lab and lecture
Fungi characteristics
eukaryotic kingdom
absorptive heterotrophic
chitin cell wall
some are parasitic to plants, animals and humans
define absorptive heterotrophic
secrete exoenzymes into the environment and absorb the digested nutrients
Cell wall of fungi is composed of
Cell wall of plants are composed of
entomology of the word saphrophyte
sapro = Greek origin putrid or decay
phyte= plant
Most fungi are Saprophytes, (saprobes) meaning
Organism that feeds on dead and decaying matter
What are fungi devided into
unicellular yeasts
filamentous mold
what determines if the fungi are divided into a yeast or a mold?
Based on yeast life cycle stages
Dimorphic meaning
Di =2
morph = forms
Dimorphic fungi characteristics
Have both mold and yeast life cycles
filamentous fungi that produce fleshing reproductive structures
Examples of macrofungi
mushrooms, puffballs and shelf fungi
Hyphae definition
individual fungal filiments
multiple hyphae or many hyphae are known as
etymology of the word Hyphae
comes from the Greek word web
another term for hyphae that are dark pigmented
Dematiaceous fungi ( think D for Dark(
hyphae that has walls or dividers throughout its cells ( think nose septum)
Coenocytic or nonseptate
hyphae that are open without walled off structures within
Reproduction of fungal life involves
Asexual and sexual reproduction
Part of the fungi that produces gametes
Part of the fungus that produces spores
Sporangiospores (sports by itself)
Conidiospores (conduit)
Types of Asexual spores
ABC types of specific asexual spores (clones itself) builders
Arthrospores (Think arthro pertaining to joints)
Blastospores (Think blastocyte builders)
Chlmydospores ( Think etymology connected)
Types of Sexual spores ( think bag or sac)
1.Ascospore ( rearrange asc you have sac & sex))
Basidiospore (Basal being on the bottom during sex needing 2 partners
Zygospore (after penetration fertilized egg is a zygote)
Sexual reproduction of fungi
Gametes ( haploid) need to combine w fertilization to produce a zygote w a single diploid nucleus = set of 2 complete chromosomes 1 from each parent
Order of fungi reproduction
Please carry Me
Please Carry Me means
Plasmogamy def
fusion of the cytoplasm
Joining of the kernel or nuclei
spores that form at the end of a hyphae
Asexual spores that are produced by buddig
The type of spores produced when the hyphae breaks
Chlamydospores (Chlamydoconidia)
Formed at the end of some hyphae and are at a resting stage (Asexual repro)
Division zygomycota
Forms zygospore when the zygote undergoes meiosis
Produces sporangiospores
Anchoring rhizoids (root like structures) where hyphae joing the base of unbranched sporangiospores
Division Ascomycota
Produces ascus (sac) in which the zygote undergoes meiosis
Produce haploid ascospores
Ascomycete hyphae are what type of hyphae?
septate and includes yeasts
Division Basidomycota
septate hyphae
produces basidium that undergoes meiosis to produce 4 basidiospores to its surface
Columella- supports sporangium
After release sporangiospores develop into identical hyphae that produced them
Sexual reproduction occurs when different mating strains (+ and -) make contact
Rhizopus Progametangia
extend from each hypha and nuclei and cytoplasm
The walls between to gametangia dissolve and a thick walled zygosporangium develops