AP Gov Unit 1 Vocabulary

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Limited Government

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This set includes only the vocabulary for Unit 1. There are separate sets for the foundational documents and SCOTUS cases.

89 Terms


Limited Government

A government whose power is managed by the restrictions set forth in a constitution, or some such other governing authority

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“limited government”

“Newly liberated from the oppressive Great Britain, the United States operated with an incredibly _____ under the Articles of Confederation.”

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Natural Rights

First proposed by John Locke, the concept refers to rights that belong to human beings due to their nature, not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture or government.

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“natural rights”

“The Declaration of Independence, which served to establish the core ideals of the new nation, claims that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are _____ that everyone is born with.”

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Popular Sovereignty

Proposed by Thomas Hobbes, the concept asserts that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.

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“popular sovereignty”

“Through voting, the U.S. citizens display _____ as they elect the officials who they believe will govern with their opinions and ideals in mind.”

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Social Contract

Proposed by Rousseau, it is a theoretical agreement between the people and the government of a nation, in which the people relinquish some freedom if the government promises to protect them. If the government breaks that promise, the people have the right to overthrow it and establish a new one.

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“social contract”

“Because of their mistreatment under British rule, the thirteen colonies broke their _____ with the King.”

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Representative Democracy

Citizens elect representatives to act as intermediaries between them and the government and make decisions that reflect their will and interests.

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“representative democracy”

“The government of the United States operates as a _____, in which U.S. citizens elect the government officials.”

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Proposed by Montesquieu, the concept refers to a system where citizens elect others to represent their views in government.

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“The United States’ representative democracy practices _____, so it is essential for U.S. citizens to participate in elections.”

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Declaration of Independence

On July 4th, 1776, 56 Founding Fathers signed off on the document and it was sent to the British to declare the U.S. an independent nation. Within the document, the main points of the U.S. political ideology were established.

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“Declaration of Independence”

“The _____ states the principles on which the government and America’s identity are based.”

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Articles of Confederation

In effect from 1781-1789, it was the first iteration of American Democracy, the original Constitution. It did not last long due to many weaknesses.

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“Articles of Confederation”

“The _____ established a country run by powerful, independent state governments and a weak, incredibly restricted central government.”

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Shay’s Rebellion

Sparked by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel in August 1786, it was a series of violent attacks on courthouses and other government properties in Massachusetts to protest what he perceived as the unjust economic policies an political corruption of the state’s legislature.

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“Shay’s Rebellion”

“_____ exposed the weaknesses of the government under the Articles, leading many to call for the strengthening of the federal government in order to put down future uprisings.”

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A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

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“The _____ of the United States is the supreme law of the country. It superseded the Articles of Confederation, providing the federal government with significantly more power than the original.”

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Bill of Rights

Written by James Madison then ratified by the sates in 1791, it comprises the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual and spells out Americans’ rights in relation to their government.

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“Bill of Rights”

“The colonies still feared the power of the British monarchy, so in order to quell worries about a federal government with too much power, the _____ was passed.”

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Elite Democracy

A form of representative democracy in which power is held by a small, select group of highly informed individuals or institutions.

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“elite democracy”

“The Electoral College, where 538 electors are responsible for electing the President of the U.S., is an _____.”

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Pluralist Democracy

A form of representative democracy in which power is distributed among many different interest groups.

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“pluralist democracy”

“Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is an incredibly successful interest group that has been instrumental in getting drunk driving laws passed and the legal acceptable blood alcohol level reduced. Its influence and participation in government exemplifies a _____.”

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Participatory Democracy

Citizens have a direct and active role in the decision-making process.

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“participatory democracy”

“An initiative is a means by which a petition signed by a certain number of voters can force the government to choose either to enact a law or hold a public vote. People are able to place issues on their state ballots in this _____.”

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Interest Group

A collection of people who share a common interest or attitude and seek to influence government for specific ends.

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“interest group”

“MADD is an _____ for mothers against drunk riving that has successfully gotten drunk driving laws passed and the legal acceptable BAC reduced.”

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Supporters of the new Constitution who argued that a much stronger federal government was needed to preserve the United States.

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“_____ John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton wrote a series of essays to turn the general public in favor of the new Constitution.”

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Those who opposed the new Constitution, believing it would create too strong of a federal government that would threaten individual freedom.

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“_____ demanded that individual freedoms be outlined in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights was thus ratified in 1791.”

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A direct vote by the electorate on a proposal, law, or political issue.

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“In 1788 in Massachusetts, southern states used a _____ vote to propose secession in the run up to the Civil War.”

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Great Compromise

The combination of the Virginia and the New Jersey plans to determine how large and small states shall be represented in the federal legislative branch.

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“Great Compromise”

“A bicameral legislature was set up as a result of the _____, with the House using the Virginia Plan’s proposal of representation based on population and the Senate having a set number of Senators per state as proposed by the New Jersey Plan.”

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The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.

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“The _____ of the new U.S. Constitution required 9 out of 13 states to approve it.

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3/5 Compromise

A solution to how the slave population would be represented in a state’s total population. Every five slaves counted as three free people for both taxation and representation purposes.

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“3/5 Compromise”

“Southern states wanted to count their slave population toward representation so they would have more power in the House and more electoral votes for the presidency, so the _____ was agreed upon by the northern states.”

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Checks and Balances

Principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power.

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“check… balance”

“Congress can _____ the executive branch, as it has the power of impeachment over the president. To _____ this out, the president can veto bills proposed by Congress.”

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Separation of Powers

The division of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government among separate and independent bodies.

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“power… separated”

“The _____ of the U.S. federal government is _____ into the legislative branch — the bicameral Congress — the executive branch — the president and their Cabinet — and the judicial branch — the Supreme Court and the federal court system.”

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The process by which a legislative body initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.

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“Bill Clinton is one of the three presidents in U.S. history to have been _____, charged with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice.”

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Pocket Veto

The killing of legislation by a chief executive through a failure to act within a specified period following the adjournment of the legislature.

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“pocket veto”

“In the U.S., a _____ occurs when the president does not sign a bill within the ten-day period and it cannot be returned because Congress is no longer in session.”

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A constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.

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“The U.S. president has the power to _____ a bill proposed by Congress as a form of checks and balances.”

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Concurrent Powers

Powers that are shared by both the federal government and the state governments.

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“concurrent powers”

“The Constitution provides the federal government and states with the _____ to collect taxes and make laws.”

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Enumerated Powers

Powers that are exclusively granted to the federal government and cannot be exercised by the states.

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“enumerated powers”

“The Constitution provides only the federal government with the _____ to declare war and tax on imports.”

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Reserved Powers

Powers that are not delegated or enumerated to the national government but are reserved to the states.

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“reserved power”

“States have the individual, _____ to regulate public school policies/laws as well as traffic laws and voting policies.”

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Full Faith and Credit Clause

Requires states to give full faith and credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states.

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“Full Faith and Credit Clause”

“If an arrest warrant is transferred from one state to another for execution, the receiving state must recognize the validity of the warrant under the _____.”

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The system of government in the United States in which power is shared between the national and state governments.

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“Enumerated powers are those exclusively granted to the federal government, reserved powers are those belonging to the states, and concurrent powers are practiced by both levels.”

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Supremacy Clause

Gives the national government and its laws general precedence over states’ laws.

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“Supremacy Clause”

“In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage cannot be banned in the U.S., so it was recognized nationally under the _____.”

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Commerce Clause

Gives the national government the power to regulate interstate commerce.

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“Commerce Clause”

“The _____ ensures fair taxing between states, therefore preserving good interstate relations.”

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Elastic/Necessary and Proper Clause

Gives Congress the power to make laws related to carrying out its enumerated powers.

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“properly… necessary”

“One of the enumerated powers granted to the federal government was the power to tax the states. In order to _____ handle this money, Alexander Hamilton saw it _____ to establish a national bank.”

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Implied Powers

Powers of the federal government that are justified by the Necessary and Proper Clause. They are not directly stated in the Constitution, but they are suggested to be available based on previously stated powers.

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“implied powers”

Government spending revenue to improve public education, setting a minimum wage, and barring racial discrimination in the workplace are all _____.”

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Block Grant

National funding with minimal restrictions to the states on its use, so it is preferred by the states.

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“Block Grant”

“The Community Development _____ Program provided more than $160 billion in _____ through mid-2021 to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment.”

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Categorical Grant

National funding that is restricted to specific categories of expenditures. It is preferred by the national government and is the most commonly used form of funding.

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“categorical grants”

“Head Start began in 1965 as a summer school program designed to help children of low income families to catch up before starting their first year in school, and it has since ballooned, with Head Start programs across the nation that are partially funded by _____.”

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Requirements by the national government of the states.

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“The federal minimum wage is a _____ on public and private-sector employers, who are required by federal law to pay a minimum hourly amount to certain employees.”

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Federalist Papers

A series of essays written in favor of the Constitution that were available to the public.

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A means by which a petition is signed by a certain number of voters to force the government to choose either to enact a law or hold a public vote. People are able to place issues on their state ballots.

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Any group of citizens who attempt to advance their ideas or economic interests at the expense of other citizens, or in ways that conflict with the public good.

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A lawmaking body made up of two chambers or parts.

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Constitutional Convention

A closed meeting between the delegates from the 13 states where they planned to amend the Articles. Instead, they decided to scrap the Articles completely, and the Constitution arose through many compromises.

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Electoral College

The people chosen to cast each state’s votes in a presidential election. Each state can cast one electoral vote for each senator and representative it has.

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Virginia Plan

The plan for representation in the legislative branch that favored the large states. Each state would be given a number of votes/delegates based on their population.

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New Jersey Plan

The plan for representation in the legislative branch that favored the small states. Each state would be given the same number of votes/delegates regardless of their population.

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Those who have a vested interest in the policy at hand.

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The return of an accused criminal to the state where the crime was committed.

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Dual Federalism

Doctrine holding that the national government is supreme in its sphere, the states are supreme in theirs, and the two spheres should be kept separate.

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Cooperative Federalism

Idea that the federal and state governments share power in many policy areas.

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Fiscal Federalism

The system of spending, taxing, and granting by the federal and state governments.

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