Bored P’s sought out.
They’d just finished a different experiment and were expecting to go home.
They were split into the experimental (doodling) group and the control group.
Doodling group given doodle paper to “relieve their boredom.”
Control group given lined paper.
P’s were specifically told they’d be tested on the names of people attending the party (which would be the monitoring task), and NOT the names of places (which would be the recall task).
P’s listened to the voice message in a dull and quiet room.
Afterwards, P’s unexpectedly were asked to recall the names of places ALONG with the originally asked names of people attending.
Tests were counterbalanced
Doodle group did names then places
Control group did places then names
P’s were debriefed and apologized to for deception.
40 people aged 18-55
35 females, 5 males.
Opportunity sample.
From the Medical Research Unit for Cognitive Research.
Paid a small amount for their participation.