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ước định, định giá
giả thiết rằng; đảm đương; giả bộ
baffle = perflex
làm bối rối
suy ngẫm; ngắm
bất cần đạo lý
suy luận
cố ý; thong thả
a difficult or perplexing situation or problem (tình trạng khó xử)
to take hold of something tightly with the hands, to understand
the process of trying to find the answer to something by guessing, or the answer found by using this method
hunch = intuition
(n.) an impression that something might be the case: linh cảm
sự nghi ngờ, sự bị nghi ngờ; một thoáng, một chút
(v.) round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward
a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy, a consistent set of beliefs by groups/individuals
clever; resourceful
bào chữa
(adj.) innocent, unsophisticated, showing lack of worldly knowledge and experience
khái niệm, quan điểm, ý kiến
sự ngược đời
(adj.) hợp lý; có miệng lưỡi khéo léo
(v.) cân nhắc
thành kiến (n)
làm cho có tổn hại; gây thành kiến (v)
to ask, inquire; question
count; calculate; regard as; think; suppose
đầu cơ, chỉ nghĩ, đoán mà k có chứng cứ
tận tâm
to stuff tightly; to fill tightly; to study hard just before a test
không biết, ngu dốt; k để ý
not giving much attention to someone or something
thuộc trí tuệ (adj); nhà trí thức (n)
tập trung
Copying, "lifting," or making slight changes to some or all of someone else's work and saying you created it.
buổi chuyên đề; hội thảo
sự gia sư; học phí
brush up (on)
practise and improve your skills or knowledge of something (already know but partly forgotten)
face up to
accept something and try to deal with it
hit upon
suddenly have an idea; discover something by chance, especially one that solves a problem
make out
to see, hear, or understand (something or someone), often with difficulty [Often used in negative with can't and couldn't]
mull over
nghĩ về cgi một cách kỹ lưỡng trong 1 khoảng tgian
piece together
learn the truth about something by considering all the separate bits of information you have
puzzle out
solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it
read up (on/about)
get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it
swot up (on)
study something very hard, especially for an examination
take in
lừa; bao gồm; che chở; làm nhỏ đi; hiểu, nhớ
think over
suy nghĩ kỹ
think up
invent or imagine something, especially an excuse
account for
to explain the reason for something, to form the total of sth (be part of sth)
give an account of
miêu tả
take into account = take account of
xem xét
on account of
because of
by all accounts
according to what everybody says
on sb's/sth’s account
it is because of that person or thing
(hang) in the balance
do dự
strike a balance
cân bằng
upset/alter/redress the balance
khôi phục thế cân bằng
on balance
sau khi cân nhắc kĩ
off balance
in an unsteady position and likely to fall
basis for
cbi cho, bắt đầu làm một việc gì đó
on the basis of/that
dựa trên gì đó quan trọng và cụ thể
beyond belief
too bad, good, difficult, etc. to be imagined
pick sb's brain(s)
to ask someone questions because you want them to give you advice or information
the brains behind
the person responsible for inventing, developing, or organizing something
a product of your creative thinking and work
sudden clear idea/thought
jump/leap to conclusions
quyết định quá vội vàng mà chưa biết hết
long past
foregone conclusion
kết luận dc dự tính trc mà ai cũng biết
give consideration to
nghĩ gì đó kĩ lưỡng
show consideration for
to behave kind and show you care about others
under consideration
dc cân nhắc, xem xét
out of consideration for sb/sth
vì nghĩ cho ai, cái gì
cast doubt on=raise doubts
thể hiện, khiến cgi trở nên k chắc chắn
doubt as to/about
cảm thấy k chắc chắn về điều gì
Beyond (any) doubt = without a doubt
không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa
open to doubt
not definite, and perhaps not even likely
beyond your wildest dreams
to a degree or in a way you had never thought possible
the focus of/for
focus group
A small group of individuals who are led in discussion by a professional consultant in order to gather opinions on and responses to candidates and issues.
have/give the (false/mistaken) impression that
đưa ra ấn tượng sai, giả vờ rằng
do an impression of
to imitate something, sb
under the impression that
believing, mistakenly or on the basis of little evidence, that something is the case
make a mental note (of/about)
to make an effort to remember something
mental arithmetic
calculations that one does in their mind
make up one's mind
to decide, make a decision
cross/slip your mind
to forget something, think about sth in a short time
have/bear in mind
to have a plan or intention, to remember
have a one-track mind
to think entirely or almost entirely about one subject (coll)
take your mind off
stop thinking about
bring to mind
to remind you of someone or something
in two minds about
to not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision
on your mind
in your thoughts, or making you worry
state of mind
what you are thinking, mental condition
not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own
term used to refer to an actor who is repeatedly cast in a similar role.
a person who is rejected (from society or home)
prepared to accept other views or behaviours
willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own
under the misapprehension that
a failure to understand something, or an understanding or belief about something that is not correct
point of view