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Earth's atmosphere is composed of only oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The majority of Earth's freshwater is located ___________.
in ice sheets and glaciers (polar ice)
Hawaii is an example of a location that experiences intraplate earthquakes and volcanoes.
The atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere are interdependent systems.
Hydrology is the study of which of the following?
water flow on and below Earth's surface
A scientific law is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world.
Organized procedure that involves making measurements and observations
Organized procedure that involves making measurements and observations
Dependent Varible
Factor in an experiment that can be manipulated by the experimenter
Which of the following are associated with lines of latitude?
-- the Equator
-global climate zones
What is the name of the meridian located at 0°?
Prime Meridian
Degrees of _________ represent the same distance every where on Earth, whereas, degrees of ___________ represent difference distances.
latitude; longitude
The climate in the middle latitudes is considered ___________.
variable, but temperate.
A place located at -18.156290, 147.485962 is located in the ________ and _______ hemispheres.
Southern; Eastern
Top crops in the US
Highland Aquifer
located in Kansas
Largest in NA
Problem with Farmers using Auqifers ?
The earth cant restore the water taken in time.
Cartography allows geographers to visually represent spatial data that is being studied.
Which of the following is true of a map with a scale of 1:24000?
A distance of 1 inch on the map is equal to a distance of 24,000 inches on the Earth's actual surface.
The Gulf Stream is partially responsible for moderating the climate of western Europe, so that winters are less cold than would otherwise be expected at its latitude
Which of the following contribute to the success of agriculture in Kansas?
center pivot irrigation
fertile soil
water from the Ogallala Aquifer
The current rate of groundwater withdrawal from the High Plains aquifer is sustainable.
A(n) ___________ well is a well in which water from a confined aquifer rises to the surface through natural pressure.
When the pore spaces between sediment become too small and do not allow water to pass through, the sediment is said to be
The man noted for first describing the formation of a giant supercontinent that broke and moved apart is
An unconfined aquifer has an impermeable layer above it that prevents the flow of water from the surface directly into the aquifer.
Saltwater intrusion may occur in some coastal aquifers.
Bathymetry is
the study of the "beds" or "floors" of water bodies such as oceans, lakes, and rivers.
What provides the energy that allows crustal plates to move?
convection processes in the asthenosphere
What tool used by geographers employs the process of triangulation?
The Universe is approximately _____________.
14 billion years old.
Which of the following was the first element to be formed after the "big bang"?
The Milky Way Galaxy is an example of a ______ galaxy.
What is the name of the star in our solar system?
the Sun
Which of the following are states of matter found in the universe?
Earth is _____________ from the Sun.
93 million miles
As you are moving away from the sun, which of the following lists the correct order of the Gas Giants?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
The angle and amount of incoming solar energy received at the Earth's surface changes with latitude for which of the following reasons?
The curvature of the Earth changes the directness of the sun angle.
Earthquakes that occur in the middle of tectonic plates are known as interpol earthquakes
69% of earths freshwater is located in glaiers and ice sheets
Isolation is another name for incoming solar radiation.
Scientific laws
they are considered facts
Scientific Based Evidence
Often Mathematical
At a ____ plate boundary, two tectonic plates are moving away from each other
lines that run east and west
measures north to south
lines that run north and south but measure east and west
closes point on earth orbit
point in a planet's orbit that is farthest from the sun
Perilion Now is ?
N. Hemishpere Winter
Agphelion now is ?
N Hemishpere Summer
Electromagnetic energy travels in
the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time
Radio Waves length
Foot Ball Feild
In fared Light
Heat emiited
visable light
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum thatis visible to the human eye.
Ultrviolet radiation
frequencies higher that violet on the visible spectrum with shorter wavelenghts
waves with higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths than UV light
gamma rays
Electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies
long waves
Blue Purple Violet
Short waves
The curvature of the Earth changes the directness of the sun angle.
the International Date Line
It is generally located along the 180° E and W meridian.
It marks the geographic transition from one day to the next day.
Traveling east across the dateline requires you to subtract a day.
subsolar point
is the point at which its sun is perceived to be directly overhead (
The atomic mass of an atom is equal to
the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
The shortest wavelength of visible light falls at about _____ nanometers and is ________.
375; violet
A radiowave can have a wavelength the size of a football field.
Which of the following types of electromagnetic energy is harmful to living things such as plant life and humans?
Ultraviolet energy
correctly describes the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic energy?
As wavelength increases, frequency decreases.
What's at the center of the Earth
Hot molten Iron that produces earths magnetic shield
witch forms the magentosphere
What causes the northern lights?
charged particles from the sun make contact with atoms in the megnerticsphere
How long has the earth been around?
4.6 billion years
Oldest known fossils formed from many layers of bacteria and sediment.
The atomic number of uranium is ______.
solar irradiance also known as the solar constant
-On average it is equal to ~1370 watts per square meter.
-t is the average amount of radiation received from the Sun.
-It is not exactly constant due to changes in solar output.
Without the magnetic field, the solar wind would strip away Earth's atmosphere and oceans.
tatement about electromagnetic radiation
Hot objects emit more radiation than cooler objects.
atmospheric layers protects life on Earth by absorbing short wavelength energy such as gamma, cosmic, and X-rays?
_________ is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
Hamelin Pool (aka Shark Bay) in Australia is one of only two places in the world where there are living stromatolites.
Circulations in the _________ are the dominant cause of the Earth's magnetic field.
outer core
Which layer of the Earth is the uppermost layer and begins at the Moho?
What heat transfer process in the asthenosphere is influential in creating earthquakes, volcanoes, and crust deformation?
following are true about continental crust
It is composed of granite.
It is less dense than oceanic crust.
It is thicker under mountainous areas.
Which of the following components of the atmosphere is found in the same proportion over time and space?
constant gases
Which of the following is true of biomass?
t is the amount of stored chemical energy.
Omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores are all called
Which of the following are inputs necessary for the process of photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide
solar energy
The concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere varies from less than 1% to approximately 4%. If a region has ~4% atmospheric water vapor, it is likely to be described as having a _____________ climate.
The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is
Nitrogen 78%
green house effect
The warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of the Earth that occurs when water vapor, carbon dioxide, and gases absorb and radiate thermal energy.
greenhouse gases
Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and ozone in the atmosphere which are involved in the greenhouse effect.
one sunrise one sunet
Arctic Polar Vortex
When the cold air circulate around the arctic
Chlorine Atoms
part of CFC molecules that destroy ozone molecules
In 1950, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide was ________. Today, the concentration is ____________.
~300ppm; ~400ppm
As the temperature of an air mass ________, its ability to hold water vapor __________.
increases; increases
Counter-radiation is
longwave radiation that is emitted from the atmosphere downward.
Which of the following are Earth's two most abundant greenhouse gases?
carbon dioxide
water vapor
_______ energy passes through greenhouse gases whereas ________ energy is absorbed.
shortwave; longwave
What conditions above Antarctica magnify the destructive potential of a changing atmosphere? These conditions are resulting in the loss of stratospheric ozone.
man-made CFCs
Its average surface temperature is 500 degrees Celsius.
Carbon dioxide makes up 96% of its atmosphere.
It has 90 times more atmospheric pressure than Earth.