Native americans have higher cholesterol in bile = increased gallstone risk
Mexican americans also have incrased gallstone risk
Foods in nitrates and nitrites
hot dogs
charred grilled foods
Immunize against Hep A + B
No uprotected sex with known drug users to redue risk of Hep C
Less alchol
Avoid rapid weight loss
low fat, low cholestol
high fiber and calcium
More pregnancies increases risk for gallbalder disease
Cardiac disease
Renal disease
Trendelenburg position
Abd massage
Can cause hyperglycemia due to high glucose content
CBG testing q4h
Must be given through central line
Salem sump (into stomach) has pigtails
NG tube (into stomach)
Miller Abbott (into small intestine)
Cantor (into small intestine)
Harris (into small intestine)
Levin (into stomach)
PH should be around 5 (proton pump inhibits can make higher)
looks like bile
Hold feeding if excessie residual is aspirated
white toast
NO Coffee and tea
thicken liquids
sit upright with head forward and chin tucked
keep suction equipment nearby always
alchol use
HPV infection
Oral lesions
Usually painless
Less than 6 wks
x ray to check placement
test PH
Auctltating not relaibe
long term
not used if needed shorter than 4 wks
-Opened feeding formula = disgaurd after 24 hrs -Feeding bags filled by nurses with commercial foruma digaurd after 4-8 hrs
Open systems change q24h
Closed systems changed q24-48 hrs (bags pre filled at factory with formula)
Flush with 30mL of water q4h during continuous feedings
30 mL of water after each residual check
15 mL before and after each med
After bariatric surgery when large amounts of food and liquid pass into jejunum. Occurs 15-30 min after eating s/s:
abd cramping **** may help to lie down for 30 minutes after eating****
Lower esophagus/stomach slides up into diaphragm and thorax
result of a defect in diaphragm wall
more common in women
cannot be seen
No tight fitting clothes
elevating HOB 6-8 inches
not eating within 3 hours of bedtime
avoid fatty foods
reduce weight
no lifting heavy weight
Sit upright 2 hours after eating
Inflammation of MM on stomach lining (atrophic involves all layers)
usually caused by H-pyloi bacteria
H-pylori causes erosion of the gI mucosa, making it easily damaged by gastric juices.
massive hemorrhage can occur from ulcer
H-pylori, smoking, NSAIDS are major causes
H-pylori causes erosion of the gI mucosa, making it easily damaged by gastric juices.
Hot spicy foods and caffeine NOT PROVEN as a cause, but make s/s worse
more likely to hemorrhage
most likely caused by unrelieved stimulation of the vagus nerve
r/t being severely ill, burn patients, trauma patients, ect.
Usually discovered late because patients lack s/s
H-pylori, nitrites and nitrates in foods = risk factors
anemia like symptoms due to blood loss in GI tract, may see blood in stool
Change in bowel elimination (constipation, diarrhea or both)
Abd pain and bloating relieved by defecation
Absence of detectable disease
Mucus in stool
may disappear when lying down
avoid lifting
brace site when coughing, sneezing
Ulcerative colitis (UC) and crohn's disease
more common in Jewish population
attacks of diarrhea
Low fiber!
high protein
low fat
Inflammation of the peritoneum... usually occurs when one of the enclosed organs ruptures and contents spill out (ie appendix bursting)
peristalsis slows/stops CAN BE FATAL
board like abd rigidity
rebound tenderness
fever, chills, ect. Keep pt semi fowler, turn and move gently
people most at risk = those with GI disorders such as UC
polyp like growths that cancer grows from
colonoscopy can help find polyps early and remove them b4 cancerous. Routinely starting at 45
change in bowel habits
weight loss
bowel obstruction
Chronic scarring of liver from disease such as
Hep B and C
Blood vessels also begin to fail and leak into the abd
Leg and food edema
Bleeding and bruising due to vit k defficiency
Palpable nobby liver under right rib cage
Abd distention/acities
Spider angiomas
Dark and foamy urine
Clay colored stool
Complication of liver cirrosis
caused because normal blood flow to the liver is diverted to veins of stomach/esophagus
vein walls rupture, massive bleeding occurs
Tx by vasopressin
Complication of liver cirrosis
Build up of toxins/ammonia due to liver failure
S/S: confusion, coma, flapping tremors of hands
-Lactulose given to lower intestinal absorption of ammonia
Inflammation of the pancreas (acute)
frequently accompanies gallstones blocking pancreatic duct
most common cause = alcoholism
pseydocysts may occur (sac like structure around the pancreas, danger of hemorrhage if rupture occurs)
Left upper quad pain, eating makes pain worse
Lowered BS
gaurding and tenderness of abd
Abd pain
weight loss
mild jaundice
DM develops
dark urine