Theo Final/midterm 2023

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God and neighbor

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God and neighbor

we must love God and our Neighbors (the people around us)

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Vine & Branches

branches are an image of God that describes how we all share a common goal, ideals, and intimate sharing. How we are all connected by God

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New Covenant

The climax to salvation history, the coming of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation. (Covenant is a deal between God and people)

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Jonah (prophet)

was charged bc of judging the sinful, but God forgave the sinful and didn’t punish them.

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Mary Magdalene

jesus cleansed her of seven demons, and she financially aided him in Galilee. She was one of the witnesses of the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus and, famously, was the first person to see him after the Resurrection.

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Jesus promised his love for all his creations and will bring greatness through the Church/all who believe in him.

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the Church is the largest institution in the world

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We cannot grasp the power of the church by reason alone.

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In the OT, the Jews left the relationship with God, he didn’t leave them. 

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The Church is here to preach the word of God and help lead people into/through a loving relationship with God. She embodies the spirit of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

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Roman emperor

In Rome, the Roman emperor said that citizens of Rome had to worship the emperor like he was a god—but Christians didn’t accept this and refused to worship him.

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a person who belonged to a different religious party or sect in Jesus’ day. This means “separated”.

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Where the Pope resides

In the Vatican, and possibly the Magisterium(?)

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The Law and Relationship with God

The inseparability of God and love of neighbor must guide all other laws. You must strive for a strong and reliable relationship with God.

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Religion and the religious experience has been viewed as a product that can be consumed and sold to people—they can’t. It is something that everyone can have and it’s not a product.

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God choosing the Isrealites to be in relationship with him

God chose them because He had created a covenant with them, their sense of community came from God, and they had “steadfast love” 

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  • Institution of the Church (Who instituted it?)

Jesus instituted the Church

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  • Peter Baptizing at Pentecost

He baptized 3000 people and they all left Jerusalem to spread the word of God.

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  • The Council of Jerusalem and their stance on eating meat

They thought that eating meat that was strangled was not okay and they didn’t want them eating blood (Jewish had harsher laws)

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  • Free will and intellect 

God gave us that

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  • Where the first Disciples were called “Christians”

Antioch is where the disciples were first called Christians.

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  • “Kerygma” 

“Good News” in Greek

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  • Communion of Saints: Church Suffering, Church Militant, Church Triumphant

  • The Millient Church of Earth, the Suffering Church of purgatory, and the Triumphant Church in heaven. Relationships with the Saints are not meant to be one way/ We have prayed for those in purgatory to reach heaven, 

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  • Hypostatic union

  • Jesus is one divine person  with two natures: a divine and a human (he is both 100%)

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  • Predestination

  • A false doctrine taught by John Calvin that God determines people for Salvation or damnation before they are born and that no human effect can merit Salvation or entrance into the elect.

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  • Pontiff/pope

  • “Bridge builder” 

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  • Papal infallibility

The  Pope is never wrong

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  • Protestant Reformation

  • An effort to reform the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century, led to the separation of a large number of Christians.

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  • Marks of the Church

  • The four essential marks or qualities of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

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  • Love 

  • The desire for the betterment of another person. God is love

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  • Ecumenism

  • The effort to repair the break in the Church. 

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  • Trinity 

  • Father , Son, Holy spirit. They are all God but the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father or Son

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  • Being

  • Jesus is fully human and fully divine

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  • Catholic

  • “universal”

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  • Schism (know and explain those we talked about in class)

  • The fight/break between Constantropal and the Pope (excommunicated). Issues such as politics, culture, translations, etc. Michal the 3rd took away the rights from the Pope.

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  • Dogma

  • Main Church teachings 

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  • Apologist

  • “Defender of faith”

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  • Idolatry

  • Worshiping someone or something other than the true God.

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  • Apostles’ Creed vs the Nicene Creed

  • When were they written? 

Nica Creed was written in 325 C and the Apostles’ Creed was written 341 AD

  • What are the biggest differences between them?

The Apostles' Creed put out the basic beliefs of the Church. THe Nicea Creed straightened out those beliefs (also answered people's questions about the Church). 

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  • What does it mean to say we have Unity in Worship within the Church?

It means that when we are praying/worshiping together, bring us into communion with one another.

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  • Eastern Churches vs Eastern Orthodox Churches

Eastern orthodox Churches sided with the patriarch and were no longer in union with Rome, Eastern Churches stayed in union with Rome. 

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a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

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name for the ppl who were in one of the 9 expeditions that were intended to drive Muslims out of the Holy Land. reunited Christians of the East and West

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Holy Orders

ensures that a mission entrusted by Jesus to his apostles continues to be exercised by the Church

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Church Fathers

a name given to those whose teachings made a lasting mark on the church

Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, Saint Gregory

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feeling concern, even love, for the offender

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  • Sacramental Grace

the grace of the holy spirit, given by Christ, that is proper to each sacrement

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The highest form of adoration, in which a duly authorized priest in the name of the people offers a victim in acknowledgment of God's supreme dominion and of total human dependence on God

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God being infinetly beyond and independent of creation

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A court established by the Roman Catholic Church in the thirteenth century to try cases of heresy and other offenses against the church

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Miraculous Medal

a devotional medal, help Catholics remind them of their faith and religious duties, charity, and prayer.

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The Virgin Mary

Jesus’ mother

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St. Therese of Lisieux

“Little flower”

called love the vocation witch institutes all other vocations. Goal to get to heaven “the little way” ( keeping the love of chirst the motivation to everything)

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St. Pope John Paul II

“Magnus. Magnus, Magnus” (Great) became monk

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St. Francis de Sales

to restore peace in the council of Trent, made ecumenical work the focus of his ministry. Taught holiness is not just for monks or hermits—for everyone.

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  • St. Catherine Laboure 

Mother Mary told her to get a medal struck honoring the immaculate conception. created the Miraculous medals

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Ministerial Priesthood

graces for both personal holy life and helping others, “unfolding the baptismal grace of all Christians”. Own sacrament, the Holy Orders. serve in basic ways:

Preaching the gospel, celebrating divine worship, [providing pastoral governance

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  • Common Priesthood 

us as ppl i think (Idk)

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Importance of Mary 

Mary birthed Jesus, she is the mother of the church

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  • Role of the Saints 

spiritual guides and mentors, who would add their prayers in heaven to those offered by Christians still living in the material world In this way, they would “intercede” with God on behalf of those who asked for their aid.

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all christians are called to a vocation

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domestic church, focus on one another self-giving. In sexual relations, they are united

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Single life

“tasnitional singles” and life time singles must practice concupiscence that is witness in celibacy

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sins are forgiven,

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Holiness of the Church

not effected by who the people are in the church/their sins

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Immaculate Conception

Mary was born without sin

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dogma that teaches that the blessed mother, because of her unique role as the mother of God, was taken to heaven when her earthly life ended.

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Earning Holiness

living a normal life that is devoted to God.

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  • ”to bring about” Jesus was begotten because he was not generated by God the Father as human fathers generate their children

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  • The belief, in opposition to Christian Doctrine, that God and nature are one and the same

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  • a district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church.

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  • the Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church

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  • a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.

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  • if there were complete uniformity within the church it would become lifeless and sterile, it needed diversity

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  • the principle or aim of promoting unity among the world's Christian Churches.

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Catholic viewpoint of what it means to be a missionary

  • every member shares the command from Christ to carry the Good News of His teaching to all mankind by word and example.

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Primary roles/responsibilities of the pope and bishops

  • he primary role of the Bishop is to draw diverse groups of beliefs, practices, and people together into an enduring communion without depriving his local Church of the richness the diversity brings (to preserve the churches catholicity). Both the pope and bishops responsibility is to teach and make judgements about matters of Faith that enhance the Churches catholicity.

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The role of Catholic schools in promoting Catholicity

  • the kids go through regular prayer and do litigurys and retreats. It also combat discrimination for Catholic kids/people

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The origins of the word “catholic” in the early Christian community

  • the early Church community used the word”catholic” to highlight the difrences between th3 Church and many of the heretical sectts that were springing up–specificly Gnosticism.

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Catholic (big C) / Church (big C)

  • Catholic bit “C” refers to the Catholic Church as an institution/ christians who accept the entire visible  and institutional apostolic structure of the Church. Church with the big “C” the big-picture, universal Church that includes all believers.

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catholic (small c) / church (small c)--

  • catholic small “c” refers to the mark of the church that means “universal”. She is universal in 2 ways: Christ is present in  the Church and becuase of her mission for the human race. Church with the small “c” is referring to church as a local congregation

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Cultures and Catholicism

  • The Church embraces mandy different cultures and encourages the ptratice of their own tradtions and incorporate it within the Catholic traditiona as long as it is not coprimising the Gospel message.

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Catholicity and where it can be found in the Church

  • Catholicity is one of the 4 marks of the Church it i dentfies features of the Church (prayer, litigury, retreats, larger communities, creation, the divinity of Jesus, etc) and it both local and worldwide. Def: the quality or state of being catholic, as in taste, sympathy, or understanding; liberality, as of ideas.

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  • Protestant Christianity

  • both believe in one god and that Jesus Christ is the savior and that the bible is the Word of God.

  •  They are both very much concerned with the salvation of the individual

  • major differences between the two confessions, for example, Protestants do not accept the Pope as head of the Church

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  • Islam (Muslims)

  • Believe in one God]

  • Acknowledge God as the creator

  • God can judge mankind

  • Thor ancestry in Aberham

  • Islam teaches that Jesus was the penultimate and one of the most important prophets of God, but not the Son of God, not divine, and not part of the Trinity.

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  • Judaism (Jews)

  • Both are awaiting the Messiah

  • there is one God, (2) mighty and (3) good, (4) the Creator, (5) who reveals His Word to man, and (6) answers prayers

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Define Apostles (big and little)

little “a” apostles is “one who is sent/to be sent”

Big “A” Apostle is THE 12 Apostles

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an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest.

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successors of the Apostles

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Canon of scripture

The official collection of inspired books of the Bible 46 OT 27 NT

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Canon law

The CC is governed by a set if laws and regulations to identify structures, practices, and norms.

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Meditative prayer

Meditative prayer uses silence and stillness to assist believers to listen and talk to God.

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St Bernadette of Lourdes

Mary appeared to her where she explained that she is “the immaculate conception”

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Apostles’ Creed

Highlights the essential Christian beliefs on the Blessed trinity b proclaiming faith in: The first divine person ( God the Father), the second divine person (Jesus), the third divine person (the holy spirit).

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Nicene Creed

made to affirm that the Father as the "one God" and as the "Almighty," and Jesus Christ as "the Son of God", etc, basically to put an end to the heresies

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(Divine) Revelation

God's communication of himself, by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan,

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the pope and bishops are without mistakes when interpreting or sharing the word of God

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Examination of conscience

An honest assessment of how well we have lived in God’s covenant of love

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