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– Failure of separation of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids
– Gamete with 22 or 24 chromosomes
– Resulting gamete
• may have 47 chromosomes (trisomy)
– individual with three copies of one chromosome
• may have 45 chromosomes (monosomy)
– individual with one copies of one chromosome
– Most trisomies and monosomies embryo lethal
• a few allowing survival
– Most well know, trisomy 21, Down syndrome
• intellectual disability, slanting eye creases
• heart defects, poor muscle tone, short stature
• occur due to nondisjunction on oocyte (more common) or sperm
• incidence increasing with mother’s age
Ovarian Cancer
Primary malignancy in the ovary
5th most common cancer in women
• No reliable test for disease
• Often detected late
• Treatment, surgery and/or chemotherapy
Cervical Cancer
Common malignancy of female reproductive system
• Most important risk factor is HPV
Pap smear: Detects cervical cancer in early stage
If invasive, entire uterus removed (hysterectomy)
Part of endometrium displaced
Tissue becomes implanted on external surface of organs
within abdominopelvic cavity
Oral contraceptives or estrogen/progestin patches
Prevent LH spike and ovulation
Morning-after pills
inhibit ovulation
Taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse
Tubal ligation
Surgically cutting uterine tubes and tying off ends
Prevents sperm from reaching uterus
Outpatient procedure
Ductus deferens cut, segment removed, ends tied
Sperm unable to leave testis
Breast Cancer
Occurs in 1 in 8 women in U.S.
• Risk factors
Family history, longer reproductive span, obesity, nulliparity,
late age at first pregnancy, specific genes (BRCA1 and
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
• Noncancerous enlargement of prostate gland
• Common in older men
Prostate Cancer
• One of most common malignancies in men over 50
• Forms hard, solid nodules within prostate
• Asymptomatic early on, later urinary symptoms
• Screening with digital rectal exam, PSA test
• Treatment: radiation therapy or surgical removal
Caused by bacterium Treponema pallidum
Spread sexually via contact with syphilitic sore, chancre, or in utero
Treatment with antibiotics
Most people asymptomatic
May have symptoms of vaginal discharge, painful urination, back pain
Spread by sexual contact or from mother to baby during delivery