Philippians - “A martyr’s letter to martyrs”
Paul receives a vision from a man in Macedonia asking for help - Paul then travels to Macedonia and lands in Philippi
Congregation of Philippi - First known congregation in Europe
Philippi - in Macedonia
Popular Among Military Retirees - After leaving the Roman army, they would buy land and farm
Philippi - very patriotic to Rome
Prison Letter
Purpose - Friendly letter to strengthen relationship between Paul and the congregation
Epaphroditus was in Philippi for awhile (2:25); Epaphroditus just arrived in Philippi (4:8)
Might be a mash of 2+ letters
Sudden shift in tone - “Beware of the dogs!”
Bishops and Deacons did not exist but the words were used in Philippians
May have just meant generic terms (Bishop - Overseer; Deacon - Servant)
Transliterate - put Greek word in English translation
Translator gets to choose which word to use so personal theology and bias can come into the text
Ex. Phoebe is a deacon in some versions but a servant in others
Context - Humility of Christ
Early Liturgy/Hymn - Preexistence of Jesus in the form of God before being born in human likeness and then exalted by God after the crucifixion
Incarnation - God becoming man
Hierarchy of God - God the Father, then the son, then the spirit
The idea of the “hierarchy of God” caused strain in Jewish communities rooted in monotheism
Monotheism - Belief in one God
God Man - Being God and man at once (debated in the church)
Nestorius - Patriarch of Constantinople (5th Century)
To keep God from swallowing up the humanity of Christ, the two natures (divine and human) must be separated (like oil and water)
Cyril - Bishop of Alexandria
Calls out Nestorius for preaching heresy
The two natures in Jesus are distinct and joined in a hypostatic union
Hypostatic Union - union in one hypostasis (being)
Council of Chalcedon (451 CE) - approved of Cyril’s beliefs in the hypostatic union
Council of Chalcedon (451 CE) - Condemned Nestorius and his belief for being heretical
Syrian Church (Church in the East) - most ancient church
Syrian Church - does not follow the Council of Chalcedon’s beliefs and follow Nestorius still
Athanasius - wrote On the Incarnation
when christ as god put on humanity, he elevated humanity to the status of the divine
we are broken as human beings but when Christ became human the image of god could be restored in us; death can be conquered now
Paul is in prison but is encouraging Philippians to have joy
Context - Judiasers (Must be Jews and follow the Law to be Christian), people proclaiming the Gospel with the wrong motives, materialistic people, opponents oppressing the church