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(step 1 of) Reflex Arc
what step of what process is when sense organs and sensory nerve endings pick up stimulus/s & send signals TO the CNS
(step 2 of) Reflex arc
what step of what process is when the CNS processes information & determines a response (after the message/signal from sense organs is recieved)?
(step 3 of) Reflex Arc
what step of what process happens when the CNS sends a response to muscles and/or gland cells?
Central Nervouse System (CNS)
-where information gets processed
-Includes the brain & spinal chord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
-made up of nerves + ganglia
-split into Sensory division and the Motor division
-a bundle of axons wrapped with CT
-the bulges/swellings in a nerve where soma are concentrated
Sensory/afferent division of PNS
-a division of the PNS
-split into the Visceral Sensory Division, and the Somatic Sensory Division
-carries signals TO the CNS
Motor/efferent division of PNS
-a division of the PNS
-split into Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Somatic Motor Division
-carrie’s signal away FROM the CNS
word meaning away from the CNS, associated with the word motor
word meaning going TO the CNS, associated with the word sensory
Somatic Sensory Division of PNS
-apart of the sensory/afferent division of the PNS
-has to do with the general body (skin, muscles, bones)
-carries signals FROM recetpors in skin muscles joints etc TO the CNS
Visceral Sensory Division
-apart of the sensory/afferent division of the PNS
-has to do with internal organs sense shit (lungs, intestines, heart, etc)
-carries signals from the viscera of the thorax and abdomen TO the CNS
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Somatic Motor Division
-apart of the motor/efferent division of PNS
-carries signals from CNS TO muscles
Sympathetic Division
-apart of the Autonomic Nervous System
-arouses body to action (fight or flight response
Cell that communicates within brain, and with other non brian cells (eg muscles)
the axon of this cell can be up to 3 ft long
The axon of a neuron can be up to ___ feet long
These are all properties of which type of cell?
-Excitability, Conductivity, secretion (of neurotransmitters),
-ability to communicate both chemically and electrically
Axon hillock
where the axon meets with the soma in a neuron
Motor Neurons
-axon hillock
thinking type of neurons
they also connect the sensory and motor neurons
cells with multiple branches that wrap around axons of multiple neurons to make myelin (this insulates the electrical signal to ve able to think faster)
attached to the soma
usually branching
receive signals
shit that sends signals on the neuron; can be up to 3 feet long
ependymal cells
-cuboidal cells lining the cavities of the brain and spinal cord that secrete CerebralSpinal Fluid
immune system cells
-form blood-brain barrier + supportive framework
Schwann cells
-they insulate axons of PNS
Satellite cells
-they insulate somas of PNS
-similar to endomysium but with nerves
-thin sheath of fibrous CT that covers the Schwann cell