Elements of political and social protest writing: Text overview - A Doll’s House

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Power and Powerlessness

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Paper 2: Massolit

14 Terms


Power and Powerlessness

Ibsen's exploration of societal power dynamics, particularly focusing on marriage, financial institutions, and the role of women, in his play "A Doll's House."

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Torvald Helmer

Represents authoritative masculine middle-class power, controlling his wife and employees, reflecting societal beliefs about gender roles and respectability.

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Nora's Rebellion

Nora's act of dramatic exit at the play's end as a powerful rebellion against societal expectations, rejecting her role as a wife and mother for self-discovery.

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Demonstrates how societal expectations and the emphasis on reputation can lead to power struggles and powerlessness, highlighting the complexities of societal norms and individual actions.

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Explores the theme of respectability as a facade in the play, where characters like Torvald equate it with integrity and morality, showcasing the societal pressure to maintain appearances.

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Money as Power

Money symbolizes power in the play, motivating characters' actions and decisions, such as Krogstad's blackmail and Nora's forgery to save her husband's life.

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Represents the struggles of women in a male-dominated society, sacrificing personal happiness for financial security, showcasing the limitations imposed by societal norms.

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Society's Repression

Highlights how societal norms repress individuals, particularly women, restricting their freedom and opportunities, leading to power imbalances and struggles for autonomy.

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Oppression and Repression

The play conveys a sense of being controlled and restricted, exploring how societal expectations can oppress individuals.

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Setting Description

Ibsen uses detailed stage directions to establish a comfortable middle-class home as a crucial backdrop for the story.

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External Pressures

Society's norms and reputation concerns influence the characters' actions, even within the confines of a single room.

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Title Significance

The title "A Doll's House" hints at broader implications about the Helmers' marriage, suggesting a representative situation.

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Social Commentary

Reflecting late 19th-century Western European society, the play delves into women's rights and human rights, questioning the attainability of true freedom in a civilized society.

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Personal Discovery

Nora's statement, "I believe that I am first and foremost a human being," resonates with the theme of self-realization and the quest for personal identity.

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