Forearm muscles

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What nerve innervates the posterior forearm?

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What nerve innervates the posterior forearm?

Radial Nerve

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<p>What muscle is A? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation) </p>

What muscle is A? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor carpi radialis longus

O: Lateral supracondylar ridge

Ins: Base of 2nd metacarpal

Act: Extension and assist in radial deviation at Radiocarpal joint

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What muscle is B? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What muscle is B? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

O: Lateral epicondyle

Ins: Base of 3rd metacarpal

Act: Extension and assist in radial deviation at Radiocarpal joint

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is muscle C? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is muscle C? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor Digitorum

O: Lateral epicondyle

Ins: extensor expansion

Act: Extension MCP, PIP, and DIP joint of 2-5 , Extension of radiocarpal joint

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is muscle D? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is muscle D? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor carpi ulnaris

O: Lateral epicondyle and posterior ulna

Ins: Base of 5th metacarpal

Act:Extension and assist with ulnar deviation at Radiocarpal joint

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is muscle A ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is muscle A ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor digiti minimi

O: Lateral epicondyle

Ins: 5th phalanx extensor

Act:Extension 5th MCP and Extension of radiocarpal joint (weak)

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is muscle B?</p>

What is muscle B?

extensor carpi ulnaris

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<p>What is muscle C?</p>

What is muscle C?

extensor Carpi radialis longus

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<p>What is D?</p>

What is D?

extensor carpi radialis brevis

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<p>What is E? </p>

What is E?

Extensor digitorum

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<p>What is A? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is A? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)


O: Lateral epicondyle

Ins: Lateral surface of proximal 1/3 radius

Act: supination of forearm

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>what is B? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

what is B? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

abductor pollicis Longus

O: mid-ulna, radius, and interosseous membrane

Ins: base of 1st metacarpal

Act: Abduct thumb at CMC

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is C? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is C? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor pollicis Longus

O: Posterior mid-ulna and interosseous membrane

Ins: base of distal phalanx of thumb

Act: extends thumb at IP , MCP, and CMC

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is D?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is D?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

extensor indicis

O: Posterior ulna

Ins: distal phalanx via tendon of extensor digitorum

Act: extends index finger at DIp, Pip, MCP and extension of wrist

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is E? </p>

What is E?

Extensor Carpi radialis

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<p>What is F ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is F ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Extensor Pollicis brevis

O: Posterior distal radius and interosseous membrane

Ins: base of proximal phalanx of thumb

Act: extension thumb at MCP and CMC

Inn: Radial Nerve

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<p>What is the green line pointing to? </p>

What is the green line pointing to?

Flexor carpi ulnaris

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<p>Anatomical Snuff box ( boundaries and contents)</p>

Anatomical Snuff box ( boundaries and contents)

Lateral: extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus

Medial: extensor pollicis longus

Floor: scaphoid

Contents: Radial Artery

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What muscles make up the superficial compartment of Anterior forearm

Pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris longus, and Flexor carpi ulnaris.

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<p>What muscle is the yellow arrow pointing at ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What muscle is the yellow arrow pointing at ? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)


O: Lateral supracondylar ridge

Ins: Lateral distal radial styloid

Act: Flexes elbow joint

Inn: Radial Nerve

New cards
<p>what is muscle A?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

what is muscle A?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Pronator Teres

O: Medial Epicondyle of humerus

Ins: Mid-Lateral surface of radius

Act: Pronates forearm at superior radioulnar joint

Inn: Median Nerve

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<p>What are the boundaries and contents of the cubital Fossa? </p>

What are the boundaries and contents of the cubital Fossa?

Lateral: brachioradialis

Medial: Pronator teres

Superior: Line connecting medial and lateral epicondyle


tendons: biceps

Artery: Brachial

Nerve: Median

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<p>What is muscle B?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is muscle B?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Flexor Carpi radialis

O: Medial Epicondyle

Ins: 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

Act: flexes and assist with radial deviation

Inn: Median Nerve

New cards
<p>what is muscle C?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

what is muscle C?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Palmaris Longus

O: Medial Epicondyle

Ins: flexor retinculum and palmar aponerosis

Act: Weak wrist flexion at radiocarpal joint

Inn: Median Nerve

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<p>What is muscle D?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is muscle D?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Flexor carpi ulnaris

O: Medial Epicondyle and olecranon

Ins: Pisiform, hamate, 5th metacarpal

Act: flexes and assist with radial deviation at radiocarpal joint

Inn: ulnar Nerve

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What muscle makes up the intermediate compartment of the Anterior forearm?

Flexor digitorum superficialis

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<p>what muscle is it pointing at?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

what muscle is it pointing at?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Flexor digitorum superficialis

O: Medial Epicondyle, radius, and coronoid process

Ins: middle phalanx 2-5

Act: Flexes MCP And PIP of 2-5, Flexes at Radiocarpal joint

Inn: Median Nerve

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What muscles make up the deep compartment of the Anterior forearm?

Flexor digitorum profundus, Flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus

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<p>What is the blue line pointing at?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is the blue line pointing at?(Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Flexor digitorum profundus

O: Anterior medial ulna

Ins: distal phalanges 2-5

Act: Flexes MCP, PIP, and DIP joints of digits 2-5

Inn: Lateral ½ -Median Nerve, Medial ½ - Ulnar nerve

New cards
<p>What is the green line pointing at? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is the green line pointing at? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Flexor Pollicis Longus

O: Anterior radius and interosseous membrane

Ins: base of distal phalanx of thumb

Act: Flexes MCP,IP, and CMC joints of digits thumb

Inn: Median Nerve

New cards
<p>What is the blue box? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)</p>

What is the blue box? (Origin, insertion, action, innervation)

Pronator Quadratus

O: distal ulnar shaft

Ins: distal radial shaft

Act:Pronates forearm at inferior radioulnar joint

Inn:Median Nerve

New cards
<p>Boundaries and contents of Carpal tunnel</p>

Boundaries and contents of Carpal tunnel

Lateral: trapezium

Medial: Hamate

Floor: Hamate, capitate, and trapezoid

Roof: flexor retinculum


9 tendons and 1 nerve

4- FDS



Median nerve

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