What partitive is used in any negative tense sentence?
De/Dâ (any other partitive like des/de la becomes de in negative form)
What is the difference between using de and le?
De refers to some/parts of a subject and Le refers to the subject in general (ex. Passez-moi la pizza vs. Passe moi de la pizza)
What pronoun is used in any expression of quantity? (ex. beaucoup, assez, trop)
Which 3 expressions of quantity are exceptions to the de/dâ rule?
La moitiĂŠ des, bien des, la plupart des
Which prepositions of locations (and their objects) does the pronoun Y replace?
à , dans, derrière, en, dans, chez, devant, sur etc.
What type of object can the pronoun Y replace if it is followed by Ă ?
A non-human object (human objects use indirect object pronouns)
Which preposition (and its object) does the pronoun En replace?
When is the number/quantity of the object that En replaces NOT retained?
In a negative sentence (ex. elle nâen a pas achetĂŠ)
What are two other subjects that the pronoun En can replace if they include the preposition de?
Locations, verbal expressions
Which two expressions of quantity do not use any partitives?
Quelques, plusieurs