supports large infrastructure projects
Encouraged intervention in the economy to support jobs
Opposition to international treaties
Opposition to the use of military force
Greater social justice
Welfare provision
Higher taxes
Trade unions
Oppose military action
Government intervention in economy
Tax cuts
Willing to accept limitations in social issues such as abortion, civil liberties, anti-terror laws
Illegal immigration
Gay rights
Smaller government
Less regulation
Free market economics
Abolition of inheritance tax
Business owners
republicans in suburbs
Self employed
Less socially conservative and in some cases socially liberal (Eg no child left behind under Bush)
Support conservative economic policy
Anti government
Anti masks
Anti elections
Anti Media
Socially Conservative- abortion, gay rights , gun laws
Anti international co-operation
Raise money
Co-ordinate electoral strategy
Organise the national party convention
New campaign finance laws
Opinion polls
Mail/social media