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what is needed for primary growth
Primary meristems
Shoot apical meristem SAM
Root apical meristem RAM
Secondary meristems
Vascular cambium VC
Ground meristem '
[side-branches: Axillary meristem AxM
Side-roots: Lateral root meristem LRM]
mitotic cell diivison in Primary growth in shoots
keeps producing more and more cells
region of elongation in Primary growth in shoots
more growth and starts elongatinng, no differentiating yet
region of differentiation and or maturation
differenitaets in to their function
leaf primordium
portects the the apical meristerm
shoot spival meristerm
produces cell
developing skin
what is pith made out of
which phase is responsible for herbs and no woody palnts to obtain thei differnet roots
elongation in root apical meristerm
pre specialized role
merismatic tissue later turns into vascular canbium
very different insides so you to connect
disadvantages of primary growth
limited maximum size
one of the tallest primary growth plants is sunflower
how to go from primary growth to secondary growth
increases girth of root or stem
how is secondary growth achieeved
Achieved through secondary meristems:
vascular cambium, cork cambium → give rise to secondary tissue
differnce between herb and trees and dhrubs growth
trees and shrubs are circular, continuous vascular cambium
how often is xylem and pholm produced in trees
new one every 1 year
But: without adjustment, outer portion of stem would rip apart
how does this occur
xylem 2 increases in surface area and pushees and puts strength on phloem 1 and pholem 2 causing it to spilt apart
what is the adjustment to cracks
corkcambium produces new cells to fill the cracks
why is it important to filll cracks
open to pathogen
cork cmabium produces
new filler to fill crack
what do vascular cambium produce
new xylem and phelom
size difference betwen xylem layers and pholem layers
*in reality, phloem layers are much slimmer than xylem layers. Also, you cannot count year rings in the phloem, just in the xylem
what hapens to epidermis
#Epidermis is withering away through wear and tear ^
^After some year, original epidermis is gone and fully replaced by the cork made from cork cambium
how are angio sperms divided
monocots and eudicots
monocot vs eudicot - cotyledons
monocot - 1
eudicot - 2
monocot vs eudicot - leaf venation
monocot - parallel
eudicot - net pattern
monocot vs eudicot - 2ndary growth
monocot - herbaceous (never woody)
eudicot - only in woody eudicots (and conifers) (can be both tho)
monocot vs eudicot -flowers organs
monocot - groups of 3
eudicot - groups of 4 -5
(# of sepals and petals most informative)
monocot vs eudicot - roots
monocot - Fibrous root
eudicot - Tap root
monocot vs eudicot -Vascular bundle position
monocot - scattered
eudicot - in a circle
Which region in a shoot tip is described in the following statement?
In this region, the cells have attained their mature size and also function. As such, all the primary tissue and its cells are recognizable and functional. For example, the epidermis is fully functional and the vascular cambium has started to produce primary xylem and phloem.
Region of differentiation/maturation