Biology - A1.2.1-A1.2.8

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1) Passes information between generations

2) Code for protein production

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A1.2 Nucleic Acids

13 Terms


1) Passes information between generations

2) Code for protein production

State the two primary functions of nucleic acids.

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1) DNA : deoxyribonucleic acid

2) RNA : ribonucleic acid

State the two types of nucleic acids used in cells

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All living organisms use DNAas the genetic material.


The use of the genetic code across all forms of life is evidence of universal common ancestry of life. The sequences of DNA in cells can be analyzed and compared to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms. The more similar the sequence, the more closely related the organisms.

Outline the meaning and implication of DNA being the genetic material of all living organisms.

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Some viruses use RNA as their genetic material. However, because virusesare not made of cells, they are not considered to be living.

State why RNA viruses do not falsify the claim that all living things use DNA as the genetic material.

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Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids

4 major types of biological molecules

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Monomer: Sugar

Polymer: Carbohydrates

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Monomer: Fatty Acids

Polymer: Lipids

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Monomer: Nucleotides

Polymer: Nucleic Acids

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Monomer: Amino Acids

Polymer: Protein

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1) Passes heredity information between generations of cells

2) Codes for making RNA during transcription

2 Functions of DNA

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1) Codes for making proteins during translatiojn

2) mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA are the three main types of RNA involved in protein synthesis

2 Functions of RNA

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polymers of nucleotides with a sugar-phosphate backbone

DNA and RNA are

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