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a Chinese character of a person and the number two, roles, benefactors or beneficiaries
book of ruth, a bond that can be deeper than blood, a sense of loyalty
same root word as grace and mercy, Hebrew and Arabic word for womb, place for nurturing
the personification of cosmic order, order of morality, and the order of the universe itself
guardian spirits, involved in a cosmic battle between good and evil, maintain balance
chinvat bridge
it can be either easy or hard to cross, there can be a hag or a beautiful lady, an interpretation of the afterlife
secular humanism
life based not on religion, emphasizes the importance of reason, human well being
balance and harmony, spirit that sustains life, is a sacred force
more than just physical beauty, personal and communal well being, a guiding principle for a righteous life
guardian/’tutelary spirit or spirit helper
a spirit helper, from ancestors like animals, summoned through rituals or ceremonies
pleasure as the highest good, encourages simple modes of life, idea of inner peace
virtue ethics
stresses virtues, the goal is human flourishing, helps individuals navigate complex moral situations