 2 alleles at a time

-different mutant allele combinations lead to increased range of possible phenotypes

-ex. ABO blood typing has 3 alleles available in population

  • 4 phenotypes instead of two

  • increased range of diploid phenotypes/genotypes

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Lethal Alleles

-genotypes/alleles that cause death

  • example of conditional probability

  • early lethals can skew apparent ratios and numbers

-can be dominant or recessive

-onset time:

  • early- ex. Tays Sachs Disease- 3-4 yrs

  • late- ex. Huntingdon’s- middle age

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-some traits are governed by more than one gene and those genes interact with each other (gene interaction)

-one gene controls expression (phenotype) of another: control gene = modifier gene


  • eye color

  • Bombay phenotype (ABO)

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-sometimes if you have an allele, it doesn’t always express fully

-variability of expression/intensity of phenotype in individuals with same genotype

-ex. polydactyly- people can express varaible number of extra digits

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-all individuals in population with the same genotype should have the same phenotype, but sometimes they don’t (incoplete penetrance)

-refers to proportion (%) of population with given phenotype expressing the expected phenotype

-ex. Huntingdon disease- usually completely penetrant

-ex. polydactyly- not all with genotype have extra digits

**traits can have both expressivity and incomplete penetrance

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-when genes impact more than one trait

-ex. Marfan syndrome- autosomal dominant mutation in fibrillin gene

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Genetic Heterogeneity

-when mutations in different genes produce the same phenotypes

-can occur when multiple genes encode proteins in the same pathway or when proteins affect same parts of the body

-ex. Osteogeneis imperfecta- affected by 8+ genes

-ex. Retinal dystrophy- affected by 20+ genes

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-environmental factors leading to phenotypes that mimic inherited ones

-ex. teratogen thalidomide phenocopies rare inherited condition phocomelia

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Mitochondrial Disease/Myopathies

-conditions resulting from mutations in mitochondrial genes (37 mitochondiral genes)

-often affect high energy demand tissues (muscle) -fatigued, weak

-maternally inherited

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-cells have many mitochondria- may not all be the same genetically because of mutations

-propotions of different mitochondira in a cell will vary

  • various pehontypes, variability, tissue dependent

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-sometimes genes are not assorted independently because they are on the same chromosome

-these do not produce Mendelian ratios because the do not independently assort (physically linked on same chromosome

-recombinant chromosome- crossing over between linked genes produces this non-parental combination of alleles

-linkage analysis wiht genetic maps can tell you relative distance between genes on a chromosome

  • expressed in cM

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