6.2: feeding human race

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5 factors affecting food security

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5 factors affecting food security

human population size, number of pests/pathogens, globalwarming/climate change, wealthier population requiring large variety of food, high cost of farming methods

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growing plants in nutrient mediums other than soil

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biological control

controlling pests by deliberately introducing natural predator of pests

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how can gene technology help agriculture

beneficial genes for pest resistance or ability to grow in harsher conditions could be introduced

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how can fertilisers/ pesticides help agriculture

pesticides: kill pests that could harm growth of plant, fertilisers: provide plant with all nutrients needed so it grows quicker

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how selective breeding is carried out

animals with desired traits chosen, these animals are bred together, repeat process until offspring have desired traits

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genetic engineering

altering genome of organisms

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new genes introduced into organisms

organisms genes cut using restriction enzymes to create sticky ends. DNA from bacterium is also cut to produce sticky ends. gene inserted into bacteria along with antibiotic resistance gene. antibiotics used to remove bacteria that do not have new genes

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transgenic organism

organism that contains foreign DNA

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2 advantages of genetically modified crop

better crop yields, food will last longer and taste better

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2 disadvantages of genetically modified crop

new genes can easily spread to other plants in environments, unaware of long term effects GM crops cause health

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