Cognitive Neuroscience Final

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Speech Production

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Speech Production

  • Begins with air being expelled by the lungs

  • Produces air stream that passes through vocal folds of the larynx

  • Gives rise to a vibration of a certain frequency that is determined by the muscles of the larynx (they control tension of the vocal cords)

    • High voice and low voice

  • Vibrations then go into the vocal tract

  • Vocal tract adjusts muscles of all involved structures, including the tongue, to make different sounds

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Production of sound

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Speech sounds

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Perception of speech sounds

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Making a sentence

Phonemes → Syllables → Words → Sentences

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How many phonemes are in the English language?


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Interpreting Sounds

  • Physical properties of sound are not nearly as discrete: no one to one mapping of how we perceive sounds

  • If we focus on the physical breakups of sounds, they do NOT match our perception

  • Speech is as much PSYCHOLOGICAL as it is PHYSICAL

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Express complete and meaningful thoughts

  • Have rules and expectations about sentences: cannot be random words

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Rules by which words are properly formed and combined

  • Varies between languages

  • Absolutely critical to our understanding of spoken and written language

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Governs all of the grammatical rules, the correct way to use words and phrases, what sentences follow certain sentences

  • Visual information is also used to understand language

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McGurk Effect

“Ba” vs “Fa” - same sound, but changes for what you see

  • Visual information is also important

  • Works even if you know about the effect!

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Brain Anatomy of Language

  • Broca’s Area

  • Inferior frontal cortex

  • Sylvian fissure

  • Superior temporal gyrus (holds Heschl's Gyrus/A1)

  • Supramarginal Gyrus

  • Inferior parietal lobule

  • Angular Gyrus

  • Wernicke’s Area

  • Also occipital lobe (reading) and somatosensory (braille)

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Aphasia

Speech comprehension or production deficit.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Anomia

Naming deficit.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Dysarthria

Slurring of speech.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Paraphasia

Unintended near sound substitute.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Logorrhea

Incomprehensible speech.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Alexia

Reading deficit.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Agraphia

Writing deficit.

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Language Deficits in Neurological Disorders: Neologism

A new, generally nonsensical word.

  • Psychosis patients

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Broca’s Aphasia

Expressive deficit

  • Speech production and articulation difficulty

  • Speech comprehension (understanding) is completely normal

  • Effortful, slow, and telegraphic speech (characteristic of young children)

  • Varies in intensity

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Broca’s Aphasia - Patient Tan

  • French hat maker who had severe epilepsy

  • Age of 30, lost ability to speak

  • Hospitalized in a psychiatric wards

  • Could only say “tan” – how he communicated with the staff

  • Normal intellect

  • Muscle weakness on the right side of his body

    • Could suggest left hemisphere damage

  • Towards the end of his life, met Broca

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Wernicke’s Aphasia

Receptive - trouble comprehending both written and spoken language

  • Some problems with speech production, but in a different way

    • No trouble producing words: fluent

      • Syntax, amount of words, all is normal

      • The contents, however, is nonsensical

    • Damage to both gray and white matter

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Broca’s Area & Wernicke’s Area

  • Wernicke's area connects to Broca’s area through the arcuate fascicules

  • Loops to Wernicke's area through the angular gyrus

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Broca’s Aphasia Mnemonic

Broca is broke. \n Speaks broken words. \n He is also frustrated because he is broke.

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Wernicke’s Aphasia Mnemonic

Wernicke's like What? \n Wernicke's is all confused. \n Makes Word salads for a living.

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Aphasia Tree: Global Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • NO

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • NO

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • NO

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Aphasia Tree: Mixed Transcortical Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • NO

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • NO

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • YES

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Aphasia Tree: Broca’s Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • NO

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • YES

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • NO

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Aphasia Tree: Transcortical Motor Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • NO

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • YES

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • YES

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Aphasia Tree: Wernicke’s Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • YES

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • NO

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • NO

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Aphasia Tree: Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • YES

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • NO

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • YES

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Aphasia Tree: Conduction Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • YES

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • YES

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • NO

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Aphasia Tree: Anomic Aphasia

  1. Is speech fluent?

    • YES

  2. Can you comprehend spoken messages?

    • YES

  3. Can you repeat words or phrases?

    • YES

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Broca’s vs. Wernicke’s Aphasia

  • Broca’s Aphasia

    • Halting speech

    • Repetitive (perseveration)

    • Disordered syntax

    • Disordered grammar

    • Disordered structure of individual words

  • Wernicke’s Aphasia

    • Fluent speech

    • Little repetition

    • Syntax adequate

    • Grammar adequate

    • Contrived or inappropriate words

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Wernicke-Geschwind Model

  • What the Aphasia Tree is based on (clinical training)!

  • Assumes that auditory and visual information through primary cortical areas

  • Works its way to Wernicke's area

    • Where meaning is extracted

  • To produce speech, words are sent from Wernicke’s Area via the arcuate fasciculus to Broca’s Area

  • Send motor programming to primary motor cortex

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Wernicke-Geschwind Model: Problems

  • Associations between the areas of the brain that are damage are not always consistent

    • Aphasia tree and lesion location doesn’t often hold up

  • Some symptoms of aphasias can occur without damage to the language areas

  • Damage usually has to be deep to produce the clear deficits we are talking about

    • Deep white matter damage, usually

  • Comprehension vs. production doesn’t adequately capture all of the key differences in the clinical cases

    • Some can discriminate between speech sounds, but can’t discriminate between words

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Dual-Stream Model of Language

  • Has dorsal and ventral branches

  • Heshel’s Gyrus (green box)

    • Spectro-temporal analysis (frequency and sound processing)

  • Yellow box = Process phonemes

    • Dyslexia

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Dual-Stream Model of Language: Dorsal

  • Purpose: maps acoustic signals to frontal articulatory networks (sound/language for action network)

  • How” rather than “where

  • Left lateralized

    • More vulnerable to damage

  • Corresponds roughly to the Wernicke-Geschwind Model

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Dual-Stream Model of Language: Ventral

  • Processes speech for comprehension/meaning

  • What

  • Processes sound for meaning

  • Mostly bilateral (still a little bit left lateralized)

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Dual-Stream Model of Language: Arcuate Fasciculus

  • Connects Dorsal stream

  • Connects regions in the same hemisphere

  • Part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus

  • Conduction aphasia = damage to Arcuate Fasciculus

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Dual-Stream Model of Language: Uncinate Fasciculus

  • Connects Ventral stream

  • Connects anterior portions of temporal lobe to Broca’s area

  • Understood more poorly than the dorsal network

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Executive functioning is also known as …

Cognitive control

  • achieving your behavioral goal, whatever that may be

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3 primary executive functions

1. The ability to establish and modify rules

2. The ability to engage in contextual control

3. The ability to actively process information

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3 primary executive functions: 1. Rules

  • Our rules are particularly complex

  • Rules are abstract and vague

  • Rules are flexible: lots of exceptions

  • The actual engagement of these rules are difficult, more difficult that creating these rules

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Prefrontal Cortex

  • PFC

    • Planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior

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Subdivisions of the Prefrontal Cortex: Orbitofrontal Cortex

  • OFC

    • Hard to study due to nasal cavities blocking fMRI research

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Subdivisions of the Prefrontal Cortex: Anterior Cingulate Cortex

  • ACC

    • Broken into sub regions

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Dorsal (d)

Towards the top

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Ventral (v)

Towards the bottom

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Towards the back

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Towards the front

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Planes of the Prefrontal Cortex - Gradients

  • Gradient from lateral (side) to medial (midline)

  • Gradient from anterior (front) to posterior (back)

  • Gradient from dorsal (top) to ventral (bottom)

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  • What-How

    • From dorsal (how) to ventral (what)

      • Bigger on “how” than “what”

    • Similar to dorsal & ventral pathways discussed previously

  • Abstraction

    • From anterior (abstract) to posterior (concrete)

    • Front of brain deals with abstraction

  • Cold-Hot

    • From lateral (cold) to medial (hot)

    • Emotional salience of information

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WHACH Model: What-How Gradient

  • Similar to dorsal & ventral pathways discussed previously

  • Bigger on “how” than “what”

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Nagel et al. (2008) - What/How

  • Testing this dorsal/ventral route

  • Semantic task (semantically-related verb generation based on a picture of a noun) or response selection task (noun was presented, but here it was a paired-associate word task)

  • Easy, medium, and hard conditions for both

  • Measured BOLD effect


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Nagel et al. (2008): Results for Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

  • Responds more to the response selection task

  • Semantic selection task is more muted

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Nagel et al. (2008): Results for Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex

  • Responds more to semantic meaning (what information)

  • Not responding the response selection task

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WHACH Model: Abstraction Gradient

  • Anterior- Posterior gradient

    • Anterior (Rostral) PFC = abstract

    • Posterior (Caudal) PFC = concrete

  • Front of the brain deals w/ abstraction

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Badre & D’Esposito (2007): Abstract-Concrete Gradient

  • fMRI task

  • Condition A: Response

    • Press a colored key to indicate a certain color was present

    • Make it more complicated…

  • Condition  B: Feature to Response

    • Multiple rules considered

    • More fingers mapped, based on texture and color

  • Condition C: Dimensions

    • Multiple stimuli, stimuli can match on different properties

    • Comparing multiple objects for features, maps onto keys

  • Condition D: Context

    • VERY complex!

Mapped out the Anterior to Posterior gradient almost perfectly

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WHACH Model: Hot-Cold Gradient

  • Lateral to Medial gradient (in PFC)

    • Cold (Lateral)= non emotional cognitive processing

    • Hot (Medial)= emotional cognitive processing

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Goel & Dolan (2003): Hot-Cold Gradient Findings

  • Neutral condition activated more lateral parts of the PFC

  • Medial parts of PFC activated for emotional problems

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Libet Study

Do we have free will?

  • Before you're aware that you're making the decision, your brain is already ramping up activity (full 2.5 seconds before)

    • 150-250 milliseconds for human response time

    • 200 milliseconds before they press the button, feels the urge

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Fried et al. (2011)

  • Used single unit recordings (brain surgery subjects)

  • Targeted areas: Supplementary Motor Area, pre-SMA, ACCd, ACCr

    • ACC = monitoring (particularly errors)

      • Motivation, goal-setting

    • SMA = internally generated motor action

  • W = the urge (not the actual button press)

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Fried et al. (2011): Findings

  • Activity begins up to 2 seconds before you are even aware that you want to press the button

  • Accuracy of prediction is about 80%!

  • Evidence that even before the urge, brain gets ready to have a motor response

    • Proof that your brain makes decisions w/out you

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Intuition: Iowa Gambling Task

  • (Vegas Deck) One deck: high risk, high reward

  • Other deck: lower risk, lower reward

  • Repeat over multiple trials. Measured:

    • SCR = skin conductance response (measures if you are uncomfortable)

    • Behavioral response = # of cards selecting from each deck

  • Healthy participants**: show a physiological response to the disadvantaged deck even before consciously aware of why.**

  • Damage to Ventromedial area patients: continued to select bad deck - do not show learning (unlike controls)

    • Phineas Gage’s problem!

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Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)

  • Can attack younger people

  • Fairly rare

  • Highly variable course (T.O.D. could be 2 to 20 years post diagnosis)

  • Behaviors become abnormal (childlike, aggressive with others, things out of character)

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Duffy et al.: Schizophrenia Patients

  • Trouble deactivating the daydreaming default

    • Also characteristic of other MIs and dementia

  • Processing external information too much

    • Salience networks

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  • Intersection/confluence of behavior, physiology, and feeling!

    • More scientific approach then just feeling

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Six Basic Facial Expressions of Emotion

  • Anger

  • Happiness

  • Disgust

  • Surprise

  • Sadness

  • Fear

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Basic Emotions

  • Innate

  • Pan-cultural

  • Evolutionarily old

  • Conserved across species

  • Conveyed with specific facial features

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Complex Emotions

  • Learned

  • Culturally specific

  • Evolutionary new

  • Not conserved

  • No obvious

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Common-Sense Emotion Theory

Stimulus → Perception → Emotion → Bodily Arousal

  • Ex: Shark → “Shark!” → Fear → Increased HR, Increased BP, sweating

  • In reality… this is not quick enough to be accurate!

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James-Lange Theory

“Do we run from a bear because we are afraid, or are we afraid because we are running from a bear?”

  • James says you're afraid because you're running

    • Bodily arousal and the resulting flight or flight response happens first - emotions come last as a result of what is happening

  • Lange assumed that brain stem nuclei that control cardiac function are critical to informing the higher level cortices about what is actually happening

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James-Lange Theory: Problems

  • This theory ultimately fails, but it does explain why we can react so quickly to threats!

  • This theory suggests that you don’t feel afraid unless you first feel the physiological effects

    • Has been experimentally studied using deafferentation experiments (alter the brain so that the animal is unaware of physiological changes)

      • The animals show the same emotional response… so the J.L. theory is wrong about this point

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Cannon-Bard Theory

  • Argues that the autonomic nervous system response is too undifferentiated to yield a variety of emotional states

    • Not enough specificity in our A.N.S. to link to a direct feeling

  • Propose instead that bodily arousal and feelings are experiences simultaneously through different pathways

  • Still not the right model, but getting there…

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Papez Circuit

  • More complicated…

  • Informed by clinical data

  • Other structures getting involved

  • Direct predecessor of the limbic system!!

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Limbic System

Structures that mediate emotion

  • Not a simple direct pathway

  • Not 100% agreement on what structures are included in the limbic system, except for:

    • Hypothalamus

    • Amygdala

    • Thalamus (kind of…)

    • Hippocampus

    • Mamillary Body

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Limbic System: Amygdala

  • Strongly associated with feelings/emotions

  • Stimulation of amygdala= anger, violence, fear, anxiety

  • Destruction of amygdala = calmness, mellowness, and loss of fear

  • Connected to hippocampus via fornix

    • Explains why our memories are tinged w/ emotions

      • And why we remember emotionally charged memories better

  • Olfactory tract linked w/ limbic system - smells can bring up memories

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Limbic System: Hypothalamus

  • Regulates autonomic nervous system (fight/flight or rest/relax)

  • Output connections with amygdala

    • How amygdala is controlling the bodily state

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Limbic System: Problems

  • No systematic definition of what the limbic system is

  • Hippocampus is NOT an emotion-mediating structure

    • Studies prove this

  • Does not control all kinds of emotions (no complex emotions)

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Kluver-Bucy Syndrome: Symptoms

  • Docility

  • Hyperorality (explores object w/ mouth)

  • Visual agnosia (inability to recognize familiar objects)

  • Hypersexuality

  • Loss of fear

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Kluver-Bucy Syndrome

  • First, incorrectly attributed these symptoms with the hippocampus

    • In reality, it was the disconnection with the amygdala to the frontal cortex

  • Infection, poisoning, etc. for clinical cases

    • Most cases are experimental

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Charles Whitman

  • UT Austin mass killer (1966)

    • Killed his wife, mother, and 14 other people (wounded 31)

  • Suicide note:

    • “I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average, reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts”

    • No clear reason why he was doing this - seemed confused by his own actions

  • Autopsy found a small tumor near his amygdala, exciting his amygdala

    • Widely supported that this was the reason for his actions

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Urbach-Wiethe Disease

Genetic mutation that results in the calcification of the amygdala

  • VERY specific

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Patient SM

  • Diagnosed with Urbach-Wiethe Disease

  • “The Fearless Woman”

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Patient SM: Emotion

Struggles to identify basic emotions (especially fear)

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Patient SM: Eye tracking

Spends a lot less time looking at the eyes than normal

  • Emotions that are not fear: pretty good

  • Fear: not good

  • When she is told explicitly to focus on the eyes: she can do it!

    • Very complicated…

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Dual-Road Theory: Low Road

Immediate input, threat, quick response

  • Can be problematic: responds to schemas, stereotypes, biases…

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Dual-Road Theory: High Road

Traditional processing stream

  • Moderates a more calm, rational response

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Dual-Road Theory: Amygdala

  • Amygdala stores these threat memories

    • What is threatening?

    • What is an emergency?

  • Amygdala recognizes threat (low road), immediate fight or flight response

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Amygdala and the Ventral Stream

  • Can also affect your perceptionsfeedback loops to visual processing stream!

  • Majority of sensory resources focuses on that threat

  • Good… but has the potential to be problematic

    • Think about PTSD

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Face Emotional Perception (fMRI): Amygdala Activation

  • Emotion recognition task

  • Amygdala activates for all 6 basic emotions (not just fear!)

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Insula and Disgust

  • Anterior Insular cortex

    • Primary taste cortex

  • IAPS-Like Stimulus

    • Cockroach Stimulus - physiological gag reflex ensues

      • Activates Anterior Insula

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Ventral Medial PreFrontal Cortex (vmPFC)

Intuition, gut feelings, rewards, so many things!

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Emotion Regulation and vmPFC

  • 4 patients w/ vmPFC damage

  • Lots of overlapping damage

  • Brain activity in the right and left amygdala

    • Aversive and Neutral stimulus

  • Aversive Conditions

    • General pattern is the same, but stronger activity with patients (vs. controls)

      • Ventral PFC is regulating the emotional response of the amygdala (so when damaged, amygdala is unregulated)

      • These patients actually lose the ability to self-reflect and do not have a strong emotional response to the aversive stimuli (on the outside)

        • Pseudo-sociopathy symptom?

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Social Brain Hypothesis

Generally, the bigger the brain, the more social cognition

  • Human’s brains are particularly large for our body size

  • Areas that are bigger are related to social behavior

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Bigger Areas of the Brain That are Related to Social Behavior

  • Inferior Frontal Gyrus (IFG)

    • Executive functions

  • Super Temporal Sulcus (STS)

    • Language, speech, and memory

  • Temporal Parietal Junction (TPJ)

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Theory of Mind (ToM)

Chimp Study

  • Need Condition: walk in with something in their hand, press button w/ foot

  • Want Condition**:** used their feet with nothing occupying their hands

  • Given chimp opportunity to do the same thing

    • Want condition**: chimps are more likely to use their feet (imitate behavior… maybe b/c they find it fun!)**

    • Need cognition: equal use of hands and feet

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Why is ToM Important?

Predict/explain others behaviors and emotions (humans are good at this!)

  • Compassion/empathy for others

  • Understand sarcasm

  • Deception

  • Key impairment in some disorders: depression, autism, schizophrenia and some personality disorders

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