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relay an information from one place to another without anyone else being able to know it
process of using an algorithm to transform information into a format that cannot be read
process of using another algorithm to transform encrypted information back into a readable format
plain text
original information
cipher text
encrypted version
4 Objectives of Encryption
sender and receiver can be assured that no third party can read the message
sender and receiver can be sure that no third party can make changes in the message
receiver can be sure that it is the sender who sent the message
receiver can prove to any third party that the sender sent the message
Caesar’s Cipher
cipher that shifts letters to 3 (A → D)
Vigenère Cipher
substitution cipher where a different alphabet was used for the next letter of the message, with the alphabets repeating periodically according to some key
Mono-Alphabetic Cipher System
cipher system that shifts all letters n times
Poly-Alphabetic Cipher System
shifting of letters are not defined
Symmetric encryption
secret key encryption; uses one key for encryption and decryption
Asymmetric encryption
public key cryptosystem; uses a public key for encryption and a separate private key for decryption
Public Key Cryptosystem
(1976) W. Diffie and M. Hellman
Public Key Cryptosystem
each individual is assigned public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt information; a message encrypted by the public key can only be decrypted by the private key
Public key
available for others to use when encrypting information; people can use that individual's key to decrypt information
Private key
accessible only to the individual; the individual can use this key to decrypt any message encrypted with the other key
Modular arithmetic
a ≡ b (mod n); a is congruent to b modulo n
RSA Cryptosystem
Rivest, Shamir, Adleman
RSA Cryptosystem
based on the assumption that factoring large integers is computationally hard
Trap door function
one-way function; a function that is easy to compute “forwards” but difficult to compute “backwards”
Trap door function
it is fairly cheap to compute the output from the input but computationally infeasible to find the input from the output
Encryption Process
C = Me mod n
Decryption Process
M = Cd mod n
Alan Turing
Father of Computer Science
Error Detection
Error Correction
2 Goals of Coding Theory
Source coding
changing the message source to a suitable code for transmission through the channel
Source encoder
transforms the source output into a sequence of symbols or message
a string of 0’s and 1’s representing an actual message
number of digits in a codeword
the collection or set of all codewords
message → codeword
received word → message
a single bit is appended to a bit string; either odd or even
simplest possible error-correcting code
Hamming distance
number of bits where the two words differ
Nearest Neighbor Decoding
If the distance between the closest codewords in C is large enough and if sufficiently few errors were made in transmission, this codeword should be x
Minimum distance
smallest distance between any two distinct codewords in the code
2e + 1
Minimum distance
Errors detected at minimum distance
Errors corrected at minimum distance
Product tags
used for easy identification of products as well as for tracking and inventory purposes
Universal Product Code
originally created to help grocery stores speed up the checkout process and keep better track of inventory
Check digit scheme
appends an extra digit or digits to the product tag
Check digit scheme
given the eleven-digit string x1x2 ... x11, x12 is appended such that the whole twelve-digit codeword satisfies:
3𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + 3𝑥3 + 𝑥4 + ⋯ + 3𝑥11 + 𝑥12 ≡ 0 mod 10
Quick response code
was in Japan by Denso-Wave in 1994
Quick response code
designed to allow high speed component scanning
Quick response code
detected as a 2-dimensional digital image by a semi-conductor image sensor