Quantitative Information
Data that can be counted, measured, and expressed using numbers.
Qualitative Information
Data can be categorized based on traits and characteristics.
When 1 variable is changed it will cause a change in others
When there is a relationship present between 2 or more variables
Empirical Data
Based on factual statements and statistics
Normative Data
Requires value judgments and can be debated
"What should be“
Human Development Index
Ranks countries into tears using measured life expectancy, education, and percapita income.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The value of goods and services produced by all workers within a nation.
GDP Per Capita
Takes the total GDP and divides it by the country's population.
GDP Growth Rate
Measures how fast the economy is growing from quarter to quarter.
Freedom House
An independent watchdog organization dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world.
Transparency International
Gives a voice to victims and witnesses of corruption. It works with governments, businesses and citizens to stop the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals.
Fragile States Index
Assesses a states' vulnerability for conflict or collapse, ranking all sovereign states with United Nations membership where there is enough data available for analysis.
Enduring Understanding
Political Systems and regimes reflect the dynamic balance of power between government and its citizens.
Characteristics of States
Territory with internationally recognized boundaries.
People live there on an ongoing basis
Organized economic activity
Government provides public services & police power.
Sovereignty! No other state should have power over the country's territory.
Characteristic of a Nation
People bound together by a common political identity
Identify through historical, cultural, religious, geographic, or linguistic ties.
Nations are not necessarily countries
What might be some nations that are not countries?
Fundamental rules that control access to political power
Tend to remain unless there is a disruption that completely changes the rules of the state.
Set of institutions given power to make decisions for a state.
Authority to use power to enforce policies and decisions.
Government has authority over the population in its borders.
Characteristics of a Democratic State
Competitive elections
Civil liberties
Rule of law
Neutrality of Judiciary
Open civil society
Civilian control of the military
Characteristics of an Authoritarian State
Decisions made by political elites ruling over state
Citizens have little or no choice on leadership or government decisions
No constitutional responsibility of leaders to the public
Restriction of civil rights and civil liberties