Sunday School Notes Class 10

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Why was there resistance in adding Apocryphal books to the Scripture?

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Why was there resistance in adding Apocryphal books to the Scripture?

  1. Lack of authenticity

  2. Contents conflicting with teachings in other accepted writings.

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What is the stand of the Syriac Orthodox Church on Apocryphal books?

The Syriac Orthodox Church considers them to be deuterocanonical books.

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How many Apocryphal books have been added to the Peshita and what are their names?

11 Books. Tobit, Judith, the Rest of Esther, the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, the Letter to Jeremiah, Baruch 1, Baruch 2, the Rest of Daniel, Maccabees 1, Maccabees 2

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What is 'Peshita'?

It means 'simple' and is the Syriac Orthodox's officially accepted version of the Holy Bible.

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Aramaic translation is called what?

Targum — it was the text used by Jesus in the Synagogue

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What is Diatessaron?

(Harmony of 4) - it is a combination of 4 Gospels added to the Scripture in the 2nd century

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What is the Malayalam translation of Peshita?

Vishudha Grandham

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What does 'Canon' mean and what does this refer to?

It means 'measuring rod' and it refers to the rules and standards by which the writings were evaluated by.

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What is the Muratorian Fragment? And why is it called 'fragment?'

It is the oldest list of New Testament books. They are called fragments and not Canon because of their missing parts.

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How did Holy Synods play an important part in Canonization?

  1. Synods provided strong authority to decide over disagreements.

  2. Synods examined the authority of each book by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  3. Synods decided which books to include and not include in the Bible.

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Which Holy Synod made the first unanimous decision on Canon of the Bible?

Holy Synod of Carthage, Africa.

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What are the 6 standards to select a book to include in the Holy Bible?

  1. Witness of the Holy Spirit - Synod members should feel the witness or influence of the Holy Spirit

  2. Early Acceptance - already accepted or widely used

  3. Apostolic - written by an Apostle or a companion

  4. Christocentric - centered on Christ and His acts

  5. Inspirational - contains high values to inspire one

  6. Dogmas - written in agreement with the accepted dogmas of Church

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What is Septuagint?

The Greek version of the Old Testament.

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How many books are in the Old Testament?

There is a confusion in the number of books. Our church has accepted 49 books. The 11 accepted Apocryphal books are part of the Old Testament.

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How many books are in the New Testament?

27 books

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What is Pentateuch?

It is the Greek version of the Torah. 5 books - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. No Apocryphal books

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What does Genesis cover?

The Creation, the Fall of Man, Spread of Civilization, the Flood, the Call of Abraham, Promises of the Messiah, Joseph in Egypt. Genesis covers more time than the rest of the books combined.

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What does Exodus cover?

The Events in Egypt, the Events on the way to Mount Sinai, and the Events in Mount Sinai.

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What were in the Events in Egypt?

Commision of Moses, the 10 plagues, the beginning of the Passover.

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What were the events on the way to Mt. Sinai?

The crossing of the Red Sea

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What were the events in Mt. Sinai?

The 10 commandments, the instructions for the Tabernacle, the building and erection of the Tabernacle, and God filling the Tabernacle.

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What does Leviticus deal with?

How to worship God, how to serve God, and how to obey God.

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What is the Jubilee year?

Occurs every 50th year. All leased lands must return to the owners, all the slaves are released, and mandatory rest to the land. This is explained in Leviticus 25, and is to purify Israel’s economy

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What does Numbers deal with>

Moses counted the number of people in each tribe. This book records the tragic story and consequences of Israel's unbelief.

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What does Deuteronomy cover?

  1. Farewell speech by Moses

  2. Location - Plaine of Moab

  3. Departure of a true leader

  4. Repeats the ‘Law’ to the Israelites

  5. Deuteronomy means ‘second law’ because the laws are repeated

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What are the Wisdom books?

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs

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Who are the Major Prophets?(4)

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

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Who are the Minor Prophets?(12)

Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

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What were the phases of Moses' life?

  1. Egypt - 40 years

  2. Land of Mirian - 40 years

  3. Leading Israel through the wilderness - 40 years

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What happened to Moses in Egypt?

  1. Lived at Jethro's house

  2. Stumbles into God in form of burning bush at Mt.Sinai

  3. On God’s command, returned to Egypt

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What happened to Moses in the Land of Midian?

  1. Born in Egypt, raised by Pharaoh's daughter

  2. Impulsive murder of an Egyptian and fled to Midian

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What happened to Moses when he led Israel through the wilderness?

  1. Released Israelites from Pharoah

  1. Led them to the Promised Land

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What were the challenges in Moses' life?*

  1. Human faults: impulsive, passionate

  2. Physical disabilities: weak, age, problem with speaking

  3. Diverse roles: prophet, priest, savior, mediator, leader

  4. Exhausted: overworked and overwhelmed

  5. Ombudsman: continuous grumbling and complaints from people

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How did Moses overcome his challenges?*

  1. Product of circumstances in early life

  2. Heroic virtues of Moses: Utmost faith in God (faith gave him weapons to overcome the toughest situations, persevere, and pursue), Patient and Persistent (patiently argued with Pharaoh & patiently stayed with people who were complaining constantly), Steadfast obedience (always acted what God want him to do, even when people wanted to do something else)

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Why is Moses the Pre-figure of Jesus Christ?*

Because of the parallels between his life and Jesus’.

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What are the parallels between Moses & Jesus?*

  1. Jesus' escape from slaughter by Herod. Moses’ escape from Pharaoh’s design to kill Hebrew infants

  2. Jesus’ fasting in wilderness for 40 days before His public ministry. Moses’ fasting for 40 days prior to starting his journey with Israelites.

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What are the important people, events and places for Moses?*

  1. Born in Egypt, lived in Pharaoh's palace, fled to Midian, returned to Egypt

  2. Parted Red Sea and led Israelites through Shur desert

  3. Receiving Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai

  4. Converted bitter water to fit to drink at Marah

  5. Lifting bronze serpent in the wilderness for healing; Reference in New Testament in the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus symbolically followed in our Church by placing cross in the middle of Church during mid-Lent; staff with serpent varied by our Patriarch and Bishops

  6. Appointed successor as Joshua

  7. Mount Nebo: lived his last days and saw the Promised Land

  8. Moses (Law) re-appearing along with Elijah (Prophet) during transfiguration of Jesus at Mount Tabor

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Who were the other people in Moses' life?

  1. Father: Amram

  2. Mother: Jochebed

  3. Brother: Aaron

  4. Sister: Miriam prophetess)

  5. Wife: Zipporah

  6. Father-in-law: Jethro (Moses lived with him after fleeing from Egypt)

  7. Son: Gershom

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Did Moses enter the promised land?

No, because he disobeyed God. God told him to speak to the rock to get water, but Moses struck the rock twice. Moses saw the Promised Land.

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Church fathers state ______________ represents the Law and _________________ represents the prophets

Moses, Elijah

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What was included in the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus?

Compares Moses' lifting up the bronze serpent in the wilderness to His own death and resurrection

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"After three days of journey through the desert, Israelites found a place for water. But the water was bitter to drink. Israelites started complaining to Moses. God asked Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water and water turned fit to drink". Where did the above event take place?


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What are the sections of the New Testament?

  1. Gospel & Acts(5) - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts

  2. Epistles (21) - Pauline (14), General (James, Peter (2), John (3), Jude)

  3. Apocalyptic Text - Revelations (written by John)

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What are Gospels & How many are there?

  1. Narrative of the Incarnation of Jesus

  2. Targets Gentiles & Jews

  3. 4 Gospels - 3 Synoptic & John’s

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Gospel of Matthew

Matthew was the disciple of Jesus

  1. Jesus as the Messiah

  2. Jewish audience

  3. Genealogy of Christ

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Gospel of Mark

Mark was the disciple of St. Peter

  1. Omnipotent power of Jesus

  2. Roman audience

  3. Miracles

The first Gospel written

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Gospel of Luke

Luke was the disciple of St. Paul

  1. Humanity of Jesus

  2. Greeks & Gentile audience

  3. More parables

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Gospel of John

John was the disciple of Jesus

  1. Jesus as the Son of God

  2. Jewish audience

  3. More complete narrative - had a more intimate relationship with Jesus and was present during Trial, Crucifixion, & Resurrection

Intentional effort to minimize overlap with the other Gospels

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Possible author - St.Luke

  1. Narrates efforts of Peter (among Jews) and Paul (among Gentiles)

  2. Early history of Christianity

  3. Highlights Council of Jerusalem, dispute over circumcision of Gentile converts, and acceptance of Gentiles to Church

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Non- Pauline Epistles

The General Epistles

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Epistle of James

James was the brother of Christ & First Archbishop of Jerusalem

  1. Focuses on Christian living

  2. Scriptural basis of anointing the sick

  3. Favoritism forbidden

  4. Faith and Deeds

  5. Tame the tongue

  6. Christian Wisdom

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Epistles of Peter(2)

Disciple of Jesus

  1. Targets scattered Christians

  2. During the time of persecution

  3. Suffering

  4. Anxiousness about faith

  5. False teachers

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Epistles of John (3)

Disciple of Jesus

  1. 1st Epistle - General

  2. 2nd Epistle - addresses a pious lady; warnings against false teachers

  3. 3rd Epistle - addressed to Gaius; advises Gaius on how to handle the troubles

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Epistle of Jude

Brother of Jesus

  1. Addressed to Jewish Christians

  2. Advice on false teachers

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Early life of Paul

  1. Born in Tarsus in Cilicia as a Jew in 4 or 5 BC

  2. Pharisee in tribe of Benjamin

  3. Hebrew name ‘Saul’ means ‘desired’ or ‘asked for’

  4. Roman name ‘Paul’ means ‘small’ (humble)

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Conversion of Saul

  1. Amazed by how Christians met persecutions (Stoning of Stephen, first martyr)

  2. Encountered Christ on his way to Damascus (“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me”)

  3. Spent 3 years in Arabia preparing through divine visions

  4. Met St.Peter, appointed by Jesus, consecrated by the laying of hands from Apostles

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Paul's 1st Missionary Journey

  1. Paphos: Elymas blinded, converted Sergius Paulus (Roman Proconsul)

  2. Lustra: People thought they are Zeus/Hermes → Jews from Iconium incited to stone them

  3. Companions: Paul, Barnabas, John

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Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey

  1. Lystra: Meets Timothy

  2. Philippi: Conversion of Lydia and family, healing of women with demon (beaten, imprisoned, earthquake/jail

  3. Thessalonica/Berea: preached and then persecuted by the Jews

  4. Athens: debate with Epicuireans & Stoics, speech “to an unknown God”

  5. Corinth: Work with Aquila & Priscilla, stays 1.5 years preaching & teaching

  6. Who: Paul, Silas, Timothy, later (Aquila & Priscilla)

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Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey

  1. Ephesus - Stayed 3 months, Riots (silversmith riots, etc.)

  2. Jerusalem - arrested

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Paul's 4th(Final) Missionary Journey

  1. Accused by Jews that he preached against Mosaic Law

  2. Ship wreckage

  3. Healing of Publius’s father

  4. Was treated well and allowed to preach

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Why were the 14 Pauline Epistles written?

Response to the conditions that existed in Churches

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What are the two broad categories for the Pauline Epistles?

  1. Addressed to Communities (10)

  2. Addressed to individuals (14)

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What were the themes of the Pauline Epistles?*

Church, Discipline of Church, Priesthood, Holy Eucharist, Marital Life, Suffering, Resurrection of the Dead

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Martyrdom of St. Paul

Beheaded during the reign of Nero, the Emperor

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Birth & Early Life of St. Mary

  1. Born to Joachim and Hanna (Was born as an answer to Joachim’s fasting and prayers for a child)

  2. Parents vowed to dedicate her to temple

  3. ‘Mary’ means ‘sea of bitterness’

  4. Grew up in temple from age 3 (Had a very spiritual life from a very young age; married to Joseph, a shepherd, at age 12 because she could not live in temple after that)

  5. Nativity Feast - Sep 8th (our church remembers the nativity of only 2 (Jesus and St.Mary))

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Annunciation to St. Mary

  1. Angel Gabriel announced to Mary about bearing a son after her betrothal, but before Marriage.

  2. Annunciation - Invitation for the position of ‘Theotokos’ (Mother of God)

  3. Mary accepted the sufferings and sacrifices that followed (Doubted by Joseph, poverty, plight for life, and witnessing crucifixion of Jesus)

  4. Church commemorates the Annunciation to St.Mary two times a year (March 25th and 4th Sunday of Liturgical calendar)

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What are the 7 virtues of St. Mary?*

Strong, prudent, obedient, faithful, humble, chaste, and prayerful

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Orthodox teachings about St. Mary

  1. St. Mary has perpetual (never ending) virginity (Mary remained chaste before, during, and after Jesus)

  2. St.Mary is the Theotokos (Mother of God; Jesus with united human & divine nature was born to Mary. Hence, Mary is rightly called ‘Mother of God’ (St.Cyril and St.Severius); capable to listen to our prayers and intercede to her son on our behalf; remembered in the 4th Diptych)

  3. St.Mary was Assumed to heaven (not ascended, but assumed (taken up; not supported by scripture, but is the Church belief; justified by empty tomb, lack of relics and her belt 'Soonoro'; Shoonoyo Lent (August 10-15) to commemorate the passing away of St. Mary; St. Thomas received the Soonoro during Assumption.)

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What are the different types of Church Traditions?

  1. Divine tradition: Teachings given by Jesus directly

  2. Apostolic tradition: Teachings of Christ to Apostles, passed on to generations. (laws, messages etc)

  3. Patristic tradition: Teaching received by Church from the Church fathers (interpretations, rites etc)

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Role of Holy Spirit in Traditions

  1. Spoke through prophets and Apostles

  2. Inspired Church Fathers

  3. Reminded what Jesus taught

  4. Guiding to the Truth

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Sola Scriptura

  1. Teaches that Bible is the sole source of God's revelation and contains everything required for salvation.

  2. No church empowered to interpret the meaning of Scripture

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What is the Church's stand on Sola Scriptura?

  1. Our Church rejects 'Sola Scriptura'

  2. The Bible was compiled based on the decisions taken in Council of Carthage (AD 397).

  3. Historical evidence that early Church relied on Apostolic Traditions in resolving doctrinal disputes, not Scripture alone. The Nicene Creed (AD 325) itself was composed before the Bible the compiled.

  4. Bible itself stating that Scripture is not complete (John 20:30)

  5. Fallible interpretation of Scripture

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Priesthood in Old Testament

  1. Pre-Abraham : Melchizedek
    Pre-Moses : Eldest male
    Post-Moses : Aaron & descendants

  2. Mediator between God and People
    Head of synagogue
    Offer sacrifices
    Holy of Holies

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Priesthood in New Testament

  1. Instituted by Jesus, through Apostles

  2. Responsibilities:
    Preach, teach, heal, Eucharist, absolution

  3. Ordination:
    Laying of Hands, Gave Holy Spirit, Teach
    Model of tending a flock...

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Priesthood Today

  1. Responsibilities / Expectations

    Know - Feed - Lead - Train - Protect - Seek

  2. Authority
    Not by election / approval of people → But from God
    Divine call + answer + Holy Spirit
    Discretion of Bishop

  3. Other responsibilities
    Sacramental duties, Bridge local people to church hierarchy

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Origin word of Priest

Presbyteros(Greek) = Kashisho(Syriac) = Kahane(Hebrew) = Elder

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What are the steps to Patriarch & When is the decision on family made?

  1. Faithful

  2. Confessor

  3. Singer

  4. Reader

  5. Sub-deacon

  6. Full-deacon -- Decision on family

  7. Priest / Cor-episcopa

  8. Bishop

  9. Patriarch

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What happens in the Ordination Service?

  1. Cutting of hair

  2. Holy Spirit

  3. Hands on Head

  4. Giving of Vestments

  5. Vesting

  6. Finishes HQ

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What is a Kutino?

The white robe of altar assistants

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What is Mzamrono?


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What is Kooroyo?


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What are the Vestments of a Priest?What are the Vestments of a Priest?

  1. Stole/Hamnikho (Fear of the Lord)

  2. Cuffs/Sleeves (Readiness to work to keep God's law)

  3. Girdle/Zoonoro (Control of bodily desires)

  4. Cap(7 sections for complete priesthood)

  5. Cope(Aaron's robe)

  6. Shoes/M'sone(no animal skin)

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What are the Vestments of a Bishop?

  1. Turban (Masnaphto) : cloth with which Lord's head was bound

  2. Batrashit : Stole (Hamniko) extending to the back.

  3. Cross and Icon Chain : Separated for Lord

  4. Staff: Authority, Moses Staff.

  5. Hand Cross : willingness to deny himself

  6. Hood/Eskimo (13 stitched crosses - Jesus + 12)

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What are the Vestments of the Patriarch?

Sakro (Shield) attached to the Girdle/Zoonoro - Authority and position as 'protector of faith'

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What are the Prerequisites for marriage?

  1. Officiated canonically for one man and one woman who obtained a Holy Baptism and Holy Chrism

  2. Legal age to marry and mentally, physically and emotionally sound.

  3. No close blood relationship upto at least 7 generations

  4. No other living life partner

  5. Should receive the Sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Qurbono

  6. Should undergo premarital counseling arranged by the Holy Church

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Marriage Service

  1. Blessing of Rings
    Betrothal service
    Ring without loose ends -> Indicates permanency and life long nature of relationship

  2. Blessing of the Crown
    Deeply symbolic and significant
    Signifies special grace of Holy Spirit descending on the couple

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After the Wedding

  1. Sacrifice and Submission

  2. Family and Children

  3. Compromise

  4. Second Marriage

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