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Virtue Ethics
The ethical system that bases ethics largely upon character and possession of virtues. The golden mean.
The ethical systems espoused by Kant that focuses on duty; holds that the only thing truly good is a good will, and that what is good is that which conforms to the categorical imperative. Duty applies the same to everyone and priorities motive and intent. The motivation of a person will determine if the act is ethical.
The greatest good is that which results in the greatest happiness for the greatest number
Packer’s Crime Control Model
A conservative approach to crime that focuses on protecting society from criminals by regulating criminal conduct and justice. Based on presumption of guilt, focusing on efficiency and swift punishment.
Packer’s Due Process Model
An extension of the principle that each individual has certain rights and that among these rights is the right to a trail that incorporates due process. Focus on fairness, due process, presumption of innocence, and protecting the rights of the accused.
The view that police officers are in a war against criminals
The view that police officers are public servants public servants that have a duty to care for and protect everyone in society
Community Policing
A collaborative effort between police and community members to address crime and disorder. The goal is to build safer communities through problem-solving and partnerships
The practice of singling out persons for law enforcement procedures on the basis of pr determined characteristics
Pretext Stops
When a law enforcement officer stops a vehicle for a minor violation to look for evidence of a more serious crime
Proactive Investigation
Law enforcement actively seeking out criminal activity before it is reported or becomes widely known. A planned effort to identify and stop criminal activity before it occurs
Reactive Investigations
A police response to a reported crime to identify the perpetrator and gather evidence for prosecution.
Blue Curtain of Secrecy / Code of Silence
The practice of officers to not come forward when they are aware of the ethical transgressions of other officers
Noble Cause Corruption
The corruption that occurs when officers believe the “end” of crime fighting justifies “means” that might otherwise be illegal, unethical, and/or against rules or regulations
Abuse of Authority Corruption
When a person in a position of power uses their authority and influence for personal gain
The formal questioning of a suspect in relation to a crime or wrongdoing
Civilians who are used to obtain information about criminal activity and/or participate in it so evidence can be obtained for an arrest
Undercover Investigations
The use of deception by a police agent that may result in obtaining information and evidence used to build a criminal case against those targeted by the undercover activity
Items of value received by an individual because of his or her role or position rather than because of a personal relationship with the giver
Exploitation of one’s role for illegal financial benefit (bribes or protection money)
Professional Courtesy
A courtesy or leniency shown to police, firefights, other first responders when they commit traffic violations
Placebo Lies
Lies in the best interest of those being lied to
Blue Lies
Used to control the person or to make the job easier in situations where force could be used
Deviant Lies
Used in the courtroom to make a case or to cover up wrongdoing
Tolerated Lies
Necessary evils such as lying about selective enforcement
Accepted Lies
Used during undercover investigation and sting operations
Deception Techniques
The use of lies by police officers
Use of Force
The application of physical or psychological measures to control a situation, restrain an individual, or compel compliance. Only justifiable when proportional to the threat imposed.
Rotten Apple
Officer was deviant before hiring
Rotten Barrel
Officer became deviant after hiring
Consent Decree
Legally binding performance improvement plan that requires a police department to change its practices
Internal Affairs Department
A unit within law enforcement agencies that investigates misconduct by its own members
Chicago Police Code of Silence (Whistleblower)
Undercover police officer Shannon Spalding discovered that fellow police officers were some of Chicago’s most dangerous criminals
Code of silence is an informal agreement to not report on a colleague's misconduct
Code of silence has been linked to many scandals that have rocked Chicago and drained its funds
McDonald Case (Use of Force)
Laquan McDonald was killed by a police officer
Police officer got a call that he was breaking into vehicles and shot him 16 times
There was excessive use of force used in this situation
Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Abuse of Power)
Arpaio abused his authority and power by engaging in racial profiling
He detained people simply because they looked latino without the reasonable suspicion of crime needed to justify a seizure
He was found guilty but Trump pardoned him
Buried Bodies (People v. Belge)
Client confidentiality
Garrow confessed to his lawyers of committing murders and additional crimes. He also described the location of where he dumped the bodies
Armani and Belge told no one of Garrow’s confession until Garrow confessed to the crimes
After he confessed Aramani and Belge admitted that they had known about it all
Glenn Ford (Prosecutor Marty Stroud)
Stroud was the lead prosecutor in the wrongful conviction of Glenn Ford for murder
Ford spent almost 30 years on death row before being exonerated
Stroud admitted a rush in judgement
He called for compensation for Foard and reconsideration of death penalty
Stroud believes Ford had an unfair trial
Michael Morton (Prosectuor Ken Anderson)
Anderson jailed Michael Morton for the murder of his wife
Aderson was convicted of criminal contempt for withholding evidence that led to Mrton’s wrongful conviction
Salim v. Mitchell (Ethics of Torture)
A lawsuit against two psychologists who were paid tens of millions of dollars to design torture techniques used by teh CIA in black-site prisons
Salim and SOud were held and brutalized in a secret CIA facility in Afghanistan
They filed a lawsuit against the psychologists who devised a menu of abusive interrogation methods such as aiding and betting torture, non-consesual human experimentation and war crimes