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Filial Piety

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Filial Piety

In Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors.

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Champa rice

Quick-maturing rice that can allow two harvests in one growing season.

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Grand Canal

The 1,100-mile (1,700-kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire.

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Ming Porcelain

One of China's finest exports, desired all over the world, and produced with highly specialized assembly line techniques.

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Theravada Buddhism

"Way of the Elders" branch of Buddhism followed in Sri Lanka and much of Southeast Asia. It remains close to the original principles set forth by the Buddha; it downplays the importance of gods and emphasizes austerity and the individual's search for enlightenment.

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Mahayana Buddhism

"Great Vehicle" branch of Buddhism followed in China, Japan, and Central Asia. The focus is on reverence for Buddha and for bodhisattvas, enlightened persons who have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment.

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Seljuk Empire

An empire formed by Turkish and Persian Sunnis, lasting from 1037 to 1194 A.D.

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Mamluk Sultanate

- A political unit in Egypt
- Defeated the Mongols and the Ayyubid Sultanate

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Delhi Sultanate

The first Islamic government established within India from 1206-1520. Controlled a small area of northern India and was centered in Delhi.

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House of Wisdom

a center of learning established in Baghdad in the 800s

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A group of devotional movements in Islam

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Bhakti Movement

An immensely popular development in Hinduism, advocating intense devotion toward a particular deity.

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Mayan Empire

2500 BC to 900 AD. Located in southeastern Mexico. Had independent city-states that were unified by culture, religion and trade. Had religious rulers who had ceremonies and made sacrifices to the gods.

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an ancient settlement of southern Indians, located near present day St. Louis, it served as a trading center for 40,000 at its peak in A.D. 1200.

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Great Zimbabwe

City, now in ruins whose many stone structures were built between about 1250 and 1450, when it was a trading center and the capital of a large state.

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A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land

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Bills of Exchange

Established exchange rates between different coinage systems

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Uighur Script

Written language adopted by the Mongols, specifically Chinggis Khan

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Swahili Coast

region along east coast of Africa, part of Indian Ocean trade route, Islam influenced

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Flourishing trading city in Malaya; established a trading empire after the fall of Srivijaya.

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Region of western India famous for trade and manufacturing.

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Groups of people traveling together for safety over long distances

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Camel Saddle

An invention which gives camel riders more stability on the animal and its invention and basic idea traveled along the Trans-Saharan Caravan Trade Route.

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Ibn Battuta

Moroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. He wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the western Sudan.

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Marco Polo

Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.

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Margery Kempe

Wrote book that Chronicles her pilgrimages to holy sites in Europe and Asia. Claimed to have vision that called her to leave the vanities of the world (saw vision of Christ).

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Safavid Empire

Iranian kingdom (1502-1722) established by Ismail Safavi, who declared Iran a Shi'ite state.

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Mughal Empire

Muslim state (1526-1857) exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

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Songhai Kingdom

Largest African trading kingdom during its time; Helped rebel against Mali; only lasted for about 100 years

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Mali Empire

From 1235-1400, this was a strong empire of Western African. With its trading cities of Timbuktu and Gao, it had many mosques and universities.

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Divine Right of Kings

Doctrine that states that the right of ruling comes from God and not people's consent

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Aztec human sacrifice

Ceremonial and very common practice in this society. Their sun god needed nourishment to help civilization. This occurred very often.

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Ottoman tax farming

The process by which the right to tax is sold off to an individual who collects taxes from the people for his benefit while paying a fee to the sultan.

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tax system of the Mughal empire where decentralized lords collected tribute for the emperor.

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tribute system

A system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor.

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Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

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Ming China

A major dynasty that ruled China from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. It was marked by a great expansion of Chinese commerce into East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. 1368-1644 Chinese Dynasty; 120 million subjects; capital Nanjing then Beijing

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Tokugawa Shogunate

was a semi-feudal government of Japan in which one of the shoguns unified the country under his family's rule. They moved the capital to Edo, which now is called Tokyo.

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Nzinga Ndongo

Queen in what is modern day Angola who spent 40 years battling Portuguese slave traders

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Metacom's War

Native Americans battle New England colonies; large percentage of Native Americans died, making it one of the bloodiest wars in US; severely damaged the Native American presence in the new world

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Runaway slaves who gathered in mountainous, forested, or swampy areas and formed their own self-governing communities. raided plantations for supplies

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Beginning in the eleventh century, military campaigns by various Iberian Christian states to recapture territory taken by Muslims. In 1492 the last Muslim ruler was defeated, and Spain and Portugal emerged as united kingdoms.

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Spanish Inquisition

An organization of priests in Spain that looked for and punished anyone suspected of secretly practicing their old religion instead of Roman Catholicism.

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Russian Boyars

Russian nobles

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Mary Wollstonecraft

British feminist of the eighteenth century who argued for women's equality with men, even in voting, in her 1792 "Vindication of the Rights of Women."

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Olympe de Gouges

A proponent of democracy, she demanded the same rights for French women that French men were demanding for themselves. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality.

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Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

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Balkan nationalism

Movements to create independent nations within the Balkan possessions of the Ottoman Empire; provoked a series of crises within the European alliance system; eventually led to World War I.

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German Unification

In the 19th-century, various independent German-speaking states, led by the chancellor of Prussia Otto von Bismarck, unified to create a Germanic state.

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Italian Unification

Cavour worked to unify the North then helped Giuseppe Garibaldi unify the South staring with Sicily. Garibaldi eventually stepped aside and handed over all of Southern Italy to Victor Emmanuel II (King of Sardinia) rule all of the now unified Italy

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An economic system based on private ownership of capital

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An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

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Tupac Amaru II

Member of Inca aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish authorities in Peru in 1780-1781. He was captured and executed with his wife and other members of his family.

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Yaa Asantewaa

queen of the Asantes that led the fight against the British in the last Asante war, took power after the king was exiled

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Sokoto Caliphate

large Muslim state founded in 1809 in what is now northern Nigeria.

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Zulu Kingdom

A people of modern South Africa whom King Shaka united beginning in 1818 with a strong military tradition.

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palm oil

A West African tropical product often used to make soap; the British encouraged its cultivation as an alternative to the slave trade.

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Opium War

War between Britain and the Qing Empire that was, in the British view, occasioned by the Qing government's refusal to permit the importation of opium into its territories; the victorious British imposed the one-sided Treaty of Nanking on China.

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Chinese Exclusion Act

(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.

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Jamaica Letter

A was a document written in Jamaica by South American revolutionary leader Simon Bolivar where he famously expanded his views on thee independence movement in Venezuela and the way the government under the way they tried to operate.

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Declaration of the Rights of Man

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.

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Declaration of Independence

the document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain

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History Within Civilizations

What rises out of collapse of classical civilization and interactions developing between new states

  • Growth of long-distance trade

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World’s Major Religions

  1. Most belief systems still are impacting history

  2. Most major religions have divisions = subgroups and sects (focus more on overall religion)

  3. Understand theological basis of belief systems and impact of belief systems on social, political, cultural, military developments

  4. Origin and spread of belief systems - cultural interactions

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Religious Mysticism

adherents within religions focusing on mystical experiences that bring them closer to divine - prayer, meditation

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  • Cultures: India, China, Southeast Asia, Japan

  • Context:

    • Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, a young Hindu prince - lived in Nepal from 563-483 BCE, rejected wealth and world possessions and became Buddha (Enlightened One)

    • No supreme being - 4 Noble Truth: (1) all life is suffering, (2) suffering caused by desire, (3) can be freed of desire, (4) freed of desire following a prescribed path

  • Mahayana Buddhism: great ritual, spiritual comfort - more complex but with greater spread

  • Theravada Buddhism: meditation, simplicity, nirvana as renunciation of consciousness and self

  • rejects caste system - appealed to those of lower rank

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  • Cultures: started as group of Jews, quickly expanded through Europe, northeastern Africa, Middle East

  • Context:

    • Based around Jesus of Nazareth, a figure who claimed to be Messiah the Jews had awaited - teachings of devotion to God and love for others

    • Based on Bible teachings

    • World was created by God, but world has fallen from God

  • Impact: compassion, grace through faith appealed to lower classes and women

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  • Cultures: China (400 BCE+)

  • Context:

    • Founded by Confucius, educator and political advisor - thoughts and sayings collected in the Analects

    • Deals with how to restore political and social order, not with philosophical or religious topics

  • Impact: Stayed within Chinese culture

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  • Cultures: India

  • Context:

    • Belief in one supreme force called Brahma who created everything - many gods

    • Goal of believer is to merge with Brahma - believe it takes multiple lives to accomplish

  • Impact: religion and social caste system, which has prevented global acceptance of religion

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  • Cultures: caliphates (Islamic kingdoms), North Africa, central Asia, Europe

  • Context

    • Allah presented words through prophet Muhammad, whose words were recorded in the Qur’an

    • Salvation is won through submission to God

  • Impact: Rapidly spread to Middle East

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  • Culture: Hebrews

  • Context:

    • God selected a group of holy people who should follow his laws and worship them

    • Hebrew Bible - Torah, miracles, laws, historical chronicles, poetry, prophecies

  • Impact: First of major monotheistic faiths

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Abbasid Dynasty

Islamic Empire from 750-1258 CE - capital in Baghdad

  • Centre for arts and sciences - mathematics (Nasir al-Din al Tusi), medicine, writings (House of Wisdom library)

  • Built around trade - used receipt and bill system

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What caused the decline of Islamic Caliphates?

  1. Challenged by revolt of enslaved Turkish warriors

  2. New Shia dynasty in Iran

  3. Seljuk Turk Sunni group

  4. Persians, Europeans, Byzantines

  5. Most importantly Mongols - overtook and destroyed Baghdad in 1258

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Middle Ages in Europe

  1. Fall of Rome before Renaissance - complicated time

  2. Eastern Roman Empire became Byzantine Empire

  3. Western Europe: collapsed entirely - Christianity remained strong

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European Feudalism

Hierarchy social system of Middle Ages

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Feudalism Structure

  1. King: power over whole kingdom

  2. Nobles: had power over sections of kingdom in exchange for loyalty to king and military service

  3. Vassals: lesser lords with sections of Noble land who could divide it further - estates were called fiefs or manors (self-sufficient)

    • Male dominated - women could not own land

  4. Peasants or Serfs: worked the land

    • Had few rights or freedoms outside of manor

    • Skilled in trades, which helped them break out of feudal mode as global trade increased

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Emergence of Modern Countries

At end of Middle Ages, people began moving from feudal kingdom organization to linguistic and cultural organization

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Germany’s Path to Statehood (13th Century)

reigning family of emperorship died out, entering a period of interregnum (time between kings)

  • Merchants and tradespeople became more powerful in the meantime

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England’s Path to Statehood (13th Century)

English nobles rebelled against King John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta - reinstated the nobles, laid foundation for Parliament

  • Later divided into House of Lords and House of Commons

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France’s Path to Statehood (13th Century)

England began to occupy many parts of France which spurred revolts - Joan of Arc fought back English out of Orleans

  • Hundred Year’s War

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Hundred Year’s War (1337-1453)

Unified France, leading to England’s withdrawal from the country

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Spain’s Path to Statehood (13th Century)

Queen Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon married to unite Spain in a single monarchy and forced all residents to convert to Christianity - Spanish Inquisition

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Russia’s Path to Statehood (13th Century)

Taken over by Tartars (group of eastern Mongols) under Genghis Kahn in 1242 until Russian prince Ivan III expanded his power in 1400s and became czar

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China’s Song Dynasty (960-1279)

  • Confucianism justified subordination of women

  • Neo-Confucianism: Buddhist ideas about soul, filial piety, maintenance of proper roles, loyalty to superiors

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Foot Binding

Song Dynasty practice of bounding women’s feet after birth to keep them small

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China’s Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

Took over China again after brief period of Mongol dominance

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China’s Zen Practice

meditation and appreciation of beauty

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relatively isolated from external influences outside Asia for many years

  • Feudal Structure

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Japan’s Feudal Structure

  1. Emperor

  2. Shogun (chief general)

  3. Daimyo: owners of larger pieces of land, powerful samurai (like knights)

    • Followed Code of Bushido code of conduct - loyalty, courage, honour

  4. Lesser samurai (like vassals)

  5. Peasants and artisans

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History filled with conflict between Islam and Hinduism

  • Delhi Sultanate: Islamic invader kingdom in Delhi

  • Islam took over Northern India - clash between Islam monotheism and Hinduism polytheism

  • Rajput Kingdoms: several Hindu principalities that united to resist Muslim forces from 1191 until eventual takeover in 1527

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Khmer Empire (9th-15th century)

Hindu Empire in modern day Cambodia, Laos, Thailand

  • Beliefs were carried through Indian Ocean trade network

  • Crafted the Angor Wat temple

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  • Islamic Empire spread to North Africa in the 7th to 8th centuries - travelled through Sahara Desert and reached the wealthy sub-Saharan

    • An explosion of trade began

  • Hausa Kingdoms

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Africa’s Hausa Kingdoms

off Niger River, series of state system kingdoms

  • achieved economic stability and religious influence though long trade (salt and leather) - notably city of Kano

  • Political and economic downturn in 18th century due to internal wars lead to their downfall

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3 Great Ancient Civilizations of the Americas

Maya, Incas, Aztecs

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  • Arrived in Mexico in mid 1200s

  • Expansionist policy and professional, strict army

  • Empire of 12 million people with flourishing trade, many of people enslaved

  • Women were subordinate, but could inherit property

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  • Andes Mountains in Peru

  • Expansionist - army, established bureaucracy, unified language, system of roads and tunnels

  • Many people were peasants

  • Women were more important and could pass property to their daughters

  • Polytheistic religion with human sacrifice - Sun god was most important

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The Silk Road

Ran from China to India; luxury items were transported (silk); technological advances included astrolabe, compass, camels, gunpowder; culture, religion, language, and ideas were exchanged by caravanserai

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Indian Ocean Trade

Transport of luxury items, especially spices; dhows were used for transportation; religious and nonreligious traditions combined; crucial for the expansion of Islam

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Bubonic Plague

Carried by fleas, might have been transmitted though caravansaries and killed ¼ of Eurasia’s population; helped to end Feudalism

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Diasporic Communities

Formed by merchants introducing their own traditions into indigenous cultures (examples Muslim merchants in Indian Ocean region, Chinese merchants in Southeast Asia, and Jewish communities in the Mediterranean or along trade routes)

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