all info is taken from the barrons book!!
what is a bit
shorthand for a SINGLE binary digit, either 1 or 0
how many bits make up a byte
8 bits
how many BYTES are in a kilobyte and a megabyte
1024 (kb), about 1 million bytes (mb)
the binary number system follows the base ___
bits are grouped to represent ___________
what is an analog signal + examples of analog data
these signals have values that change smoothly over time, NOT discrete intervals
ex. pitch, volume of music, colors in a painting, etc.
what is a digital signal
basically an analog signal that’s been broken up into steps, measured at discrete or distinct intervals
what is the sampling technique
measuring values of an analog signal at regular intervals called SAMPLES
what are sampled measure for
they are measured to figure out the exact bits required to store each sample
what is an overflow error
lots of programming languages have a fixed number of bits to represent integer limits and/or characters; if the bit limit is surpassed, it results in an overflow error
what are roundoff errors
occur when decimal values are rounded
what does lossy compression do
it significantly reduces file size for storage and transmission, however, the original data cannot be recovered
what does lossless compression do
it’s a compression where no data is lost, however, even after compression, file sizes are larger, meaning it’s difficult to store, transfer, and handle
what is the process of cleaning data
makes data uniform without changing its meaning
what do predicting algorithms do
they use information collected from big dat sets to influence our daily lives
what is metadata
data about the given data, or data that describes your data
how do scatter plots visualize data
points are plotted and a line/curve of best fit is used to determine the relationships
how do linear graphs visualize data
they show trends over time